Programming Framework

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Programming Framework tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Programming Framework Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Technologies Tracked
Companies Tracked
Categories related to Programming Framework

Top 5 Programming Framework technologies in 2023

Over 23,629,448 companies are using Programming Framework tools. Font Awesome with 18.40% market share (4,348,943 customers), Bootstrap with 12.46% market share (2,944,707 customers), ASP.NET with 11.58% market share (2,735,820 customers),

Programming Framework Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Programming Framework category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (8,024,998 companies), 20 - 49 employees (3,915,518 companies), 10 - 19 employees (1,906,604 companies).

Programming Framework Customers by Geography

Companies using Programming Framework technology software are majorly from the United States with 7,753,067 (56.44%), United Kingdom with 1,340,565 (9.76%), Germany with 863,730 (6.29%) customers respectively.

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Programming Framework Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Programming Framework for Professional Services (2,055,834), Retail and CPG (706,193), Technology (573,831).

Market Share for Top Programming Framework Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Programming Framework technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Font Awesome 4348943 18.40
2 Bootstrap 2944707 12.46
3 ASP.NET 2735820 11.58
4 jQuery 2629712 11.13
5 CDNjs 1675368 7.09
6 Underscore.js 1401614 5.93
7 OWl Carousel 1263937 5.35
8 Modernizr 1030713 4.36
9 LightBox 939913 3.98
10 Typekit 745661 3.16
11 Select2 720859 3.05
12 Moment.js 463547 1.96
13 Angularjs 355148 1.50
14 React 291055 1.23
15 list.js 255080 1.08
16 DataTables 247330 1.05
17 Prototype 209527 0.89
18 Mootools 185217 0.78
19 jQuery Countdown 138822 0.59
20 TweenMax 129275 0.55
21 RequireJS 102535 0.43
22 UIkit 101312 0.43
23 Laravel 69946 0.30
24 Java Server Faces 68457 0.29
25 62299 0.26
26 JSON 55684 0.24
27 TinyMCE 52075 0.22
28 Moment Timezone 51998 0.22
29 three.js 44964 0.19
30 Glyphicons 36974 0.16
31 Highcharts 29120 0.12
32 JQuery Metadata 27656 0.12
33 Microsoft.NET 22707 0.10
34 MathJax 20569 0.09
35 dojo 14760 0.06
36 Polymer 13520 0.06
37 Less 12700 0.05
38 Hibernate 11966 0.05
39 Spring Boot 11091 0.05
40 Chartbeat 10727 0.05
41 9762 0.04
42 Salesforce Visualforce 9096 0.04
43 jQuery LiveQuery 8210 0.03
44 Nette Framework 7361 0.03
45 Pure CSS 7303 0.03
46 vis.js 4890 0.02
47 amCharts 4815 0.02
48 Marionette.js 4348 0.02
49 Meteor 3668 0.02
50 Flot 3645 0.02
51 .NET 4.5 3604 0.02
52 Zepto 3571 0.02
53 math.js 3551 0.02
54 sIFR 3085 0.01
55 Headjs 3022 0.01
56 Symbian 2481 0.01
57 Hortonworks 2228 0.01
58 jqPlot 2213 0.01
59 kineticJS 1832 0.01
60 Salesforce Lightning Web Components 1688 0.01
61 Jython 1334 0.01
62 Sencha Touch 1223 0.01
63 Kohana 1011 0.00
64 JavaScriptMVC 680 0.00
65 JSON-LD 315 0.00
66 Jakarta Servlet 271 0.00
67 jQuery Cookie 200 0.00
68 GreenSock GSAP 150 0.00
69 Jquery Transit 131 0.00
70 MochiKit 107 0.00
71 Eclipse AspectJ 91 0.00
72 jQuery Form 53 0.00
73 jQuery Masonry 46 0.00
74 Jquery Tooltip 41 0.00
75 Clipboard.js 27 0.00
76 Toastr 21 0.00
77 Coderbyte 21 0.00
78 Jquery Tablesorter 12 0.00
79 Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise Edition 7 0.00
80 Typed.js 6 0.00
81 Yepnope 5 0.00
82 jQuery Easing 5 0.00
83 Jquery Tmpl 3 0.00
84 jQuery Waypoints 3 0.00
85 Summernote 2 0.00
86 EQCSS 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Font Awesome 18.40 (%)
Bootstrap 12.46 (%)
ASP.NET 11.58 (%)
jQuery 11.13 (%)
CDNjs 7.09 (%)
Underscore.js 5.93 (%)
OWl Carousel 5.35 (%)
Modernizr 4.36 (%)
LightBox 3.98 (%)
Typekit 3.16 (%)
Select2 3.05 (%)
Moment.js 1.96 (%)
Angularjs 1.50 (%)
React 1.23 (%)
list.js 1.08 (%)
DataTables 1.05 (%)
Prototype 0.89 (%)
Mootools 0.78 (%)
jQuery Countdown 0.59 (%)
TweenMax 0.55 (%)
RequireJS 0.43 (%)
UIkit 0.43 (%)
Laravel 0.30 (%)
Java Server Faces 0.29 (%) 0.26 (%)
JSON 0.24 (%)
TinyMCE 0.22 (%)
Moment Timezone 0.22 (%)
three.js 0.19 (%)
Glyphicons 0.16 (%)
Highcharts 0.12 (%)
JQuery Metadata 0.12 (%)
Microsoft.NET 0.10 (%)
MathJax 0.09 (%)
dojo 0.06 (%)
Polymer 0.06 (%)
Less 0.05 (%)
Hibernate 0.05 (%)
Spring Boot 0.05 (%)
Chartbeat 0.05 (%) 0.04 (%)
Salesforce Visualforce 0.04 (%)
jQuery LiveQuery 0.03 (%)
Nette Framework 0.03 (%)
Pure CSS 0.03 (%)
vis.js 0.02 (%)
amCharts 0.02 (%)
Marionette.js 0.02 (%)
Meteor 0.02 (%)
Flot 0.02 (%)
.NET 4.5 0.02 (%)
Zepto 0.02 (%)
math.js 0.02 (%)
sIFR 0.01 (%)
Headjs 0.01 (%)
Symbian 0.01 (%)
Hortonworks 0.01 (%)
jqPlot 0.01 (%)
kineticJS 0.01 (%)
Salesforce Lightning Web Components 0.01 (%)
Jython 0.01 (%)
Sencha Touch 0.01 (%)
Kohana 0.00 (%)
JavaScriptMVC 0.00 (%)
JSON-LD 0.00 (%)
Jakarta Servlet 0.00 (%)
jQuery Cookie 0.00 (%)
GreenSock GSAP 0.00 (%)
Jquery Transit 0.00 (%)
MochiKit 0.00 (%)
Eclipse AspectJ 0.00 (%)
jQuery Form 0.00 (%)
jQuery Masonry 0.00 (%)
Jquery Tooltip 0.00 (%)
Clipboard.js 0.00 (%)
Toastr 0.00 (%)
Coderbyte 0.00 (%)
Jquery Tablesorter 0.00 (%)
Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise Edition 0.00 (%)
Typed.js 0.00 (%)
Yepnope 0.00 (%)
jQuery Easing 0.00 (%)
Jquery Tmpl 0.00 (%)
jQuery Waypoints 0.00 (%)
Summernote 0.00 (%)
EQCSS 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Programming Framework software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Programming Framework software are Font Awesome, Bootstrap, ASP.NET. Here, you can view a full list of Programming Framework tools in the market.

How many companies use Programming Framework software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 17,644,283 companies are currently using one or more Programming Framework software. Out of these, there are 7,753,067 companies using Programming Framework tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Programming Framework software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Programming Framework space are Font Awesome with 18.40 % of market share, and Bootstrap with 12.46 % of market share and ASP.NET with 11.58 % of market share . Check for other Programming Framework technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Programming Framework softwares?

The top industries that use Programming Framework software are Professional Services (2,055,834) , Retail and CPG (706,193) , Technology (573,831) .

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