Cross-Channel Marketing Automation

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Cross-Channel Marketing Automation tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Cross-Channel Marketing Automation Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Cross-Channel Marketing Automation

Top 5 Cross-Channel Marketing Automation technologies in 2023

Over 66,567 companies are using Cross-Channel Marketing Automation tools. Promote with 59.29% market share (39,465 customers), Oracle Eloqua with 17.95% market share (11,950 customers), SALESmanago with 4.41% market share (2,935 customers),

Cross-Channel Marketing Automation Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Cross-Channel Marketing Automation category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (27,157 companies), 20 - 49 employees (13,155 companies), 10 - 19 employees (5,413 companies).

Cross-Channel Marketing Automation Customers by Geography

Companies using Cross-Channel Marketing Automation technology software are majorly from the United States with 40,667 (74.91%), United Kingdom with 3,819 (7.03%), India with 1,961 (3.61%) customers respectively.

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Cross-Channel Marketing Automation Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Cross-Channel Marketing Automation for Professional Services (14,495), Retail and CPG (7,402), Technology (6,851).

Market Share for Top Cross-Channel Marketing Automation Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Cross-Channel Marketing Automation technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Promote 39465 59.29
2 Oracle Eloqua 11950 17.95
3 SALESmanago 2935 4.41
4 Listrak 2209 3.32
5 Adobe Campaign 2060 3.09
6 mParticle 1430 2.15
7 Teradata Marketing 1198 1.80
8 AdTriba 695 1.04
9 Selligent 693 1.04
10 eMarketeer 595 0.89
11 Blueshift 578 0.87
12 Adabra 529 0.79
13 Netcore Smartech 445 0.67
14 Clastic 234 0.35
15 Dialog Insight 169 0.25
16 RecastAI 162 0.24
17 Accengage 121 0.18
18 ACTITO 117 0.18
19 Marketing Evolution 110 0.17
20 Perfion 86 0.13
21 PropertyRadar 76 0.11
22 HireMojo 64 0.10
23 Bluestone PIM 63 0.09
24 erxes Inc 54 0.08
25 Jeenga 52 0.08
26 FirstHive 52 0.08
27 ZyloTech 51 0.08
28 SailPlay Loyalty 50 0.08
29 REES46 eCommerce Marketing Personalization Suite 32 0.05
30 Boingnet 32 0.05
31 Distribion 29 0.04
32 InfiniGrow 29 0.04
33 QuickPivot 25 0.04
34 Google Channel Intelligence 25 0.04
35 ExpertSender 23 0.03
36 Virtual Logistics 22 0.03
37 Clang 19 0.03
38 Nurture 19 0.03
39 AdGreetz 18 0.03
40 OWOX BI Pipeline 7 0.01
41 CrossEngage 7 0.01
42 Buzzportal 6 0.01
43 AdWyze 5 0.01
44 Marketfox 4 0.01
45 Brick Street CONNECT 4 0.01
46 3 0.00
47 OWOX BI Attribution 3 0.00
48 Leado 3 0.00
49 ZenIQ 3 0.00
50 Chainlink 3 0.00
51 NEAR 3 0.00
Technology Market share
Promote 59.29 (%)
Oracle Eloqua 17.95 (%)
SALESmanago 4.41 (%)
Listrak 3.32 (%)
Adobe Campaign 3.09 (%)
mParticle 2.15 (%)
Teradata Marketing 1.80 (%)
AdTriba 1.04 (%)
Selligent 1.04 (%)
eMarketeer 0.89 (%)
Blueshift 0.87 (%)
Adabra 0.79 (%)
Netcore Smartech 0.67 (%)
Clastic 0.35 (%)
Dialog Insight 0.25 (%)
RecastAI 0.24 (%)
Accengage 0.18 (%)
ACTITO 0.18 (%)
Marketing Evolution 0.17 (%)
Perfion 0.13 (%)
PropertyRadar 0.11 (%)
HireMojo 0.10 (%)
Bluestone PIM 0.09 (%)
erxes Inc 0.08 (%)
Jeenga 0.08 (%)
FirstHive 0.08 (%)
ZyloTech 0.08 (%)
SailPlay Loyalty 0.08 (%)
REES46 eCommerce Marketing Personalization Suite 0.05 (%)
Boingnet 0.05 (%)
Distribion 0.04 (%)
InfiniGrow 0.04 (%)
QuickPivot 0.04 (%)
Google Channel Intelligence 0.04 (%)
ExpertSender 0.03 (%)
Virtual Logistics 0.03 (%)
Clang 0.03 (%)
Nurture 0.03 (%)
AdGreetz 0.03 (%)
OWOX BI Pipeline 0.01 (%)
CrossEngage 0.01 (%)
Buzzportal 0.01 (%)
AdWyze 0.01 (%)
Marketfox 0.01 (%)
Brick Street CONNECT 0.01 (%) 0.00 (%)
OWOX BI Attribution 0.00 (%)
Leado 0.00 (%)
ZenIQ 0.00 (%)
Chainlink 0.00 (%)
NEAR 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software are Promote, Oracle Eloqua, SALESmanago. Here, you can view a full list of Cross-Channel Marketing Automation tools in the market.

How many companies use Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 61,374 companies are currently using one or more Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software. Out of these, there are 40,667 companies using Cross-Channel Marketing Automation tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Cross-Channel Marketing Automation space are Promote with 59.29 % of market share, and Oracle Eloqua with 17.95 % of market share and SALESmanago with 4.41 % of market share . Check for other Cross-Channel Marketing Automation technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Cross-Channel Marketing Automation softwares?

The top industries that use Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software are Professional Services (14,495) , Retail and CPG (7,402) , Technology (6,851) .

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