Social Marketing

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Social Marketing tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Social Marketing Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Technologies Tracked
Companies Tracked
Categories related to Social Marketing

Top 5 Social Marketing technologies in 2023

Over 170,095 companies are using Social Marketing tools. Facebook Apps and Tabs with 73.73% market share (125,404 customers), with 3.74% market share (6,354 customers), Gleam with 1.88% market share (3,197 customers),

Social Marketing Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Social Marketing category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (330,414 companies), 20 - 49 employees (184,066 companies), 10 - 19 employees (69,693 companies).

Social Marketing Customers by Geography

Companies using Social Marketing technology software are majorly from the United States with 357,178 (57.12%), United Kingdom with 78,251 (12.51%), India with 30,059 (4.81%) customers respectively.

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Social Marketing Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Social Marketing for Professional Services (85,716), Retail and CPG (31,365), Technology (22,224).

Market Share for Top Social Marketing Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Social Marketing technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Facebook Apps and Tabs 125404 73.73
2 6354 3.74
3 Gleam 3197 1.88
4 ProveSource 2583 1.52
5 Foursixty 2289 1.35
6 YouVisit 2041 1.20
7 Octane AI 1904 1.12
8 Pinterest Business 1813 1.07
9 Curalate 1639 0.96
10 Nanigans 1219 0.72
11 ViralSweep 1114 0.65
12 ToneDen 1041 0.61
13 Vbout 982 0.58
14 Wayin 927 0.54
15 Pixlee 834 0.49
16 Mavrck 720 0.42
17 TapInfluence 688 0.40
18 Facebook for Business 638 0.38
19 Olapic 625 0.37
20 eMarketeer 595 0.35
21 ContentStudio 556 0.33
22 SocialBee 510 0.30
23 RiteTag 478 0.28
24 Onalytica IRM 433 0.25
25 Pagemodo 404 0.24
26 Unruly 386 0.23
27 Linkis 375 0.22
28 Archie 367 0.22
29 Thunderclap 366 0.22
30 ShortStack 332 0.20
31 Quuu 326 0.19
32 Intellifluence 323 0.19
33 StreamSend 283 0.17
34 Influ2 272 0.16
35 TwineSocial 253 0.15
36 MiloTree 245 0.14
37 SumAll 240 0.14
38 SocialTwist 231 0.14
39 Combin 230 0.14
40 TradableBits 224 0.13
41 Delmondo 218 0.13
42 Offerpop 212 0.12
43 Shareist 194 0.11
44 Traackr 188 0.11
45 Filament Flare 180 0.11
46 173 0.10
47 Tweroid 172 0.10
48 SocialToaster 168 0.10
49 Wyng 157 0.09
50 Facelift 153 0.09
51 LiveWorld 133 0.08
52 LocalVox 133 0.08
53 Candid 133 0.08
54 SocialAppsHQ 125 0.07
55 Miappi 123 0.07
56 HyPR 106 0.06
57 105 0.06
58 101 0.06
59 Crowdbooster 96 0.06
60 Bambu 94 0.06
61 Pixteller 92 0.05
62 Boomsocial 91 0.05
63 Votigo 89 0.05
64 Social Status 85 0.05
65 DIALOGFEED 83 0.05
66 Instant Articles 83 0.05
67 VEMT 80 0.05
68 GaggleAMP 78 0.05
69 eCairn 77 0.05
70 Upflow 77 0.05
71 Cool Tabs 76 0.04
72 Profilze 76 0.04
73 Rignite 74 0.04
74 71 0.04
75 Social Native 70 0.04
76 Skysa 65 0.04
77 Little Bird 65 0.04
78 EveryoneSocial 65 0.04
79 Adknowledge 65 0.04
80 Sociolus 64 0.04
81 Chute 61 0.04
82 Metigy AI 56 0.03
83 Viralwoot 52 0.03
84 SociallyBuzz 51 0.03
85 Planable 51 0.03
86 CrewFire 50 0.03
87 Grytics 47 0.03
88 Sociamonials 47 0.03
89 ThinkUp 47 0.03
90 Mass Planner 45 0.03
91 BoardBooster 45 0.03
92 PublishThis 44 0.03
93 Emphatic 42 0.02
94 ListenFirst 40 0.02
95 HelloSociety 39 0.02
96 Oracle Social Marketing 39 0.02
97 Chirpify 38 0.02
98 QuanticMind 36 0.02
99 Likeable Local 35 0.02
100 Nouncy 34 0.02
101 Pluck 34 0.02
102 Octoly 34 0.02
103 Sokrati 34 0.02
104 streamchartz 33 0.02
105 Backly 32 0.02
106 Syncapse 32 0.02
107 Postano 32 0.02
108 NapoleonCat 31 0.02
109 Argyle Social 30 0.02
110 start a FIRE 30 0.02
111 Komfo 30 0.02
112 Promo 29 0.02
113 Typito 28 0.02
114 LeadSync 28 0.02
115 Engage121 28 0.02
116 Lodging Interactive 26 0.02
117 PinMeTo 24 0.01
118 Contest Domination 23 0.01
119 eLink Pro 21 0.01
120 VipeCloud 21 0.01
121 Socioboard 21 0.01
122 CitizenNet 21 0.01
123 Follow Liker 21 0.01
124 ReadyPulse 20 0.01
125 Foll. 19 0.01
126 HeadTalker 19 0.01
127 Slyce 18 0.01
128 Knackmap 17 0.01
129 GroSocial 17 0.01
130 SoAmpli 16 0.01
131 Zipdial (Twitter Zipdial) 15 0.01
132 Buzzmonitor 15 0.01
133 Symphony Tools 14 0.01
134 MutualMind 14 0.01
135 Boosterberg 14 0.01
136 Curation Wall 13 0.01
137 Artifacia 13 0.01
138 Tabfoundry 13 0.01
139 BrandChats 13 0.01
140 Rivalfox 12 0.01
141 SocialRep 12 0.01
142 Beatrix 12 0.01
143 11 0.01
144 Snoopreport 11 0.01
145 NewzSocial 10 0.01
146 SocioAdvocacy 10 0.01
147 AddNow 10 0.01
148 Oracle Vitrue 9 0.01
149 Social Syndication Hub 9 0.01
150 Glow Machine 9 0.01
151 Rallyverse 9 0.01
152 Brandle 9 0.01
153 CoffeeBean 9 0.01
154 SocialMotus 9 0.01
155 Awareness 9 0.01
156 ShootProof 9 0.01
157 PromoJam 9 0.01
158 Hypegrowth 8 0.00
159 Taykey 8 0.00
160 Fanpoint 8 0.00
161 Frrole 8 0.00
162 SocialWeaver 8 0.00
163 Warbble 7 0.00
164 Kinetic Social 7 0.00
165 PostCreator 7 0.00
166 Kiwii 7 0.00
167 Yala 7 0.00
168 Contentivo 7 0.00
169 Sumazi 6 0.00
170 Missinglettr 6 0.00
171 Tiempy 6 0.00
172 TS Platform 5 0.00
173 myRosys 5 0.00
174 WiseStamp 5 0.00
175 Naritiv 5 0.00
176 Post Intelligence 5 0.00
177 Postcron 4 0.00
178 Campaign Maker 4 0.00
179 ZootRock 4 0.00
180 TopicPulse 3 0.00
181 Ziplr 3 0.00
182 Stribr 3 0.00
183 KnownCircle 3 0.00
184 Jarvis 3 0.00
185 Moodwire 3 0.00
186 Saybubble 3 0.00
187 Smync 3 0.00
188 CyBranding 3 0.00
189 SocialXpand 3 0.00
190 DM Pilot 3 0.00
191 SocialChomp 2 0.00
192 Fanchimp 2 0.00
193 KeepUp 2 0.00
194 Upcast 2 0.00
195 Qweboo 2 0.00
196 BuzzSpice 2 0.00
197 Reach7 2 0.00
198 Uplift Social 2 0.00
199 Conversity 2 0.00
200 Tracx 2 0.00
201 Funnely 2 0.00
202 Postcron ArtStudio 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Facebook Apps and Tabs 73.73 (%) 3.74 (%)
Gleam 1.88 (%)
ProveSource 1.52 (%)
Foursixty 1.35 (%)
YouVisit 1.20 (%)
Octane AI 1.12 (%)
Pinterest Business 1.07 (%)
Curalate 0.96 (%)
Nanigans 0.72 (%)
ViralSweep 0.65 (%)
ToneDen 0.61 (%)
Vbout 0.58 (%)
Wayin 0.54 (%)
Pixlee 0.49 (%)
Mavrck 0.42 (%)
TapInfluence 0.40 (%)
Facebook for Business 0.38 (%)
Olapic 0.37 (%)
eMarketeer 0.35 (%)
ContentStudio 0.33 (%)
SocialBee 0.30 (%)
RiteTag 0.28 (%)
Onalytica IRM 0.25 (%)
Pagemodo 0.24 (%)
Unruly 0.23 (%)
Linkis 0.22 (%)
Archie 0.22 (%)
Thunderclap 0.22 (%)
ShortStack 0.20 (%)
Quuu 0.19 (%)
Intellifluence 0.19 (%)
StreamSend 0.17 (%)
Influ2 0.16 (%)
TwineSocial 0.15 (%)
MiloTree 0.14 (%)
SumAll 0.14 (%)
SocialTwist 0.14 (%)
Combin 0.14 (%)
TradableBits 0.13 (%)
Delmondo 0.13 (%)
Offerpop 0.12 (%)
Shareist 0.11 (%)
Traackr 0.11 (%)
Filament Flare 0.11 (%) 0.10 (%)
Tweroid 0.10 (%)
SocialToaster 0.10 (%)
Wyng 0.09 (%)
Facelift 0.09 (%)
LiveWorld 0.08 (%)
LocalVox 0.08 (%)
Candid 0.08 (%)
SocialAppsHQ 0.07 (%)
Miappi 0.07 (%)
HyPR 0.06 (%) 0.06 (%) 0.06 (%)
Crowdbooster 0.06 (%)
Bambu 0.06 (%)
Pixteller 0.05 (%)
Boomsocial 0.05 (%)
Votigo 0.05 (%)
Social Status 0.05 (%)
Instant Articles 0.05 (%)
VEMT 0.05 (%)
GaggleAMP 0.05 (%)
eCairn 0.05 (%)
Upflow 0.05 (%)
Cool Tabs 0.04 (%)
Profilze 0.04 (%)
Rignite 0.04 (%) 0.04 (%)
Social Native 0.04 (%)
Skysa 0.04 (%)
Little Bird 0.04 (%)
EveryoneSocial 0.04 (%)
Adknowledge 0.04 (%)
Sociolus 0.04 (%)
Chute 0.04 (%)
Metigy AI 0.03 (%)
Viralwoot 0.03 (%)
SociallyBuzz 0.03 (%)
Planable 0.03 (%)
CrewFire 0.03 (%)
Grytics 0.03 (%)
Sociamonials 0.03 (%)
ThinkUp 0.03 (%)
Mass Planner 0.03 (%)
BoardBooster 0.03 (%)
PublishThis 0.03 (%)
Emphatic 0.02 (%)
ListenFirst 0.02 (%)
HelloSociety 0.02 (%)
Oracle Social Marketing 0.02 (%)
Chirpify 0.02 (%)
QuanticMind 0.02 (%)
Likeable Local 0.02 (%)
Nouncy 0.02 (%)
Pluck 0.02 (%)
Octoly 0.02 (%)
Sokrati 0.02 (%)
streamchartz 0.02 (%)
Backly 0.02 (%)
Syncapse 0.02 (%)
Postano 0.02 (%)
NapoleonCat 0.02 (%)
Argyle Social 0.02 (%)
start a FIRE 0.02 (%)
Komfo 0.02 (%)
Promo 0.02 (%)
Typito 0.02 (%)
LeadSync 0.02 (%)
Engage121 0.02 (%)
Lodging Interactive 0.02 (%)
PinMeTo 0.01 (%)
Contest Domination 0.01 (%)
eLink Pro 0.01 (%)
VipeCloud 0.01 (%)
Socioboard 0.01 (%)
CitizenNet 0.01 (%)
Follow Liker 0.01 (%)
ReadyPulse 0.01 (%)
Foll. 0.01 (%)
HeadTalker 0.01 (%)
Slyce 0.01 (%)
Knackmap 0.01 (%)
GroSocial 0.01 (%)
SoAmpli 0.01 (%)
Zipdial (Twitter Zipdial) 0.01 (%)
Buzzmonitor 0.01 (%)
Symphony Tools 0.01 (%)
MutualMind 0.01 (%)
Boosterberg 0.01 (%)
Curation Wall 0.01 (%)
Artifacia 0.01 (%)
Tabfoundry 0.01 (%)
BrandChats 0.01 (%)
Rivalfox 0.01 (%)
SocialRep 0.01 (%)
Beatrix 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Snoopreport 0.01 (%)
NewzSocial 0.01 (%)
SocioAdvocacy 0.01 (%)
AddNow 0.01 (%)
Oracle Vitrue 0.01 (%)
Social Syndication Hub 0.01 (%)
Glow Machine 0.01 (%)
Rallyverse 0.01 (%)
Brandle 0.01 (%)
CoffeeBean 0.01 (%)
SocialMotus 0.01 (%)
Awareness 0.01 (%)
ShootProof 0.01 (%)
PromoJam 0.01 (%)
Hypegrowth 0.00 (%)
Taykey 0.00 (%)
Fanpoint 0.00 (%)
Frrole 0.00 (%)
SocialWeaver 0.00 (%)
Warbble 0.00 (%)
Kinetic Social 0.00 (%)
PostCreator 0.00 (%)
Kiwii 0.00 (%)
Yala 0.00 (%)
Contentivo 0.00 (%)
Sumazi 0.00 (%)
Missinglettr 0.00 (%)
Tiempy 0.00 (%)
TS Platform 0.00 (%)
myRosys 0.00 (%)
WiseStamp 0.00 (%)
Naritiv 0.00 (%)
Post Intelligence 0.00 (%)
Postcron 0.00 (%)
Campaign Maker 0.00 (%)
ZootRock 0.00 (%)
TopicPulse 0.00 (%)
Ziplr 0.00 (%)
Stribr 0.00 (%)
KnownCircle 0.00 (%)
Jarvis 0.00 (%)
Moodwire 0.00 (%)
Saybubble 0.00 (%)
Smync 0.00 (%)
CyBranding 0.00 (%)
SocialXpand 0.00 (%)
DM Pilot 0.00 (%)
SocialChomp 0.00 (%)
Fanchimp 0.00 (%)
KeepUp 0.00 (%)
Upcast 0.00 (%)
Qweboo 0.00 (%)
BuzzSpice 0.00 (%)
Reach7 0.00 (%)
Uplift Social 0.00 (%)
Conversity 0.00 (%)
Tracx 0.00 (%)
Funnely 0.00 (%)
Postcron ArtStudio 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Social Marketing software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Social Marketing software are Facebook Apps and Tabs,, Gleam. Here, you can view a full list of Social Marketing tools in the market.

How many companies use Social Marketing software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 766,507 companies are currently using one or more Social Marketing software. Out of these, there are 357,178 companies using Social Marketing tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Social Marketing software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Social Marketing space are Facebook Apps and Tabs with 73.73 % of market share, and with 3.74 % of market share and Gleam with 1.88 % of market share . Check for other Social Marketing technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Social Marketing softwares?

The top industries that use Social Marketing software are Professional Services (85,716) , Retail and CPG (31,365) , Technology (22,224) .

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