Payments Processing

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Payments Processing tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Payments Processing Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Technologies Tracked
Companies Tracked
Categories related to Payments Processing

Top 5 Payments Processing technologies in 2023

Over 367,224 companies are using Payments Processing tools. Shopify Pay with 46.74% market share (171,639 customers), Klarna with 7.53% market share (27,645 customers), Amazon Payments with 6.85% market share (25,166 customers),

Payments Processing Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Payments Processing category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (165,174 companies), 20 - 49 employees (71,632 companies), 10 - 19 employees (33,085 companies).

Payments Processing Customers by Geography

Companies using Payments Processing technology software are majorly from the United States with 193,404 (64.99%), United Kingdom with 28,873 (9.70%), Germany with 19,284 (6.48%) customers respectively.

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Payments Processing Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Payments Processing for Retail and CPG (70,672), Professional Services (52,030), Technology (19,292).

Market Share for Top Payments Processing Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Payments Processing technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Shopify Pay 171639 46.74
2 Klarna 27645 7.53
3 Amazon Payments 25166 6.85
4 Toast Payments 19833 5.40
5 CardinalCommerce 19815 5.40
6 Omise 13835 3.77
7 Braintree 9904 2.70
8 LawPay 8369 2.28
9 Stripe Payments 8251 2.25
10 First Data 5948 1.62
11 Razorpay 5303 1.44
12 Epoch 3605 0.98
13 SquareUp Payment Method 2752 0.75
14 Verifone 2062 0.56
15 Flattr 2026 0.55
16 Cybersource 1955 0.53
17 Mollie 1852 0.50
18 Dotpay 1703 0.46
19 Paddle 1606 0.44
20 Appointedd 1600 0.44
21 WePay 1579 0.43
22 Elavon 1502 0.41
23 Galileo 1468 0.40
24 CardConnect 1311 0.36
25 Moneris 1297 0.35
26 Vesta 1059 0.29
27 Billtrust 1052 0.29
28 Przelewy24 972 0.26
29 eWay 845 0.23
30 816 0.22
31 Alipay 797 0.22
32 ClickPay 753 0.21
33 Chase Paymentech 744 0.20
34 Comdata 741 0.20
35 PayU 733 0.20
36 Zelle 631 0.17
37 Heartland 612 0.17
38 etransfer 602 0.16
39 Simplify Commerce 572 0.16
40 QuickBooks Payments 524 0.14
41 RentPayment 507 0.14
42 Flutterwave 493 0.13
43 Digital River 433 0.12
44 Worldline 427 0.12
45 Global Payments 421 0.11
46 Bolt 416 0.11
47 Vantiv 395 0.11
48 Citrus 377 0.10
49 Ingenico Group 352 0.10
50 iyzico 331 0.09
51 PAYMILL 306 0.08
52 ProPay 302 0.08
53 PayFort 290 0.08
54 Payworks 289 0.08
55 Paytm Business 272 0.07
56 Dwolla 268 0.07
57 Google Checkout 267 0.07
58 Wirecard 266 0.07
59 Openpay 255 0.07
60 Matrixx 253 0.07
61 eMatters 245 0.07
62 Sage Pay 245 0.07
63 BlueSnap 229 0.06
64 Explara Event Management Cloud 224 0.06
65 PlugnPay 224 0.06
66 Shazam 204 0.06
67 PayDock 179 0.05
68 Marqeta 176 0.05
69 Plastiq 168 0.05
70 Melio 167 0.05
71 Payline 161 0.04
72 PayStand 159 0.04
73 SecurePay 157 0.04
74 Visa Checkout 154 0.04
75 SafeCharge 151 0.04
76 MundiPagg 151 0.04
77 Zooz 145 0.04
78 SpotOn 134 0.04
79 PaymentSpring 134 0.04
80 FreedomPay 132 0.04
81 DepositFix 131 0.04
82 Pin Payments 128 0.03
83 PaymentVision 105 0.03
84 Yandex Money 96 0.03
85 GoCoin 93 0.03
86 MasterCard Payment Gateway 87 0.02
87 YapStone 83 0.02
88 Paystack 82 0.02
89 MangoPay 73 0.02
90 Payweb 72 0.02
91 GlobalCollect 71 0.02
92 HiPay 66 0.02
93 ALFAcoins 58 0.02
94 TSYS TS2 58 0.02
95 Dharma Merchant Services 57 0.02
96 Credorax 55 0.01
97 VoguePay 55 0.01
98 inovio 54 0.01
99 CCBill 53 0.01
100 NAB Payment Processing 52 0.01
101 TSYS Prime 51 0.01
102 FuturePay 51 0.01
103 CardConnect CardPointe 48 0.01
104 MONEI 47 0.01
105 G2A PAY 46 0.01
106 Upclick 45 0.01
107 HPS PowerCARD 45 0.01
108 iATS Payments 45 0.01
109 Spreedly 44 0.01
110 PineLabs 41 0.01
111 Sharetec 40 0.01
112 Airpay 39 0.01
113 Groovv 37 0.01
114 JetPay 36 0.01
115 BlueStripe 36 0.01
116 SAP Payment Engine 35 0.01
117 PayLane 34 0.01
118 TSYS 34 0.01
119 Sofort 34 0.01
120 Zeamster 33 0.01
121 Checkout 32 0.01
122 Alogent 30 0.01
123 Cardinity 30 0.01
124 NTT Data Payment 30 0.01
125 Trolley 28 0.01
126 Monitise 28 0.01
127 Maxpay 27 0.01
128 TransNational 27 0.01
129 CheckAlt 26 0.01
130 Gate2Shop 26 0.01
131 CorrectConnect 24 0.01
132 MasterCard API 23 0.01
133 Amex Express Checkout 22 0.01
134 EFT/400 21 0.01
135 Pabbly Subscriptions 21 0.01
136 ModoPayments 21 0.01
137 Payza 20 0.01
138 Preferred Payments 19 0.01
139 AQ2 Technologies 19 0.01
140 Corduro 19 0.01
141 FIS AddVantage 19 0.01
142 Velocity Payment System 17 0.00
143 NextPay 17 0.00
144 Zipmark 14 0.00
145 Finxera 14 0.00
146 Zombaio 14 0.00
147 CyberSource Payment Management Platform 14 0.00
148 MoneyMovers 12 0.00
149 Asperato 12 0.00
150 MagicPay 12 0.00
151 Credit Card Connection 11 0.00
152 Payments2Us 11 0.00
153 Acromobile 11 0.00
154 Payment Ninja 11 0.00
155 Total-Apps 11 0.00
156 Synergent 9 0.00
157 Midax 9 0.00
158 uPayments 9 0.00
159 PayNet Cloud 9 0.00
160 Draft Direct by eDebit Direct 9 0.00
161 GPN DATA Payment Gateway 9 0.00
162 Fiserv VisionPlus 9 0.00
163 Visifi iPower 8 0.00
164 PayZang 8 0.00
165 AlphaPaymentsCloud 8 0.00
166 OmniFund 8 0.00
167 Accept 8 0.00
168 GlobalOne 8 0.00
169 ClearGate 8 0.00
170 Skrill Payment Solutions 7 0.00
171 PacNet 7 0.00
172 WEX Virtual Payments 7 0.00
173 IMS Payments 6 0.00
174 aPay Payment Gateway System 5 0.00
175 Payment Express 5 0.00
176 Protobank 5 0.00
177 EASY PAY 5 0.00
178 TIBCO Substation ES 4 0.00
179 Voiie 4 0.00
180 MerchantGuy 4 0.00
181 BillingTree 4 0.00
182 Commence Payments 4 0.00
183 NorthAmerican BANCARD 4 0.00
184 ACI PAY.ON 4 0.00
185 Cryptopay 4 0.00
186 FortisPay 3 0.00
187 PaySpine Payment Gateway 3 0.00
188 GoInterpay 3 0.00
189 PayClix 3 0.00
190 EPX 3 0.00
191 IBM Watson Commerce 3 0.00
192 Payeezy 3 0.00
193 AppBrilliance 2 0.00
194 GiftWise 2 0.00
195 UniPay 2 0.00
196 Switchpay 2 0.00
197 EZSchoolPay 2 0.00
198 Humble Widget 2 0.00
199 Orbital Payment Gateway 2 0.00
200 First Data POLCARD 2 0.00
201 CoinGate 2 0.00
202 Paymentwall SpiderPipe 2 0.00
203 Testing Pays 2 0.00
204 AlstraSoft EPay 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Shopify Pay 46.74 (%)
Klarna 7.53 (%)
Amazon Payments 6.85 (%)
Toast Payments 5.40 (%)
CardinalCommerce 5.40 (%)
Omise 3.77 (%)
Braintree 2.70 (%)
LawPay 2.28 (%)
Stripe Payments 2.25 (%)
First Data 1.62 (%)
Razorpay 1.44 (%)
Epoch 0.98 (%)
SquareUp Payment Method 0.75 (%)
Verifone 0.56 (%)
Flattr 0.55 (%)
Cybersource 0.53 (%)
Mollie 0.50 (%)
Dotpay 0.46 (%)
Paddle 0.44 (%)
Appointedd 0.44 (%)
WePay 0.43 (%)
Elavon 0.41 (%)
Galileo 0.40 (%)
CardConnect 0.36 (%)
Moneris 0.35 (%)
Vesta 0.29 (%)
Billtrust 0.29 (%)
Przelewy24 0.26 (%)
eWay 0.23 (%) 0.22 (%)
Alipay 0.22 (%)
ClickPay 0.21 (%)
Chase Paymentech 0.20 (%)
Comdata 0.20 (%)
PayU 0.20 (%)
Zelle 0.17 (%)
Heartland 0.17 (%)
etransfer 0.16 (%)
Simplify Commerce 0.16 (%)
QuickBooks Payments 0.14 (%)
RentPayment 0.14 (%)
Flutterwave 0.13 (%)
Digital River 0.12 (%)
Worldline 0.12 (%)
Global Payments 0.11 (%)
Bolt 0.11 (%)
Vantiv 0.11 (%)
Citrus 0.10 (%)
Ingenico Group 0.10 (%)
iyzico 0.09 (%)
PAYMILL 0.08 (%)
ProPay 0.08 (%)
PayFort 0.08 (%)
Payworks 0.08 (%)
Paytm Business 0.07 (%)
Dwolla 0.07 (%)
Google Checkout 0.07 (%)
Wirecard 0.07 (%)
Openpay 0.07 (%)
Matrixx 0.07 (%)
eMatters 0.07 (%)
Sage Pay 0.07 (%)
BlueSnap 0.06 (%)
Explara Event Management Cloud 0.06 (%)
PlugnPay 0.06 (%)
Shazam 0.06 (%)
PayDock 0.05 (%)
Marqeta 0.05 (%)
Plastiq 0.05 (%)
Melio 0.05 (%)
Payline 0.04 (%)
PayStand 0.04 (%)
SecurePay 0.04 (%)
Visa Checkout 0.04 (%)
SafeCharge 0.04 (%)
MundiPagg 0.04 (%)
Zooz 0.04 (%)
SpotOn 0.04 (%)
PaymentSpring 0.04 (%)
FreedomPay 0.04 (%)
DepositFix 0.04 (%)
Pin Payments 0.03 (%)
PaymentVision 0.03 (%)
Yandex Money 0.03 (%)
GoCoin 0.03 (%)
MasterCard Payment Gateway 0.02 (%)
YapStone 0.02 (%)
Paystack 0.02 (%)
MangoPay 0.02 (%)
Payweb 0.02 (%)
GlobalCollect 0.02 (%)
HiPay 0.02 (%)
ALFAcoins 0.02 (%)
TSYS TS2 0.02 (%)
Dharma Merchant Services 0.02 (%)
Credorax 0.01 (%)
VoguePay 0.01 (%)
inovio 0.01 (%)
CCBill 0.01 (%)
NAB Payment Processing 0.01 (%)
TSYS Prime 0.01 (%)
FuturePay 0.01 (%)
CardConnect CardPointe 0.01 (%)
MONEI 0.01 (%)
G2A PAY 0.01 (%)
Upclick 0.01 (%)
HPS PowerCARD 0.01 (%)
iATS Payments 0.01 (%)
Spreedly 0.01 (%)
PineLabs 0.01 (%)
Sharetec 0.01 (%)
Airpay 0.01 (%)
Groovv 0.01 (%)
JetPay 0.01 (%)
BlueStripe 0.01 (%)
SAP Payment Engine 0.01 (%)
PayLane 0.01 (%)
TSYS 0.01 (%)
Sofort 0.01 (%)
Zeamster 0.01 (%)
Checkout 0.01 (%)
Alogent 0.01 (%)
Cardinity 0.01 (%)
NTT Data Payment 0.01 (%)
Trolley 0.01 (%)
Monitise 0.01 (%)
Maxpay 0.01 (%)
TransNational 0.01 (%)
CheckAlt 0.01 (%)
Gate2Shop 0.01 (%)
CorrectConnect 0.01 (%)
MasterCard API 0.01 (%)
Amex Express Checkout 0.01 (%)
EFT/400 0.01 (%)
Pabbly Subscriptions 0.01 (%)
ModoPayments 0.01 (%)
Payza 0.01 (%)
Preferred Payments 0.01 (%)
AQ2 Technologies 0.01 (%)
Corduro 0.01 (%)
FIS AddVantage 0.01 (%)
Velocity Payment System 0.00 (%)
NextPay 0.00 (%)
Zipmark 0.00 (%)
Finxera 0.00 (%)
Zombaio 0.00 (%)
CyberSource Payment Management Platform 0.00 (%)
MoneyMovers 0.00 (%)
Asperato 0.00 (%)
MagicPay 0.00 (%)
Credit Card Connection 0.00 (%)
Payments2Us 0.00 (%)
Acromobile 0.00 (%)
Payment Ninja 0.00 (%)
Total-Apps 0.00 (%)
Synergent 0.00 (%)
Midax 0.00 (%)
uPayments 0.00 (%)
PayNet Cloud 0.00 (%)
Draft Direct by eDebit Direct 0.00 (%)
GPN DATA Payment Gateway 0.00 (%)
Fiserv VisionPlus 0.00 (%)
Visifi iPower 0.00 (%)
PayZang 0.00 (%)
AlphaPaymentsCloud 0.00 (%)
OmniFund 0.00 (%)
Accept 0.00 (%)
GlobalOne 0.00 (%)
ClearGate 0.00 (%)
Skrill Payment Solutions 0.00 (%)
PacNet 0.00 (%)
WEX Virtual Payments 0.00 (%)
IMS Payments 0.00 (%)
aPay Payment Gateway System 0.00 (%)
Payment Express 0.00 (%)
Protobank 0.00 (%)
EASY PAY 0.00 (%)
TIBCO Substation ES 0.00 (%)
Voiie 0.00 (%)
MerchantGuy 0.00 (%)
BillingTree 0.00 (%)
Commence Payments 0.00 (%)
NorthAmerican BANCARD 0.00 (%)
ACI PAY.ON 0.00 (%)
Cryptopay 0.00 (%)
FortisPay 0.00 (%)
PaySpine Payment Gateway 0.00 (%)
GoInterpay 0.00 (%)
PayClix 0.00 (%)
EPX 0.00 (%)
IBM Watson Commerce 0.00 (%)
Payeezy 0.00 (%)
AppBrilliance 0.00 (%)
GiftWise 0.00 (%)
UniPay 0.00 (%)
Switchpay 0.00 (%)
EZSchoolPay 0.00 (%)
Humble Widget 0.00 (%)
Orbital Payment Gateway 0.00 (%)
First Data POLCARD 0.00 (%)
CoinGate 0.00 (%)
Paymentwall SpiderPipe 0.00 (%)
Testing Pays 0.00 (%)
AlstraSoft EPay 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Payments Processing software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Payments Processing software are Shopify Pay, Klarna, Amazon Payments. Here, you can view a full list of Payments Processing tools in the market.

How many companies use Payments Processing software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 327,573 companies are currently using one or more Payments Processing software. Out of these, there are 193,404 companies using Payments Processing tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Payments Processing software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Payments Processing space are Shopify Pay with 46.74 % of market share, and Klarna with 7.53 % of market share and Amazon Payments with 6.85 % of market share . Check for other Payments Processing technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Payments Processing softwares?

The top industries that use Payments Processing software are Retail and CPG (70,672) , Professional Services (52,030) , Technology (19,292) .

Choose Technologies to Compare
