API Management

Gain market share and customer base information about the top API Management tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of API Management Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to API Management

Top 5 API Management technologies in 2023

Over 436,182 companies are using API Management tools. Microsoft Azure with 68.60% market share (299,234 customers), Amazon API Gateway with 12.81% market share (55,888 customers), GraphQL with 5.30% market share (23,120 customers),

API Management Customers by Employee Size

The majority of API Management category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (107,649 companies), 20 - 49 employees (78,516 companies), 100 - 249 employees (38,678 companies).

API Management Customers by Geography

Companies using API Management technology software are majorly from the United States with 186,091 (64.30%), United Kingdom with 29,203 (10.09%), Canada with 14,487 (5.01%) customers respectively.

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API Management Customers by Industry

Top industries that use API Management for Professional Services (68,835), Technology (65,577), Retail and CPG (34,792).

Market Share for Top API Management Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular API Management technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Microsoft Azure 299234 68.60
2 Amazon API Gateway 55888 12.81
3 GraphQL 23120 5.30
4 Postman 17202 3.94
5 Dynatrace 14448 3.31
6 SwaggerHub 7367 1.69
7 Google Cloud APIs 3828 0.88
8 Dell Boomi 3451 0.79
9 Azure Computer Vision 1601 0.37
10 Anypoint Platform 1385 0.32
11 Azure Cognitive Services 1214 0.28
12 Google Cloud Apigee 1186 0.27
13 Oracle API Gateway 1136 0.26
14 Kong 625 0.14
15 IBM API Connect 597 0.14
16 Funnel 490 0.11
17 OpenTelemetry 469 0.11
18 Google Cloud Endpoints 421 0.10
19 Layer7 272 0.06
20 Microsoft DirectX 251 0.06
21 Bandwidth 251 0.06
22 3scale 249 0.06
23 TIBCO Mashery 211 0.05
24 Microsoft Azure Front Door 186 0.04
25 Tyk 166 0.04
26 Oracle API Platform 144 0.03
27 Red Hat 3Scale API Management 144 0.03
28 Oracle API Manager 117 0.03
29 Azure Text to Speech API 103 0.02
30 The Graph 83 0.02
31 Codat 58 0.01
32 DocRaptor 57 0.01
33 Layer7 API Management 50 0.01
34 APPSeCONNECT 36 0.01
35 Cequence Security 31 0.01
36 WSO2 API Manager 24 0.01
37 Cloud Elements 22 0.01
38 Traceable AI 19 0.00
39 Amazon Product Advertising API 17 0.00
40 Cyclr 10 0.00
41 Layer7 API Developer Portal 7 0.00
42 Swagger Inspector 4 0.00
43 OneGraph 3 0.00
44 Microsoft Translator Text API 3 0.00
45 Axway 5 Suite 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Microsoft Azure 68.60 (%)
Amazon API Gateway 12.81 (%)
GraphQL 5.30 (%)
Postman 3.94 (%)
Dynatrace 3.31 (%)
SwaggerHub 1.69 (%)
Google Cloud APIs 0.88 (%)
Dell Boomi 0.79 (%)
Azure Computer Vision 0.37 (%)
Anypoint Platform 0.32 (%)
Azure Cognitive Services 0.28 (%)
Google Cloud Apigee 0.27 (%)
Oracle API Gateway 0.26 (%)
Kong 0.14 (%)
IBM API Connect 0.14 (%)
Funnel 0.11 (%)
OpenTelemetry 0.11 (%)
Google Cloud Endpoints 0.10 (%)
Layer7 0.06 (%)
Microsoft DirectX 0.06 (%)
Bandwidth 0.06 (%)
3scale 0.06 (%)
TIBCO Mashery 0.05 (%)
Microsoft Azure Front Door 0.04 (%)
Tyk 0.04 (%)
Oracle API Platform 0.03 (%)
Red Hat 3Scale API Management 0.03 (%)
Oracle API Manager 0.03 (%)
Azure Text to Speech API 0.02 (%)
The Graph 0.02 (%)
Codat 0.01 (%)
DocRaptor 0.01 (%)
Layer7 API Management 0.01 (%)
Cequence Security 0.01 (%)
WSO2 API Manager 0.01 (%)
Cloud Elements 0.01 (%)
Traceable AI 0.00 (%)
Amazon Product Advertising API 0.00 (%)
Cyclr 0.00 (%)
Layer7 API Developer Portal 0.00 (%)
Swagger Inspector 0.00 (%)
OneGraph 0.00 (%)
Microsoft Translator Text API 0.00 (%)
Axway 5 Suite 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top API Management software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for API Management software are Microsoft Azure, Amazon API Gateway, GraphQL. Here, you can view a full list of API Management tools in the market.

How many companies use API Management software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 350,420 companies are currently using one or more API Management software. Out of these, there are 186,091 companies using API Management tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the API Management software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the API Management space are Microsoft Azure with 68.60 % of market share, and Amazon API Gateway with 12.81 % of market share and GraphQL with 5.30 % of market share . Check for other API Management technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use API Management softwares?

The top industries that use API Management software are Professional Services (68,835) , Technology (65,577) , Retail and CPG (34,792) .

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