Data Science And Machine Learning

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Data Science And Machine Learning tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Data Science And Machine Learning Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Data Science And Machine Learning

Top 5 Data Science And Machine Learning technologies in 2023

Over 390,479 companies are using Data Science And Machine Learning tools. Google Translate with 74.94% market share (292,643 customers), pandas python with 4.27% market share (16,658 customers), Amazon Machine Learning with 4.20% market share (16,400 customers),

Data Science And Machine Learning Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Data Science And Machine Learning category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (106,521 companies), 20 - 49 employees (81,351 companies), 100 - 249 employees (40,819 companies).

Data Science And Machine Learning Customers by Geography

Companies using Data Science And Machine Learning technology software are majorly from the United States with 184,279 (61.43%), United Kingdom with 28,129 (9.38%), India with 18,995 (6.33%) customers respectively.

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Data Science And Machine Learning Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Data Science And Machine Learning for Professional Services (84,202), Technology (36,824), Retail and CPG (22,698).

Market Share for Top Data Science And Machine Learning Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Data Science And Machine Learning technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer count and market share data is calculated based on the organizations identified and tracked in the 6sense database. Market share(%)
1 Google Translate 292643 74.94
2 pandas python 16658 4.27
3 Amazon Machine Learning 16400 4.20
4 Apache Spark 15108 3.87
5 scikit-learn 10395 2.66
6 Azure Machine Learning 6081 1.56
7 Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine 5418 1.39
8 Apache Spark MLlib 5101 1.31
9 Amazon SageMaker 3996 1.02
10 IBM Watson 3955 1.01
11 TensorFlow on AWS 1968 0.50
12 Kubeflow 1354 0.35
13 ML Flow 1000 0.26
14 Microsoft LUIS 923 0.24
15 Amazon Forecast 886 0.23
16 Appen 656 0.17
17 Packer by HashiCorp 563 0.14
18 Platform 540 0.14
19 IBM Watson Machine Learning 483 0.12
20 Amazon Comprehend 422 0.11
21 Google Cloud AI Platform 411 0.11
22 Amazon Textract 399 0.10
23 Rossum 365 0.09
24 Apache Mahout 332 0.09
25 DataRobot Enterprise 331 0.08
26 IBM Watson Studio 218 0.06
27 Google Cloud AutoML 212 0.05
28 Nutanix Prism 181 0.05
29 Detectron2 175 0.04
30 InRule 158 0.04
31 Adobe Sensei 156 0.04
32 Weka 144 0.04
33 Apache OpenNLP 134 0.03
34 Demandtec 127 0.03
35 Horovod 126 0.03
36 Data Domino Lab 120 0.03
37 Teradata Vantage 118 0.03
38 Amazon Kendra 117 0.03
39 Apache MXNet 116 0.03
40 Caffe2 114 0.03
41 Patsnap 113 0.03
42 Amazon Personalize 109 0.03
43 Lilt 108 0.03
44 MetaFlow 93 0.02
45 Weights & Biases 85 0.02
46 CentralSquare 79 0.02
47 Tecton 72 0.02
48 Document AI 71 0.02
49 Splunk User Behavior Analytics 68 0.02
50 Arrikto Machine Learning Platform 67 0.02
51 Amazon Translate 65 0.02
52 Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer 64 0.02
53 AWS DeepRacer 64 0.02
54 AWS DeepLens 63 0.02
55 Algorithmia 60 0.02
56 Google Cloud Translation API 56 0.01
57 Phrasee 52 0.01
58 Antuit AI 40 0.01
59 Amazon Augmented AI (Amazon A2I) 37 0.01
60 Google Cloud AI Building Blocks 37 0.01
61 Hawksearch 37 0.01
62 PaddlePaddle 36 0.01
63 Intel Neon 34 0.01
64 Microsoft Machine Learning Server 32 0.01
65 IBM Watson Visual Recognition 30 0.01
66 Vuforia Engine 30 0.01
67 Apache PredictionIO 28 0.01
68 OpenText Axcelerate 21 0.01
69 Neptune AI 20 0.01
70 OpenText Magellan 20 0.01
71 Intel Math Kernel Library 19 0.00
72 Faethm 19 0.00
73 Microsoft Azure Kinect DK 18 0.00
74 AWS Deep Learning AMIs 13 0.00
75 Google Cloud AutoML Vision 11 0.00
76 Wipro HOLMES 11 0.00
77 Sales Cloud Einstein 10 0.00
78 AWS Inferentia 10 0.00
79 Apache SAMOA 9 0.00
80 NetSpring 8 0.00
81 ACTICO 8 0.00
82 Apache Joshua 6 0.00
83 Apache SINGA 6 0.00
84 FlexRule 6 0.00
85 MindSpore 5 0.00
86 Apache SystemML 5 0.00
87 Language IO 5 0.00
88 Google Cloud AI Hub 3 0.00
89 Apache Hivemall 3 0.00
90 Nutanix Prism Pro 3 0.00
91 Splice Machine 3 0.00
92 Altair Knowledge Studio 3 0.00
Technology Market share
Google Translate 74.94 (%)
pandas python 4.27 (%)
Amazon Machine Learning 4.20 (%)
Apache Spark 3.87 (%)
scikit-learn 2.66 (%)
Azure Machine Learning 1.56 (%)
Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine 1.39 (%)
Apache Spark MLlib 1.31 (%)
Amazon SageMaker 1.02 (%)
IBM Watson 1.01 (%)
TensorFlow on AWS 0.50 (%)
Kubeflow 0.35 (%)
ML Flow 0.26 (%)
Microsoft LUIS 0.24 (%)
Amazon Forecast 0.23 (%)
Appen 0.17 (%)
Packer by HashiCorp 0.14 (%) Platform 0.14 (%)
IBM Watson Machine Learning 0.12 (%)
Amazon Comprehend 0.11 (%)
Google Cloud AI Platform 0.11 (%)
Amazon Textract 0.10 (%)
Rossum 0.09 (%)
Apache Mahout 0.09 (%)
DataRobot Enterprise 0.08 (%)
IBM Watson Studio 0.06 (%)
Google Cloud AutoML 0.05 (%)
Nutanix Prism 0.05 (%)
Detectron2 0.04 (%)
InRule 0.04 (%)
Adobe Sensei 0.04 (%)
Weka 0.04 (%)
Apache OpenNLP 0.03 (%)
Demandtec 0.03 (%)
Horovod 0.03 (%)
Data Domino Lab 0.03 (%)
Teradata Vantage 0.03 (%)
Amazon Kendra 0.03 (%)
Apache MXNet 0.03 (%)
Caffe2 0.03 (%)
Patsnap 0.03 (%)
Amazon Personalize 0.03 (%)
Lilt 0.03 (%)
MetaFlow 0.02 (%)
Weights & Biases 0.02 (%)
CentralSquare 0.02 (%)
Tecton 0.02 (%)
Document AI 0.02 (%)
Splunk User Behavior Analytics 0.02 (%)
Arrikto Machine Learning Platform 0.02 (%)
Amazon Translate 0.02 (%)
Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer 0.02 (%)
AWS DeepRacer 0.02 (%)
AWS DeepLens 0.02 (%)
Algorithmia 0.02 (%)
Google Cloud Translation API 0.01 (%)
Phrasee 0.01 (%)
Antuit AI 0.01 (%)
Amazon Augmented AI (Amazon A2I) 0.01 (%)
Google Cloud AI Building Blocks 0.01 (%)
Hawksearch 0.01 (%)
PaddlePaddle 0.01 (%)
Intel Neon 0.01 (%)
Microsoft Machine Learning Server 0.01 (%)
IBM Watson Visual Recognition 0.01 (%)
Vuforia Engine 0.01 (%)
Apache PredictionIO 0.01 (%)
OpenText Axcelerate 0.01 (%)
Neptune AI 0.01 (%)
OpenText Magellan 0.01 (%)
Intel Math Kernel Library 0.00 (%)
Faethm 0.00 (%)
Microsoft Azure Kinect DK 0.00 (%)
AWS Deep Learning AMIs 0.00 (%)
Google Cloud AutoML Vision 0.00 (%)
Wipro HOLMES 0.00 (%)
Sales Cloud Einstein 0.00 (%)
AWS Inferentia 0.00 (%)
Apache SAMOA 0.00 (%)
NetSpring 0.00 (%)
ACTICO 0.00 (%)
Apache Joshua 0.00 (%)
Apache SINGA 0.00 (%)
FlexRule 0.00 (%)
MindSpore 0.00 (%)
Apache SystemML 0.00 (%)
Language IO 0.00 (%)
Google Cloud AI Hub 0.00 (%)
Apache Hivemall 0.00 (%)
Nutanix Prism Pro 0.00 (%)
Splice Machine 0.00 (%)
Altair Knowledge Studio 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Data Science And Machine Learning software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Data Science And Machine Learning software are Google Translate, pandas python, Amazon Machine Learning. Here, you can view a full list of Data Science And Machine Learning tools in the market.

How many companies use Data Science And Machine Learning software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 370,910 companies are currently using one or more Data Science And Machine Learning software. Out of these, there are 184,279 companies using Data Science And Machine Learning tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Data Science And Machine Learning software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Data Science And Machine Learning space are Google Translate with 74.94 % of market share, and pandas python with 4.27 % of market share and Amazon Machine Learning with 4.20 % of market share . Check for other Data Science And Machine Learning technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Data Science And Machine Learning softwares?

The top industries that use Data Science And Machine Learning software are Professional Services (84,202) , Technology (36,824) , Retail and CPG (22,698) .

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