Billing And Invoicing

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Billing And Invoicing tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Billing And Invoicing Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Billing And Invoicing

Top 5 Billing And Invoicing technologies in 2023

Over 40,096 companies are using Billing And Invoicing tools. SAP Concur with 30.60% market share (12,268 customers), Invoice by Alto with 20.67% market share (8,288 customers), NVOICE with 20.02% market share (8,026 customers),

Billing And Invoicing Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Billing And Invoicing category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (180,127 companies), 20 - 49 employees (103,466 companies), 100 - 249 employees (38,398 companies).

Billing And Invoicing Customers by Geography

Companies using Billing And Invoicing technology software are majorly from the United States with 281,811 (71.71%), United Kingdom with 31,076 (7.91%), Canada with 15,901 (4.05%) customers respectively.

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Billing And Invoicing Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Billing And Invoicing for Professional Services (102,745), Technology (46,337), Retail and CPG (33,877).

Market Share for Top Billing And Invoicing Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Billing And Invoicing technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 SAP Concur 12268 30.60
2 Invoice by Alto 8288 20.67
3 NVOICE 8026 20.02
4 Recurly 3433 8.56
5 SAP Concur Expense 3217 8.02
6 AP Automation 715 1.78
7 Ericsson Billing 630 1.57
8 PayPal Invoicing 424 1.06
9 PracticePanther Legal Case Management 376 0.94
10 SAP Concur Invoice 313 0.78
11 Dynamic Allocation 269 0.67
12 SAP Invoice Management by opentext 222 0.55
13 Salesforce Billing 204 0.51
14 Oracle PeopleSoft Billing 189 0.47
15 Invoice Simple 104 0.26
16 Tungsten Network 73 0.18
17 BillingPlatform 65 0.16
18 JAGGAER Accounts Payable 62 0.15
19 Alepo 55 0.14
20 Easy Invoice+ 53 0.13
21 Marr Software 51 0.13
22 Platypus ISP Billing 50 0.12
23 Comptel Interconnect Billing 49 0.12
24 Oracle Retail Invoice Matching 47 0.12
25 Transcepta 43 0.11
26 CostGuard 43 0.11
27 FieldAware 37 0.09
28 CRESTEL 36 0.09
29 Technisoft Service Manager 35 0.09
30 Utilibill 35 0.09
31 Oracle Retail Allocation 33 0.08
32 Emburse Chrome River Invoice 33 0.08
33 jBilling 30 0.07
34 Swipez 25 0.06
35 Alaris inVoice 24 0.06
36 24online 23 0.06
37 BillingEngine 21 0.05
38 Rodopi for Service Providers 20 0.05
39 CommVergence 20 0.05
40 Insly 20 0.05
41 Hansen Technologies 19 0.05
42 ZIRA Billing 18 0.04
43 MultiBill 17 0.04
44 AND.CO 17 0.04
45 Sunrise 17 0.04
46 Ordway 16 0.04
47 Probill Plus 16 0.04
48 RSA eBusiness Solutions 15 0.04
49 Wesupply 14 0.03
50 OFFICE-KIT Uniform Invoice Software 13 0.03
51 VoIP Billing 13 0.03
52 AllInvoice 13 0.03
53 Adore VOIP Billing 12 0.03
54 telSPACE 11 0.03
55 Unicorn Billing 11 0.03
56 BriteBill 11 0.03
57 TeleLink 10 0.02
58 DotNetInvoice 10 0.02
59 High Density Billing 9 0.02
60 LiteAccounting 9 0.02
61 Gopher 8 0.02
62 Swipe Gateway 7 0.02
63 OSS Solutions 7 0.02
64 Alit Biller 7 0.02
65 BillingServ 7 0.02
66 Tinterconnect 7 0.02
67 EYH 7 0.02
68 Invoice Template 7 0.02
69 WinkBill 6 0.01
70 WebCDR Billing 6 0.01
71 VoIP Softswitch Solution 6 0.01
72 Account Pro Invoice 5 0.01
73 NetQuest 5 0.01
74 Invoice Expert 5 0.01
75 BillingTracker 4 0.01
76 CG Invoicer 4 0.01
77 Paytradie 4 0.01
78 SpeedInvoice 4 0.01
79 INV 4 0.01
80 Propulso 3 0.01
81 Yes Invoice 3 0.01
82 iInvoicing 3 0.01
83 CustomCall Webtop BPM 3 0.01
84 P3iNet & P3 In-House Billing 3 0.01
85 Invoice 101 3 0.01
86 FastDue Plus 3 0.01
87 SalenGo 3 0.01
88 Invoice by Click 2 0.00
89 Redi2 Revenue Manager 2 0.00
90 Nextstag VOIP Billing 2 0.00
91 InTELEbill and InteleCABS 2 0.00
92 Bluesky 2 0.00
93 EasyBilling 2 0.00
94 Invoice Dude 2 0.00
95 BillingMe 2 0.00
96 Brisk Invoicing 2 0.00
97 Bill Flight 2 0.00
98 Grizzly Quote and Invoice 2 0.00
99 Paper Free Billing 2 0.00
100 VOIP Billing Solutions 2 0.00
101 iVUE AppSuite 2 0.00
102 Invoice Inventory 2 0.00
Technology Market share
SAP Concur 30.60 (%)
Invoice by Alto 20.67 (%)
NVOICE 20.02 (%)
Recurly 8.56 (%)
SAP Concur Expense 8.02 (%)
AP Automation 1.78 (%)
Ericsson Billing 1.57 (%)
PayPal Invoicing 1.06 (%)
PracticePanther Legal Case Management 0.94 (%)
SAP Concur Invoice 0.78 (%)
Dynamic Allocation 0.67 (%)
SAP Invoice Management by opentext 0.55 (%)
Salesforce Billing 0.51 (%)
Oracle PeopleSoft Billing 0.47 (%)
Invoice Simple 0.26 (%)
Tungsten Network 0.18 (%)
BillingPlatform 0.16 (%)
JAGGAER Accounts Payable 0.15 (%)
Alepo 0.14 (%)
Easy Invoice+ 0.13 (%)
Marr Software 0.13 (%)
Platypus ISP Billing 0.12 (%)
Comptel Interconnect Billing 0.12 (%)
Oracle Retail Invoice Matching 0.12 (%)
Transcepta 0.11 (%)
CostGuard 0.11 (%)
FieldAware 0.09 (%)
CRESTEL 0.09 (%)
Technisoft Service Manager 0.09 (%)
Utilibill 0.09 (%)
Oracle Retail Allocation 0.08 (%)
Emburse Chrome River Invoice 0.08 (%)
jBilling 0.07 (%)
Swipez 0.06 (%)
Alaris inVoice 0.06 (%)
24online 0.06 (%)
BillingEngine 0.05 (%)
Rodopi for Service Providers 0.05 (%)
CommVergence 0.05 (%)
Insly 0.05 (%)
Hansen Technologies 0.05 (%)
ZIRA Billing 0.04 (%)
MultiBill 0.04 (%)
AND.CO 0.04 (%)
Sunrise 0.04 (%)
Ordway 0.04 (%)
Probill Plus 0.04 (%)
RSA eBusiness Solutions 0.04 (%)
Wesupply 0.03 (%)
OFFICE-KIT Uniform Invoice Software 0.03 (%)
VoIP Billing 0.03 (%)
AllInvoice 0.03 (%)
Adore VOIP Billing 0.03 (%)
telSPACE 0.03 (%)
Unicorn Billing 0.03 (%)
BriteBill 0.03 (%)
TeleLink 0.02 (%)
DotNetInvoice 0.02 (%)
High Density Billing 0.02 (%)
LiteAccounting 0.02 (%)
Gopher 0.02 (%)
Swipe Gateway 0.02 (%)
OSS Solutions 0.02 (%)
Alit Biller 0.02 (%)
BillingServ 0.02 (%)
Tinterconnect 0.02 (%)
EYH 0.02 (%)
Invoice Template 0.02 (%)
WinkBill 0.01 (%)
WebCDR Billing 0.01 (%)
VoIP Softswitch Solution 0.01 (%)
Account Pro Invoice 0.01 (%)
NetQuest 0.01 (%)
Invoice Expert 0.01 (%)
BillingTracker 0.01 (%)
CG Invoicer 0.01 (%)
Paytradie 0.01 (%)
SpeedInvoice 0.01 (%)
INV 0.01 (%)
Propulso 0.01 (%)
Yes Invoice 0.01 (%)
iInvoicing 0.01 (%)
CustomCall Webtop BPM 0.01 (%)
P3iNet & P3 In-House Billing 0.01 (%)
Invoice 101 0.01 (%)
FastDue Plus 0.01 (%)
SalenGo 0.01 (%)
Invoice by Click 0.00 (%)
Redi2 Revenue Manager 0.00 (%)
Nextstag VOIP Billing 0.00 (%)
InTELEbill and InteleCABS 0.00 (%)
Bluesky 0.00 (%)
EasyBilling 0.00 (%)
Invoice Dude 0.00 (%)
BillingMe 0.00 (%)
Brisk Invoicing 0.00 (%)
Bill Flight 0.00 (%)
Grizzly Quote and Invoice 0.00 (%)
Paper Free Billing 0.00 (%)
VOIP Billing Solutions 0.00 (%)
iVUE AppSuite 0.00 (%)
Invoice Inventory 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Billing And Invoicing software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Billing And Invoicing software are SAP Concur, Invoice by Alto, NVOICE. Here, you can view a full list of Billing And Invoicing tools in the market.

How many companies use Billing And Invoicing software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 443,453 companies are currently using one or more Billing And Invoicing software. Out of these, there are 281,811 companies using Billing And Invoicing tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Billing And Invoicing software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Billing And Invoicing space are SAP Concur with 30.60 % of market share, and Invoice by Alto with 20.67 % of market share and NVOICE with 20.02 % of market share . Check for other Billing And Invoicing technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Billing And Invoicing softwares?

The top industries that use Billing And Invoicing software are Professional Services (102,745) , Technology (46,337) , Retail and CPG (33,877) .

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