Brand Management

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Brand Management tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Brand Management Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Brand Management

Top 5 Brand Management technologies in 2023

Over 184,719 companies are using Brand Management tools. Outbrain with 22.61% market share (41,756 customers), Hootsuite with 15.21% market share (28,091 customers), Vidyard with 13.32% market share (24,606 customers),

Brand Management Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Brand Management category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (53,019 companies), 20 - 49 employees (37,818 companies), 100 - 249 employees (14,761 companies).

Brand Management Customers by Geography

Companies using Brand Management technology software are majorly from the United States with 91,012 (67.69%), United Kingdom with 16,704 (12.42%), Canada with 7,646 (5.69%) customers respectively.

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Brand Management Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Brand Management for Professional Services (39,168), Retail and CPG (19,519), Technology (18,038).

Market Share for Top Brand Management Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Brand Management technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Outbrain 41756 22.61
2 Hootsuite 28091 15.21
3 Vidyard 24606 13.32
4 Yotpo 23936 12.96
5 Sprout Social 15925 8.62
6 Ceros 7843 4.25
7 Feefo 6142 3.33
8 SocialFlow 5044 2.73
9 Justuno 4405 2.38
10 Image Relay 2707 1.47
11 Zoho Social 1999 1.08
12 Flight by Canto 1959 1.06
13 NiceJob 1952 1.06
14 Stackla 1848 1.00
15 Brandfolder 1400 0.76
16 Brandwatch 1355 0.73
17 Synup 1218 0.66
18 1162 0.63
19 Newscred 1009 0.55
20 ReferralCandy 990 0.54
21 Lucidpress 760 0.41
22 Transifex 704 0.38
23 TINT 605 0.33
24 Bynder 546 0.30
25 Smartling 477 0.26
26 Localize 447 0.24
27 Easypromos 442 0.24
28 Percolate 351 0.19
29 Nuxeo 342 0.19
30 Dynamic Signal 292 0.16
31 Clarabridge CX Social 276 0.15
32 Brand24 268 0.15
33 IntelligenceBank Digital Asset Management 263 0.14
34 Widen Collective 258 0.14
35 256 0.14
36 NetX 222 0.12
37 Roster 218 0.12
38 Brandifyer 207 0.11
39 BrandMaker 200 0.11
40 Leadspace 182 0.10
41 Brandox 170 0.09
42 ReviewTrackers 139 0.08
43 Webdam 138 0.07
44 MajorTom 130 0.07
45 censhare 118 0.06
46 Frontify 115 0.06
47 Zoomph 114 0.06
48 JangoMail 109 0.06
49 GlobalLink 90 0.05
50 CustomerSure 89 0.05
51 InviteBox 84 0.05
52 Wedia 81 0.04
53 Yodle 76 0.04
54 Templafy 73 0.04
55 Bottlenose 64 0.03
56 Propago 63 0.03
57 CleanPix 58 0.03
58 Zuberance 51 0.03
59 Brandworkz 46 0.02
60 Prisync 43 0.02
61 On Brand 32 0.02
62 Beevolve 31 0.02
63 Reputation Loop 23 0.01
64 ROI360 18 0.01
65 Send Social Media 18 0.01
66 CrowdControlHQ 14 0.01
67 Reputology 11 0.01
68 ATOMIZED 10 0.01
69 Storefront Social 10 0.01
70 SimpleFeed 9 0.00
71 BEAM 8 0.00
72 Impactia 7 0.00
73 pilcro 6 0.00
74 PriceGrid 4 0.00
75 Gelato Globe 2 0.00
76 RealCADENCE 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Outbrain 22.61 (%)
Hootsuite 15.21 (%)
Vidyard 13.32 (%)
Yotpo 12.96 (%)
Sprout Social 8.62 (%)
Ceros 4.25 (%)
Feefo 3.33 (%)
SocialFlow 2.73 (%)
Justuno 2.38 (%)
Image Relay 1.47 (%)
Zoho Social 1.08 (%)
Flight by Canto 1.06 (%)
NiceJob 1.06 (%)
Stackla 1.00 (%)
Brandfolder 0.76 (%)
Brandwatch 0.73 (%)
Synup 0.66 (%) 0.63 (%)
Newscred 0.55 (%)
ReferralCandy 0.54 (%)
Lucidpress 0.41 (%)
Transifex 0.38 (%)
TINT 0.33 (%)
Bynder 0.30 (%)
Smartling 0.26 (%)
Localize 0.24 (%)
Easypromos 0.24 (%)
Percolate 0.19 (%)
Nuxeo 0.19 (%)
Dynamic Signal 0.16 (%)
Clarabridge CX Social 0.15 (%)
Brand24 0.15 (%)
IntelligenceBank Digital Asset Management 0.14 (%)
Widen Collective 0.14 (%) 0.14 (%)
NetX 0.12 (%)
Roster 0.12 (%)
Brandifyer 0.11 (%)
BrandMaker 0.11 (%)
Leadspace 0.10 (%)
Brandox 0.09 (%)
ReviewTrackers 0.08 (%)
Webdam 0.07 (%)
MajorTom 0.07 (%)
censhare 0.06 (%)
Frontify 0.06 (%)
Zoomph 0.06 (%)
JangoMail 0.06 (%)
GlobalLink 0.05 (%)
CustomerSure 0.05 (%)
InviteBox 0.05 (%)
Wedia 0.04 (%)
Yodle 0.04 (%)
Templafy 0.04 (%)
Bottlenose 0.03 (%)
Propago 0.03 (%)
CleanPix 0.03 (%)
Zuberance 0.03 (%)
Brandworkz 0.02 (%)
Prisync 0.02 (%)
On Brand 0.02 (%)
Beevolve 0.02 (%)
Reputation Loop 0.01 (%)
ROI360 0.01 (%)
Send Social Media 0.01 (%)
CrowdControlHQ 0.01 (%)
Reputology 0.01 (%)
ATOMIZED 0.01 (%)
Storefront Social 0.01 (%)
SimpleFeed 0.00 (%)
BEAM 0.00 (%)
Impactia 0.00 (%)
pilcro 0.00 (%)
PriceGrid 0.00 (%)
Gelato Globe 0.00 (%)
RealCADENCE 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Brand Management software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Brand Management software are Outbrain, Hootsuite, Vidyard. Here, you can view a full list of Brand Management tools in the market.

How many companies use Brand Management software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 150,614 companies are currently using one or more Brand Management software. Out of these, there are 91,012 companies using Brand Management tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Brand Management software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Brand Management space are Outbrain with 22.61 % of market share, and Hootsuite with 15.21 % of market share and Vidyard with 13.32 % of market share . Check for other Brand Management technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Brand Management softwares?

The top industries that use Brand Management software are Professional Services (39,168) , Retail and CPG (19,519) , Technology (18,038) .

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