A/B Testing

Gain market share and customer base information about the top A/B Testing tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of A/B Testing Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to A/B Testing

Top 5 A/B Testing technologies in 2023

Over 140,381 companies are using A/B Testing tools. Optimizely with 33.80% market share (47,448 customers), Crazy Egg with 28.67% market share (40,249 customers), Zoho PageSense with 7.29% market share (10,227 customers),

A/B Testing Customers by Employee Size

The majority of A/B Testing category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (74,603 companies), 20 - 49 employees (38,666 companies), 10 - 19 employees (14,655 companies).

A/B Testing Customers by Geography

Companies using A/B Testing technology software are majorly from the United States with 109,754 (72.04%), United Kingdom with 12,462 (8.18%), Canada with 5,999 (3.94%) customers respectively.

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A/B Testing Customers by Industry

Top industries that use A/B Testing for Professional Services (36,328), Technology (19,408), Retail and CPG (17,138).

Market Share for Top A/B Testing Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular A/B Testing technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer count and market share data is calculated based on the organizations identified and tracked in the 6sense database. Market share(%)
1 Optimizely 47448 33.80
2 Crazy Egg 40249 28.67
3 Zoho PageSense 10227 7.29
4 Hello Bar 7972 5.68
5 Adobe Target 6794 4.84
6 SpeedCurve 5394 3.84
7 Ezoic 5191 3.70
8 Justuno 4410 3.14
9 AB Tasty 3487 2.48
10 Kameleoon 1924 1.37
11 Webtrends 1390 0.99
12 Insider 1260 0.90
13 VWO Testing 1043 0.74
14 Omniconvert 555 0.40
15 Zarget 390 0.28
16 SiteGainer 360 0.26
17 SiteSpect 330 0.24
18 Cloud.IQ 204 0.15
19 Thrive Optimize 191 0.14
20 UsabilityHub 184 0.13
21 Convertize 178 0.13
22 PageWiz 147 0.10
23 Oracle Maxymiser 123 0.09
24 Plumb5 119 0.08
25 Conductrics 111 0.08
26 Nelio A/B Testing 90 0.06
27 HumCommerce 77 0.05
28 RankScience 73 0.05
29 Persado 71 0.05
30 Cordial 47 0.03
31 ion interactive 44 0.03
32 Splitly 43 0.03
33 Convert Experiences 37 0.03
34 ChangeAgain 33 0.02
35 Experiment Engine 26 0.02
36 Marketing Optimizer 25 0.02
37 Naytev 15 0.01
38 8Seconds 14 0.01
39 Maxymizely 13 0.01
40 Lander 12 0.01
41 SparkPage 12 0.01
42 Clickthroo 12 0.01
43 EyesDecide 10 0.01
44 Omniata 6 0.00
45 OpenText Optimost 6 0.00
46 AdBasis 5 0.00
47 GrowthGiant 5 0.00
48 BeamPulse 4 0.00
49 Payboard 4 0.00
50 invesp Pii Testing Engine 4 0.00
51 CBSplit 3 0.00
52 Proctor by Indeed 3 0.00
53 Amazon A/B Testing 2 0.00
54 RaiseMetrics 2 0.00
55 Appiterate 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Optimizely 33.80 (%)
Crazy Egg 28.67 (%)
Zoho PageSense 7.29 (%)
Hello Bar 5.68 (%)
Adobe Target 4.84 (%)
SpeedCurve 3.84 (%)
Ezoic 3.70 (%)
Justuno 3.14 (%)
AB Tasty 2.48 (%)
Kameleoon 1.37 (%)
Webtrends 0.99 (%)
Insider 0.90 (%)
VWO Testing 0.74 (%)
Omniconvert 0.40 (%)
Zarget 0.28 (%)
SiteGainer 0.26 (%)
SiteSpect 0.24 (%)
Cloud.IQ 0.15 (%)
Thrive Optimize 0.14 (%)
UsabilityHub 0.13 (%)
Convertize 0.13 (%)
PageWiz 0.10 (%)
Oracle Maxymiser 0.09 (%)
Plumb5 0.08 (%)
Conductrics 0.08 (%)
Nelio A/B Testing 0.06 (%)
HumCommerce 0.05 (%)
RankScience 0.05 (%)
Persado 0.05 (%)
Cordial 0.03 (%)
ion interactive 0.03 (%)
Splitly 0.03 (%)
Convert Experiences 0.03 (%)
ChangeAgain 0.02 (%)
Experiment Engine 0.02 (%)
Marketing Optimizer 0.02 (%)
Naytev 0.01 (%)
8Seconds 0.01 (%)
Maxymizely 0.01 (%)
Lander 0.01 (%)
SparkPage 0.01 (%)
Clickthroo 0.01 (%)
EyesDecide 0.01 (%)
Omniata 0.00 (%)
OpenText Optimost 0.00 (%)
AdBasis 0.00 (%)
GrowthGiant 0.00 (%)
BeamPulse 0.00 (%)
Payboard 0.00 (%)
invesp Pii Testing Engine 0.00 (%)
CBSplit 0.00 (%)
Proctor by Indeed 0.00 (%)
Amazon A/B Testing 0.00 (%)
RaiseMetrics 0.00 (%)
Appiterate 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top A/B Testing software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for A/B Testing software are Optimizely, Crazy Egg, Zoho PageSense. Here, you can view a full list of A/B Testing tools in the market.

How many companies use A/B Testing software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 172,923 companies are currently using one or more A/B Testing software. Out of these, there are 109,754 companies using A/B Testing tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the A/B Testing software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the A/B Testing space are Optimizely with 33.80 % of market share, and Crazy Egg with 28.67 % of market share and Zoho PageSense with 7.29 % of market share . Check for other A/B Testing technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use A/B Testing softwares?

The top industries that use A/B Testing software are Professional Services (36,328) , Technology (19,408) , Retail and CPG (17,138) .

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