
Gain market share and customer base information about the top Compliance tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Compliance Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Compliance

Top 5 Compliance technologies in 2023

Over 40,068 companies are using Compliance tools. Xero with 42.24% market share (16,925 customers), Avalara with 4.51% market share (1,808 customers), TrackWise with 4.01% market share (1,605 customers),

Compliance Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Compliance category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (9,608 companies), 20 - 49 employees (6,985 companies), 100 - 249 employees (3,289 companies).

Compliance Customers by Geography

Companies using Compliance technology software are majorly from the United States with 16,202 (59.16%), United Kingdom with 5,311 (19.39%), Australia with 1,836 (6.70%) customers respectively.

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Compliance Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Compliance for Professional Services (64,426), Technology (36,012), Retail and CPG (23,034).

Market Share for Top Compliance Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Compliance technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Xero 16925 42.24
2 Avalara 1808 4.51
3 TrackWise 1605 4.01
4 ManageEngine ADAudit Plus 1361 3.40
5 Convercent 1153 2.88
6 MasterControl 1141 2.85
7 Wdesk 686 1.71
8 MOVEit 657 1.64
9 IntelligenceBank Boards 640 1.60
10 Diligent Boards 640 1.60
11 UpCodes 636 1.59
12 EnGlobe 594 1.48
13 Conga Contracts 590 1.47
14 Apttus Contract Management 577 1.44
15 Zenefits 573 1.43
16 Jolt 507 1.27
17 FIS Lending 458 1.14
18 NAVEXEngage 456 1.14
19 NetDocuments 451 1.13
20 PolicyTech 437 1.09
21 ALIS 427 1.07
22 AuditBoard 411 1.03
23 Netwrix Auditor 409 1.02
24 Gensuite 370 0.92
25 Promapp 323 0.81
26 Identity Services 291 0.73
27 Rollbar 285 0.71
28 Way We Do 279 0.70
29 Oracle Waveset 273 0.68
30 Shoeboxed for Quickbooks 260 0.65
31 IntegrityNext 251 0.63
32 Pentana 220 0.55
33 Temenos Regulatory Compliance 212 0.53
34 Riskonnect 197 0.49
35 Crunch 187 0.47
36 Alyne 187 0.47
37 IntelligenceBank GRC 169 0.42
38 SAI360 156 0.39
39 Verisk 3E 152 0.38
40 Cority EHSQ Software 144 0.36
41 Intellect 131 0.33
42 ManageEngine ADManager Plus 119 0.30
43 VelocityEHS 115 0.29
44 Hearsay Social 101 0.25
45 WorkRamp 98 0.24
46 ZeroBounce 95 0.24
47 SiteDocs 94 0.23
48 93 0.23
49 Xandria 88 0.22
50 Assignar 88 0.22
51 Chemical Safety Software 87 0.22
52 OurRecords 85 0.21
53 TalentGuard Performance Management 80 0.20
54 Trail Blazer PAC Manager 79 0.20
55 Onspring 74 0.18
56 EZOfficeInventory 67 0.17
57 ETran 67 0.17
58 Certent Disclosure Management 63 0.16
59 Protecht.ERM 61 0.15
60 HappyCo 59 0.15
61 Quantivate 58 0.14
62 Integrify 56 0.14
63 Everteam BPM 55 0.14
64 ZenGRC 49 0.12
65 LogicGate 47 0.12
66 Corporater 46 0.11
67 QT9 Quality Management 45 0.11
68 NameScan 41 0.10
69 RizePoint 40 0.10
70 Directorpoint 35 0.09
71 Hyperproof 34 0.08
72 StandardFusion 34 0.08
73 SafetySync 32 0.08
74 Thomson Reuters Accelus 32 0.08
75 ERA EH&S Software 31 0.08
76 Tonbeller 27 0.07
77 VUE Software 27 0.07
78 Safe365 25 0.06
79 Donesafe 25 0.06
80 Blueprint OneWorld 25 0.06
81 Qintil 23 0.06
82 Healthicity Compliance Manager 23 0.06
83 AgentSync 23 0.06
84 Qualityze Audit System 22 0.05
85 Sfax 20 0.05
86 ProCalV5 19 0.05
87 ConvergePoint Policy Management 18 0.04
88 Beakon 18 0.04
89 BSI Compliance Manager 18 0.04
90 EQMS 17 0.04
91 Safety Evolution 17 0.04
92 Accuvio 17 0.04
93 SignOnSite 17 0.04
94 16 0.04
95 Enablon Audit Management 15 0.04
96 AMLcheck 12 0.03
97 A-SCEND by A-LIGN 12 0.03
98 CoInspect 11 0.03
99 Chronos Workflow 11 0.03
100 Flowingly 11 0.03
101 OSHIFY 8 0.02
102 Law Practice Cloud 8 0.02
103 Zoot Origination 8 0.02
104 FreshCheq 7 0.02
105 Payroll Mate 7 0.02
106 Process Director 7 0.02
107 SYMPAQ SQL 7 0.02
108 CourseGenius 7 0.02
109 Qualio Life Sciences QMS 7 0.02
110 MyEasyISO 7 0.02
111 Adaptive GRC 6 0.01
112 Integrum 6 0.01
113 Complinity 6 0.01
114 Kharon 4 0.01
115 Progressly 4 0.01
116 Pervidi 3 0.01
117 VComply 3 0.01
118 Paradigm 3 3 0.01
119 Visitor, Contractor and Induction Management 3 0.01
120 Intouch Insight 3 0.01
121 DynamicPolicy 2 0.00
122 EcoWebDesk 2 0.00
123 Z-Discovery 2 0.00
124 Sword Policy Manager 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Xero 42.24 (%)
Avalara 4.51 (%)
TrackWise 4.01 (%)
ManageEngine ADAudit Plus 3.40 (%)
Convercent 2.88 (%)
MasterControl 2.85 (%)
Wdesk 1.71 (%)
MOVEit 1.64 (%)
IntelligenceBank Boards 1.60 (%)
Diligent Boards 1.60 (%)
UpCodes 1.59 (%)
EnGlobe 1.48 (%)
Conga Contracts 1.47 (%)
Apttus Contract Management 1.44 (%)
Zenefits 1.43 (%)
Jolt 1.27 (%)
FIS Lending 1.14 (%)
NAVEXEngage 1.14 (%)
NetDocuments 1.13 (%)
PolicyTech 1.09 (%)
ALIS 1.07 (%)
AuditBoard 1.03 (%)
Netwrix Auditor 1.02 (%)
Gensuite 0.92 (%)
Promapp 0.81 (%)
Identity Services 0.73 (%)
Rollbar 0.71 (%)
Way We Do 0.70 (%)
Oracle Waveset 0.68 (%)
Shoeboxed for Quickbooks 0.65 (%)
IntegrityNext 0.63 (%)
Pentana 0.55 (%)
Temenos Regulatory Compliance 0.53 (%)
Riskonnect 0.49 (%)
Crunch 0.47 (%)
Alyne 0.47 (%)
IntelligenceBank GRC 0.42 (%)
SAI360 0.39 (%)
Verisk 3E 0.38 (%)
Cority EHSQ Software 0.36 (%)
Intellect 0.33 (%)
ManageEngine ADManager Plus 0.30 (%)
VelocityEHS 0.29 (%)
Hearsay Social 0.25 (%)
WorkRamp 0.24 (%)
ZeroBounce 0.24 (%)
SiteDocs 0.23 (%) 0.23 (%)
Xandria 0.22 (%)
Assignar 0.22 (%)
Chemical Safety Software 0.22 (%)
OurRecords 0.21 (%)
TalentGuard Performance Management 0.20 (%)
Trail Blazer PAC Manager 0.20 (%)
Onspring 0.18 (%)
EZOfficeInventory 0.17 (%)
ETran 0.17 (%)
Certent Disclosure Management 0.16 (%)
Protecht.ERM 0.15 (%)
HappyCo 0.15 (%)
Quantivate 0.14 (%)
Integrify 0.14 (%)
Everteam BPM 0.14 (%)
ZenGRC 0.12 (%)
LogicGate 0.12 (%)
Corporater 0.11 (%)
QT9 Quality Management 0.11 (%)
NameScan 0.10 (%)
RizePoint 0.10 (%)
Directorpoint 0.09 (%)
Hyperproof 0.08 (%)
StandardFusion 0.08 (%)
SafetySync 0.08 (%)
Thomson Reuters Accelus 0.08 (%)
ERA EH&S Software 0.08 (%)
Tonbeller 0.07 (%)
VUE Software 0.07 (%)
Safe365 0.06 (%)
Donesafe 0.06 (%)
Blueprint OneWorld 0.06 (%)
Qintil 0.06 (%)
Healthicity Compliance Manager 0.06 (%)
AgentSync 0.06 (%)
Qualityze Audit System 0.05 (%)
Sfax 0.05 (%)
ProCalV5 0.05 (%)
ConvergePoint Policy Management 0.04 (%)
Beakon 0.04 (%)
BSI Compliance Manager 0.04 (%)
EQMS 0.04 (%)
Safety Evolution 0.04 (%)
Accuvio 0.04 (%)
SignOnSite 0.04 (%) 0.04 (%)
Enablon Audit Management 0.04 (%)
AMLcheck 0.03 (%)
A-SCEND by A-LIGN 0.03 (%)
CoInspect 0.03 (%)
Chronos Workflow 0.03 (%)
Flowingly 0.03 (%)
OSHIFY 0.02 (%)
Law Practice Cloud 0.02 (%)
Zoot Origination 0.02 (%)
FreshCheq 0.02 (%)
Payroll Mate 0.02 (%)
Process Director 0.02 (%)
SYMPAQ SQL 0.02 (%)
CourseGenius 0.02 (%)
Qualio Life Sciences QMS 0.02 (%)
MyEasyISO 0.02 (%)
Adaptive GRC 0.01 (%)
Integrum 0.01 (%)
Complinity 0.01 (%)
Kharon 0.01 (%)
Progressly 0.01 (%)
Pervidi 0.01 (%)
VComply 0.01 (%)
Paradigm 3 0.01 (%)
Visitor, Contractor and Induction Management 0.01 (%)
Intouch Insight 0.01 (%)
DynamicPolicy 0.00 (%)
EcoWebDesk 0.00 (%)
Z-Discovery 0.00 (%)
Sword Policy Manager 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Compliance software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Compliance software are Xero, Avalara, TrackWise. Here, you can view a full list of Compliance tools in the market.

How many companies use Compliance software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 31,184 companies are currently using one or more Compliance software. Out of these, there are 16,202 companies using Compliance tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Compliance software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Compliance space are Xero with 42.24 % of market share, and Avalara with 4.51 % of market share and TrackWise with 4.01 % of market share . Check for other Compliance technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Compliance softwares?

The top industries that use Compliance software are Professional Services (64,426) , Technology (36,012) , Retail and CPG (23,034) .

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