Project Collaboration

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Project Collaboration tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Project Collaboration Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Technologies Tracked
Companies Tracked
Categories related to Project Collaboration

Top 5 Project Collaboration technologies in 2023

Over 4,916,225 companies are using Project Collaboration tools. G Suite with 67.13% market share (3,300,155 customers), Timely with 9.26% market share (455,345 customers), Slack with 8.57% market share (421,451 customers),

Project Collaboration Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Project Collaboration category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (1,735,712 companies), 20 - 49 employees (910,995 companies), 10 - 19 employees (383,410 companies).

Project Collaboration Customers by Geography

Companies using Project Collaboration technology software are majorly from the United States with 2,061,525 (64.57%), United Kingdom with 267,018 (8.36%), India with 178,905 (5.60%) customers respectively.

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Project Collaboration Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Project Collaboration for Professional Services (990,871), Technology (387,417), Retail and CPG (284,307).

Market Share for Top Project Collaboration Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Project Collaboration technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 G Suite 3300155 67.13
2 Timely 455345 9.26
3 Slack 421451 8.57
4 JIRA Software 104238 2.12
5 Quip 56884 1.16
6 Atlassian Confluence 43841 0.89
7 Microsoft Project 42889 0.87
8 Agile CRM 32701 0.67
9 Freshworks 32063 0.65
10 Trello 31704 0.64
11 28146 0.57
12 NetSuite 25651 0.52
13 QuickBase 25451 0.52
14 Airtable 22447 0.46
15 Asana 21880 0.45
16 Box 20903 0.43
17 Bitrix24 19905 0.40
18 Smartsheet 18763 0.38
19 Metaal HRM 16407 0.33
20 SAPENTA 13805 0.28
21 11186 0.23
22 Ryver 10228 0.21
23 Basecamp 7996 0.16
24 Workplace by Facebook 7901 0.16
25 ROLL 6703 0.14
26 Backlog 6349 0.13
27 Redmine 6332 0.13
28 Yammer 6130 0.12
29 Pivotal Tracker 5931 0.12
30 Procore 5333 0.11
31 ClickUp 4760 0.10
32 Workfront 4556 0.09
33 Breeze 4444 0.09
34 IdeaScale 3890 0.08
35 MangoApps 3625 0.07
36 Wrike 3599 0.07
37 Podio 3597 0.07
38 Buildertrend 3382 0.07
39 Mavenlink 3347 0.07
40 Wix Answers 3314 0.07
41 OpenText Hightail 3037 0.06
42 Aha! 3035 0.06
43 Rally Software 2528 0.05
44 Caspio 2452 0.05
45 Hive 2282 0.05
46 Zoho Projects 2162 0.04
47 Severa Visma 1832 0.04
48 Oracle Aconex 1768 0.04
49 FogBugz 1648 0.03
50 ServiceNow Now Platform 1615 0.03
51 Stride 1612 0.03
52 Cascade Strategy 1563 0.03
53 Elium 1363 0.03
54 Insightly 1272 0.03
55 VersionOne 1186 0.02
56 Flowlu 1102 0.02
57 craft 1076 0.02
58 AdvancedPM 1040 0.02
59 Assembla 1023 0.02
60 Clinked 953 0.02
61 Microsoft Enterprise Project Management 916 0.02
62 Accelo 891 0.02
63 Microsoft Planner 845 0.02
64 NetSuite OpenAir 821 0.02
65 Clarizen 812 0.02
66 Onware 789 0.02
67 Intralinks VIA 752 0.02
68 PageProofer 727 0.01
69 Textura 726 0.01
70 Copper CRM 688 0.01
71 Workamajig 683 0.01
72 Igloo Software 676 0.01
73 ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus 652 0.01
74 Diligent Boards 640 0.01
75 OwnCloud 631 0.01
76 eBLVD Online Meetings 613 0.01
77 AceProject 586 0.01
78 Changepoint 581 0.01
79 CMiC 569 0.01
80 Splunk On-Call 498 0.01
81 Convo 466 0.01
82 Accord 466 0.01
83 Coras 434 0.01
84 Forecast 421 0.01
85 Bentley ProjectWise 420 0.01
86 ChatWork 396 0.01
87 Recapped 396 0.01
88 bpm'online real estate 393 0.01
89 384 0.01
90 Workzone 378 0.01
91 Taiga 374 0.01
92 FinancialForce PSA 338 0.01
93 Sciforma 338 0.01
94 Targetprocess 311 0.01
95 RFPIO 307 0.01
96 Ftopia 300 0.01
97 Apptivo Project Management 296 0.01
98 iRise 287 0.01
99 Apollo 279 0.01
100 ActiveCollab 271 0.01
101 MantisBT 270 0.01
102 Open Atrium 264 0.01
103 SpiraTest 263 0.01
104 Widen Collective 259 0.01
105 RoboHead 256 0.01
106 WorkflowMax 254 0.01
107 Resource Guru 249 0.01
108 Loomio 222 0.00
109 Teamwork Projects 209 0.00
110 Karbon 206 0.00
111 Kaseya BMS 200 0.00
112 Projectmates 190 0.00
113 Trimble Connect 187 0.00
114 PlanCentral 182 0.00
115 SpiraPlan 179 0.00
116 FunctionFox 174 0.00
117 PHC FX 164 0.00
118 ProductPlan 157 0.00
119 LiquidPlanner 154 0.00
120 Kanbanize 153 0.00
121 SpiraTeam 149 0.00
122 farmerswife 145 0.00
123 Saviom Resource Management 143 0.00
124 Celoxis 140 0.00
125 Intellect 132 0.00
126 Pastel 129 0.00
127 Projectplace by Planview 128 0.00
128 Glip 124 0.00
129 Todoist 122 0.00
130 Wimi 117 0.00
131 Chef Automate 114 0.00
132 Wunderlist 113 0.00
133 GenieBelt 112 0.00
134 112 0.00
135 Workboard 111 0.00
136 Process Street 108 0.00
137 Zenkit 108 0.00
138 TimeLog 104 0.00
139 Droplr 101 0.00
140 Favro 101 0.00
141 Feng Office 101 0.00
142 Rindle 100 0.00
143 HyperOffice 100 0.00
144 ZenHub 100 0.00
145 Solve CRM 97 0.00
146 Kintone 95 0.00
147 Premier 92 0.00
148 KanbanFlow 92 0.00
149 Sprintly 91 0.00
150 Streamtime 91 0.00
151 Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management 89 0.00
152 88 0.00
153 Scoro 87 0.00
154 iMeet Central 86 0.00
155 Bunker App 84 0.00
156 Cerri 83 0.00
157 Paymo 82 0.00
158 simPRO Software 80 0.00
159 Ganttic 80 0.00
160 Nutcache 78 0.00
161 Glasscubes 77 0.00
162 Comidor 77 0.00
163 OneDesk 76 0.00
164 Teamweek 76 0.00
165 75 0.00
166 Hygger 74 0.00
167 Easy Projects 72 0.00
168 Huddle 71 0.00
169 Intervals 69 0.00
170 Squadcast 68 0.00
171 Avaza 68 0.00
172 ProofHub 67 0.00
173 eXo Platform 65 0.00
174 Gantter 64 0.00
175 WorkBook 63 0.00
176 Twproject 62 0.00
177 62 0.00
178 Project Insight 61 0.00
179 Freckle 58 0.00
180 Proggio 58 0.00
181 Daptiv PPM 58 0.00
182 UniPhi 57 0.00
183 onepoint PROJECTS 57 0.00
184 TaskRay Project Management 55 0.00
185 RationalPlan 55 0.00
186 MinuteDock 54 0.00
187 Symu 54 0.00
188 Binfire 52 0.00
189 Tallium Network 51 0.00
190 Sinnaps 51 0.00
191 Screenful 51 0.00
192 Flock - 50 0.00
193 ProProfs Project 49 0.00
194 Kanbanchi for G Suite 49 0.00
195 Soonr Workplace 49 0.00
196 CANEA ONE 46 0.00
197 Drum 46 0.00
198 GanttPRO 46 0.00
199 Oracle Primavera Cloud 46 0.00
200 Planview LeanKit 45 0.00
201 Meisterplan 42 0.00
202 ServusConnect 42 0.00
203 Redbooth 42 0.00
204 Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Engineering 41 0.00
205 Mosaic 40 0.00
206 TriggerApp 40 0.00
207 OrangeScrum 39 0.00
208 Zyncro 39 0.00
209 Yodiz 38 0.00
210 GlobiFlow for Podio 38 0.00
211 Kantree 38 0.00
212 Comindwork 37 0.00
213 Ravetree 37 0.00
214 37 0.00
215 Samepage 37 0.00
216 Productive 36 0.00
217 ConceptShare 35 0.00
218 RedmineUP Cloud 35 0.00
219 Eylean Board 34 0.00
220 smartQ 33 0.00
221 Synergy 32 0.00
222 Mvine 31 0.00
223 ITM Platform 31 0.00
224 Workgroups DaVinci 31 0.00
225 ClientFlow 30 0.00
226 Cloud Coach 30 0.00
227 Sandglaz 30 0.00
228 mpower 29 0.00
229 Workstack 29 0.00
230 VisionFlow 28 0.00
231 airfocus 27 0.00
232 Broadsoft Team-One 27 0.00
233 BeeCanvas 26 0.00
234 BlueCamroo 26 0.00
235 WorkOtter 25 0.00
236 Inspire Planner 25 0.00
237 Bubble Plan 24 0.00
238 Projecturf 24 0.00
239 Taskworld 24 0.00
240 Nifty 24 0.00
241 ADEACA ONE 23 0.00
242 Genius Project 23 0.00
243 Powernoodle 23 0.00
244 Capture for Jira 22 0.00
245 HarmonyPSA 22 0.00
246 Leankor 22 0.00
247 Slope 22 0.00
248 Zoho Sprints 22 0.00
249 HTML5 Virtual Classroom 22 0.00
250 YetiForce CRM 21 0.00
251 Abtrac 21 0.00
252 Actionspace 21 0.00
253 24SevenOffice 21 0.00
254 KPI Fire 19 0.00
255 Milestones PM+ 19 0.00
256 Everhour 18 0.00
257 SocialJsProject 18 0.00
258 CHAMPS EAM 17 0.00
259 Azendoo 16 0.00
260 AgreeDo 16 0.00
261 TimeCamp 16 0.00
262 SwiftKanban 15 0.00
263 Planzone 14 0.00
264 Doolphy 14 0.00
265 Slenke 14 0.00
266 Admation 14 0.00
267 allthings 14 0.00
268 ZilicusPM 13 0.00
269 Quire 13 0.00
270 elapseit 13 0.00
271 BUGtrack 12 0.00
272 ExxpertApps 12 0.00
273 Function Point 12 0.00
274 12 0.00
275 Ignitur 11 0.00
276 Crowdbase 11 0.00
277 oneDrum 10 0.00
278 SprintGround 10 0.00
279 PlanDone 10 0.00
280 Roadmap 10 0.00
281 Workteam Planner 10 0.00
282 GroupCamp Project 9 0.00
283 BizFirst 9 0.00
284 ProcessGene Task Management Software 9 0.00
285 DealPoint 9 0.00
286 Timereaction 9 0.00
287 Scrumy 8 0.00
288 Biorhythms Calculator 8 0.00
289 ProjecTools Procurement 8 0.00
290 Teambook 8 0.00
291 ProjecTools Engineering & Commissioning 8 0.00
292 cammsproject 8 0.00
293 EARLIZ 7 0.00
294 Bolste 7 0.00
295 LumoFlow 7 0.00
296 Redkix 7 0.00
297 Geekbot 7 0.00
298 Yalla 7 0.00
299 Honey 7 0.00
300 OneSoft Connect 7 0.00
301 Flow 7 0.00
302 ProWorkflow 7 0.00
303 AlchemyWorks Projects 6 0.00
304 Volerro 6 0.00
305 Barvas 6 0.00
306 Orchestra PPM 6 0.00
307 Float 6 0.00
308 9TEAMS 6 0.00
309 Jonas 5 0.00
310 Kaiten 5 0.00
311 CobaltPM 5 0.00
312 Co:tunity 5 0.00
313 BuildTools Software 5 0.00
314 Crocagile 5 0.00
315 5 0.00
316 FoxPlan 4 0.00
317 MOOVIA 4 0.00
318 Krosswall 4 0.00
319 Remember The Milk 4 0.00
320 TimeXchange 4 0.00
321 PineStem 4 0.00
322 StrikeBase 4 0.00
323 Ora 4 0.00
324 SensorSix 4 0.00
325 HeadsUp 4 0.00
326 Hitask 4 0.00
327 DEXMA PLM + 3 0.00
328 Getquantify 3 0.00
329 HotGloo 3 0.00
330 Taskfeed 3 0.00
331 Drutas 3 0.00
332 Aiveo 3 0.00
333 Roots Software 3 0.00
334 EagleSpace 3 0.00
335 3 0.00
336 Micro Focus Vibe 2 0.00
337 MYCO Suite 2 0.00
338 eStudio 2 0.00
339 Lessons Learned Database 2 0.00
340 Trackolade 2 0.00
341 Projecis 2 0.00
342 Vorex PSA 2 0.00
343 Manage It 2 0.00
344 Bravo Reporting 2 0.00
345 Pareto CRM 2 0.00
346 InfoCDB 2 0.00
Technology Market share
G Suite 67.13 (%)
Timely 9.26 (%)
Slack 8.57 (%)
JIRA Software 2.12 (%)
Quip 1.16 (%)
Atlassian Confluence 0.89 (%)
Microsoft Project 0.87 (%)
Agile CRM 0.67 (%)
Freshworks 0.65 (%)
Trello 0.64 (%) 0.57 (%)
NetSuite 0.52 (%)
QuickBase 0.52 (%)
Airtable 0.46 (%)
Asana 0.45 (%)
Box 0.43 (%)
Bitrix24 0.40 (%)
Smartsheet 0.38 (%)
Metaal HRM 0.33 (%)
SAPENTA 0.28 (%) 0.23 (%)
Ryver 0.21 (%)
Basecamp 0.16 (%)
Workplace by Facebook 0.16 (%)
ROLL 0.14 (%)
Backlog 0.13 (%)
Redmine 0.13 (%)
Yammer 0.12 (%)
Pivotal Tracker 0.12 (%)
Procore 0.11 (%)
ClickUp 0.10 (%)
Workfront 0.09 (%)
Breeze 0.09 (%)
IdeaScale 0.08 (%)
MangoApps 0.07 (%)
Wrike 0.07 (%)
Podio 0.07 (%)
Buildertrend 0.07 (%)
Mavenlink 0.07 (%)
Wix Answers 0.07 (%)
OpenText Hightail 0.06 (%)
Aha! 0.06 (%)
Rally Software 0.05 (%)
Caspio 0.05 (%)
Hive 0.05 (%)
Zoho Projects 0.04 (%)
Severa Visma 0.04 (%)
Oracle Aconex 0.04 (%)
FogBugz 0.03 (%)
ServiceNow Now Platform 0.03 (%)
Stride 0.03 (%)
Cascade Strategy 0.03 (%)
Elium 0.03 (%)
Insightly 0.03 (%)
VersionOne 0.02 (%)
Flowlu 0.02 (%)
craft 0.02 (%)
AdvancedPM 0.02 (%)
Assembla 0.02 (%)
Clinked 0.02 (%)
Microsoft Enterprise Project Management 0.02 (%)
Accelo 0.02 (%)
Microsoft Planner 0.02 (%)
NetSuite OpenAir 0.02 (%)
Clarizen 0.02 (%)
Onware 0.02 (%)
Intralinks VIA 0.02 (%)
PageProofer 0.01 (%)
Textura 0.01 (%)
Copper CRM 0.01 (%)
Workamajig 0.01 (%)
Igloo Software 0.01 (%)
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus 0.01 (%)
Diligent Boards 0.01 (%)
OwnCloud 0.01 (%)
eBLVD Online Meetings 0.01 (%)
AceProject 0.01 (%)
Changepoint 0.01 (%)
CMiC 0.01 (%)
Splunk On-Call 0.01 (%)
Convo 0.01 (%)
Accord 0.01 (%)
Coras 0.01 (%)
Forecast 0.01 (%)
Bentley ProjectWise 0.01 (%)
ChatWork 0.01 (%)
Recapped 0.01 (%)
bpm'online real estate 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Workzone 0.01 (%)
Taiga 0.01 (%)
FinancialForce PSA 0.01 (%)
Sciforma 0.01 (%)
Targetprocess 0.01 (%)
RFPIO 0.01 (%)
Ftopia 0.01 (%)
Apptivo Project Management 0.01 (%)
iRise 0.01 (%)
Apollo 0.01 (%)
ActiveCollab 0.01 (%)
MantisBT 0.01 (%)
Open Atrium 0.01 (%)
SpiraTest 0.01 (%)
Widen Collective 0.01 (%)
RoboHead 0.01 (%)
WorkflowMax 0.01 (%)
Resource Guru 0.01 (%)
Loomio 0.00 (%)
Teamwork Projects 0.00 (%)
Karbon 0.00 (%)
Kaseya BMS 0.00 (%)
Projectmates 0.00 (%)
Trimble Connect 0.00 (%)
PlanCentral 0.00 (%)
SpiraPlan 0.00 (%)
FunctionFox 0.00 (%)
PHC FX 0.00 (%)
ProductPlan 0.00 (%)
LiquidPlanner 0.00 (%)
Kanbanize 0.00 (%)
SpiraTeam 0.00 (%)
farmerswife 0.00 (%)
Saviom Resource Management 0.00 (%)
Celoxis 0.00 (%)
Intellect 0.00 (%)
Pastel 0.00 (%)
Projectplace by Planview 0.00 (%)
Glip 0.00 (%)
Todoist 0.00 (%)
Wimi 0.00 (%)
Chef Automate 0.00 (%)
Wunderlist 0.00 (%)
GenieBelt 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Workboard 0.00 (%)
Process Street 0.00 (%)
Zenkit 0.00 (%)
TimeLog 0.00 (%)
Droplr 0.00 (%)
Favro 0.00 (%)
Feng Office 0.00 (%)
Rindle 0.00 (%)
HyperOffice 0.00 (%)
ZenHub 0.00 (%)
Solve CRM 0.00 (%)
Kintone 0.00 (%)
Premier 0.00 (%)
KanbanFlow 0.00 (%)
Sprintly 0.00 (%)
Streamtime 0.00 (%)
Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Scoro 0.00 (%)
iMeet Central 0.00 (%)
Bunker App 0.00 (%)
Cerri 0.00 (%)
Paymo 0.00 (%)
simPRO Software 0.00 (%)
Ganttic 0.00 (%)
Nutcache 0.00 (%)
Glasscubes 0.00 (%)
Comidor 0.00 (%)
OneDesk 0.00 (%)
Teamweek 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Hygger 0.00 (%)
Easy Projects 0.00 (%)
Huddle 0.00 (%)
Intervals 0.00 (%)
Squadcast 0.00 (%)
Avaza 0.00 (%)
ProofHub 0.00 (%)
eXo Platform 0.00 (%)
Gantter 0.00 (%)
WorkBook 0.00 (%)
Twproject 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Project Insight 0.00 (%)
Freckle 0.00 (%)
Proggio 0.00 (%)
Daptiv PPM 0.00 (%)
UniPhi 0.00 (%)
onepoint PROJECTS 0.00 (%)
TaskRay Project Management 0.00 (%)
RationalPlan 0.00 (%)
MinuteDock 0.00 (%)
Symu 0.00 (%)
Binfire 0.00 (%)
Tallium Network 0.00 (%)
Sinnaps 0.00 (%)
Screenful 0.00 (%)
Flock - 0.00 (%)
ProProfs Project 0.00 (%)
Kanbanchi for G Suite 0.00 (%)
Soonr Workplace 0.00 (%)
CANEA ONE 0.00 (%)
Drum 0.00 (%)
GanttPRO 0.00 (%)
Oracle Primavera Cloud 0.00 (%)
Planview LeanKit 0.00 (%)
Meisterplan 0.00 (%)
ServusConnect 0.00 (%)
Redbooth 0.00 (%)
Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Engineering 0.00 (%)
Mosaic 0.00 (%)
TriggerApp 0.00 (%)
OrangeScrum 0.00 (%)
Zyncro 0.00 (%)
Yodiz 0.00 (%)
GlobiFlow for Podio 0.00 (%)
Kantree 0.00 (%)
Comindwork 0.00 (%)
Ravetree 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Samepage 0.00 (%)
Productive 0.00 (%)
ConceptShare 0.00 (%)
RedmineUP Cloud 0.00 (%)
Eylean Board 0.00 (%)
smartQ 0.00 (%)
Synergy 0.00 (%)
Mvine 0.00 (%)
ITM Platform 0.00 (%)
Workgroups DaVinci 0.00 (%)
ClientFlow 0.00 (%)
Cloud Coach 0.00 (%)
Sandglaz 0.00 (%)
mpower 0.00 (%)
Workstack 0.00 (%)
VisionFlow 0.00 (%)
airfocus 0.00 (%)
Broadsoft Team-One 0.00 (%)
BeeCanvas 0.00 (%)
BlueCamroo 0.00 (%)
WorkOtter 0.00 (%)
Inspire Planner 0.00 (%)
Bubble Plan 0.00 (%)
Projecturf 0.00 (%)
Taskworld 0.00 (%)
Nifty 0.00 (%)
ADEACA ONE 0.00 (%)
Genius Project 0.00 (%)
Powernoodle 0.00 (%)
Capture for Jira 0.00 (%)
HarmonyPSA 0.00 (%)
Leankor 0.00 (%)
Slope 0.00 (%)
Zoho Sprints 0.00 (%)
HTML5 Virtual Classroom 0.00 (%)
YetiForce CRM 0.00 (%)
Abtrac 0.00 (%)
Actionspace 0.00 (%)
24SevenOffice 0.00 (%)
KPI Fire 0.00 (%)
Milestones PM+ 0.00 (%)
Everhour 0.00 (%)
SocialJsProject 0.00 (%)
CHAMPS EAM 0.00 (%)
Azendoo 0.00 (%)
AgreeDo 0.00 (%)
TimeCamp 0.00 (%)
SwiftKanban 0.00 (%)
Planzone 0.00 (%)
Doolphy 0.00 (%)
Slenke 0.00 (%)
Admation 0.00 (%)
allthings 0.00 (%)
ZilicusPM 0.00 (%)
Quire 0.00 (%)
elapseit 0.00 (%)
BUGtrack 0.00 (%)
ExxpertApps 0.00 (%)
Function Point 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Ignitur 0.00 (%)
Crowdbase 0.00 (%)
oneDrum 0.00 (%)
SprintGround 0.00 (%)
PlanDone 0.00 (%)
Roadmap 0.00 (%)
Workteam Planner 0.00 (%)
GroupCamp Project 0.00 (%)
BizFirst 0.00 (%)
ProcessGene Task Management Software 0.00 (%)
DealPoint 0.00 (%)
Timereaction 0.00 (%)
Scrumy 0.00 (%)
Biorhythms Calculator 0.00 (%)
ProjecTools Procurement 0.00 (%)
Teambook 0.00 (%)
ProjecTools Engineering & Commissioning 0.00 (%)
cammsproject 0.00 (%)
EARLIZ 0.00 (%)
Bolste 0.00 (%)
LumoFlow 0.00 (%)
Redkix 0.00 (%)
Geekbot 0.00 (%)
Yalla 0.00 (%)
Honey 0.00 (%)
OneSoft Connect 0.00 (%)
Flow 0.00 (%)
ProWorkflow 0.00 (%)
AlchemyWorks Projects 0.00 (%)
Volerro 0.00 (%)
Barvas 0.00 (%)
Orchestra PPM 0.00 (%)
Float 0.00 (%)
9TEAMS 0.00 (%)
Jonas 0.00 (%)
Kaiten 0.00 (%)
CobaltPM 0.00 (%)
Co:tunity 0.00 (%)
BuildTools Software 0.00 (%)
Crocagile 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
FoxPlan 0.00 (%)
MOOVIA 0.00 (%)
Krosswall 0.00 (%)
Remember The Milk 0.00 (%)
TimeXchange 0.00 (%)
PineStem 0.00 (%)
StrikeBase 0.00 (%)
Ora 0.00 (%)
SensorSix 0.00 (%)
HeadsUp 0.00 (%)
Hitask 0.00 (%)
DEXMA PLM + 0.00 (%)
Getquantify 0.00 (%)
HotGloo 0.00 (%)
Taskfeed 0.00 (%)
Drutas 0.00 (%)
Aiveo 0.00 (%)
Roots Software 0.00 (%)
EagleSpace 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Micro Focus Vibe 0.00 (%)
MYCO Suite 0.00 (%)
eStudio 0.00 (%)
Lessons Learned Database 0.00 (%)
Trackolade 0.00 (%)
Projecis 0.00 (%)
Vorex PSA 0.00 (%)
Manage It 0.00 (%)
Bravo Reporting 0.00 (%)
Pareto CRM 0.00 (%)
InfoCDB 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Project Collaboration software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Project Collaboration software are G Suite, Timely, Slack. Here, you can view a full list of Project Collaboration tools in the market.

How many companies use Project Collaboration software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 3,945,258 companies are currently using one or more Project Collaboration software. Out of these, there are 2,061,525 companies using Project Collaboration tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Project Collaboration software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Project Collaboration space are G Suite with 67.13 % of market share, and Timely with 9.26 % of market share and Slack with 8.57 % of market share . Check for other Project Collaboration technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Project Collaboration softwares?

The top industries that use Project Collaboration software are Professional Services (990,871) , Technology (387,417) , Retail and CPG (284,307) .

Choose Technologies to Compare
