Ecommerce Marketing

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Ecommerce Marketing tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Ecommerce Marketing Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Ecommerce Marketing

Top 5 Ecommerce Marketing technologies in 2023

Over 175,448 companies are using Ecommerce Marketing tools. Klaviyo with 54.19% market share (95,081 customers), Criteo with 19.75% market share (34,648 customers), hybris with 2.63% market share (4,609 customers),

Ecommerce Marketing Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Ecommerce Marketing category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (26,981 companies), 20 - 49 employees (17,715 companies), 100 - 249 employees (7,482 companies).

Ecommerce Marketing Customers by Geography

Companies using Ecommerce Marketing technology software are majorly from the United States with 43,209 (68.11%), United Kingdom with 5,758 (9.08%), France with 2,440 (3.85%) customers respectively.

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Ecommerce Marketing Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Ecommerce Marketing for Retail and CPG (15,657), Professional Services (11,187), Technology (6,913).

Market Share for Top Ecommerce Marketing Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Ecommerce Marketing technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Klaviyo 95081 54.19
2 Criteo 34648 19.75
3 hybris 4609 2.63
4 Affiliatly 4161 2.37
5 RevenueHunt 3731 2.13
6 Beeketing 3398 1.94
7 Emarsys 2583 1.47
8 Hooklogic 1712 0.98
9 Curalate 1641 0.94
10 SearchSpring 1506 0.86
11 Bronto Marketing Platform 1391 0.79
12 Avangate 1350 0.77
13 Syndigo 1335 0.76
14 Monetate 1161 0.66
15 Visualsoft 924 0.53
16 UpSellit 862 0.49
17 Kelkoo 752 0.43
18 Yieldify 663 0.38
19 Retargeting 646 0.37
20 RichRelevance 609 0.35
21 Recapture 557 0.32
22 Talkable 530 0.30
23 BloomReach 518 0.30
24 TargetBay 514 0.29
25 Recart 497 0.28
26 Funnel 491 0.28
27 Dataweave 485 0.28
28 Unbxd 449 0.26
29 Bizzy 391 0.22
30 Zinrelo 357 0.20
31 Tradedoubler 337 0.19
32 Returnly 332 0.19
33 ContactPigeon 319 0.18
34 AiTrillion 298 0.17
35 SaleCycle 297 0.17
36 Okanjo 296 0.17
37 Sloyalty 274 0.16
38 Remarkety 266 0.15
39 Barilliance 250 0.14
40 Apptus 247 0.14
41 Lengow 205 0.12
42 Carts Guru 194 0.11
43 Redhead Labs 184 0.10
44 Attraqt 173 0.10
45 Photoslurp 171 0.10
46 Conversio 169 0.10
47 PinnacleCart 165 0.09
48 GoDataFeed 158 0.09
49 Citrus Ad 149 0.08
50 VePlatform 141 0.08
52 Candid 133 0.08
53 Styla 121 0.07
54 Vizury 117 0.07
55 Webgains 115 0.07
56 Rejoiner 110 0.06
57 Blueknow 110 0.06
58 eBay Enterprise 110 0.06
59 Sana Commerce 109 0.06
60 AgilOne 103 0.06
61 StackCommerce 86 0.05
62 Yuzu 86 0.05
63 Listagram 85 0.05
64 Pacvue 84 0.05
65 Still & 360 Product Photography Solutions 82 0.05
66 Bringhub 81 0.05
67 Orankl 80 0.05
68 Springbot 77 0.04
69 Crobox 76 0.04
70 Crealytics camato 74 0.04
71 Fresh Relevance 73 0.04
72 Sked Social 70 0.04
73 tinyclues 61 0.03
74 OwnerIQ 55 0.03
75 Rockerbox 55 0.03
76 Prediggo 47 0.03
77 Ansira 44 0.03
78 PriceWaiter 44 0.03
79 Amasty 42 0.02
80 Kartrocket 40 0.02
81 Shopline 37 0.02
82 Yusp 36 0.02
83 LimeLight CRM 35 0.02
84 Sokrati 35 0.02
85 Shoppad 34 0.02
86 MerchantAdvantage 34 0.02
87 Chec 34 0.02
88 Feedvisor 32 0.02
89 REES46 eCommerce Marketing Personalization Suite 32 0.02
90 Staqu 30 0.02
91 Perpetua 29 0.02
92 Annex Customer Loyalty Cloud 26 0.01
93 Spently 26 0.01
94 Logicbroker 26 0.01
95 Sellozo 22 0.01
96 Klickly 19 0.01
97 Finch 17 0.01
98 Brandzooka 16 0.01
99 Edgecase 15 0.01
100 TouchCommerce 15 0.01
101 CommerceV3 15 0.01
102 Girafi 14 0.01
103 Cydec 14 0.01
104 Needle Advocate 13 0.01
105 EDITED 13 0.01
106 YFret 12 0.01
107 Sidecar 11 0.01
108 LeadHub 11 0.01
109 CommerceIQ (Boomerang) 10 0.01
110 Interspire 10 0.01
111 Solid Cactus 9 0.01
112 ViralMint 9 0.01
113 BevyUp 7 0.00
114 Persio_Inc 5 0.00
115 TargetClose 5 0.00
116 Kevy 5 0.00
117 predicta 5 0.00
118 tapCLIQ 4 0.00
119 Upshot Commerce 4 0.00
120 AutomateWoo 4 0.00
121 4 0.00
122 Whoop! 4 0.00
123 Vibetrace 4 0.00
124 AMZ.One 3 0.00
125 Conversions On Demand 3 0.00
126 TouchCR 3 0.00
127 Vextras 2 0.00
128 ChannelSale 2 0.00
129 FirePush 2 0.00
130 Funnely 2 0.00
131 Instaclique 2 0.00
132 Kit 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Klaviyo 54.19 (%)
Criteo 19.75 (%)
hybris 2.63 (%)
Affiliatly 2.37 (%)
RevenueHunt 2.13 (%)
Beeketing 1.94 (%)
Emarsys 1.47 (%)
Hooklogic 0.98 (%)
Curalate 0.94 (%)
SearchSpring 0.86 (%)
Bronto Marketing Platform 0.79 (%)
Avangate 0.77 (%)
Syndigo 0.76 (%)
Monetate 0.66 (%)
Visualsoft 0.53 (%)
UpSellit 0.49 (%)
Kelkoo 0.43 (%)
Yieldify 0.38 (%)
Retargeting 0.37 (%)
RichRelevance 0.35 (%)
Recapture 0.32 (%)
Talkable 0.30 (%)
BloomReach 0.30 (%)
TargetBay 0.29 (%)
Recart 0.28 (%)
Funnel 0.28 (%)
Dataweave 0.28 (%)
Unbxd 0.26 (%)
Bizzy 0.22 (%)
Zinrelo 0.20 (%)
Tradedoubler 0.19 (%)
Returnly 0.19 (%)
ContactPigeon 0.18 (%)
AiTrillion 0.17 (%)
SaleCycle 0.17 (%)
Okanjo 0.17 (%)
Sloyalty 0.16 (%)
Remarkety 0.15 (%)
Barilliance 0.14 (%)
Apptus 0.14 (%)
Lengow 0.12 (%)
Carts Guru 0.11 (%)
Redhead Labs 0.10 (%)
Attraqt 0.10 (%)
Photoslurp 0.10 (%)
Conversio 0.10 (%)
PinnacleCart 0.09 (%)
GoDataFeed 0.09 (%)
Citrus Ad 0.08 (%)
VePlatform 0.08 (%)
Candid 0.08 (%)
Styla 0.07 (%)
Vizury 0.07 (%)
Webgains 0.07 (%)
Rejoiner 0.06 (%)
Blueknow 0.06 (%)
eBay Enterprise 0.06 (%)
Sana Commerce 0.06 (%)
AgilOne 0.06 (%)
StackCommerce 0.05 (%)
Yuzu 0.05 (%)
Listagram 0.05 (%)
Pacvue 0.05 (%)
Still & 360 Product Photography Solutions 0.05 (%)
Bringhub 0.05 (%)
Orankl 0.05 (%)
Springbot 0.04 (%)
Crobox 0.04 (%)
Crealytics camato 0.04 (%)
Fresh Relevance 0.04 (%)
Sked Social 0.04 (%)
tinyclues 0.03 (%)
OwnerIQ 0.03 (%)
Rockerbox 0.03 (%)
Prediggo 0.03 (%)
Ansira 0.03 (%)
PriceWaiter 0.03 (%)
Amasty 0.02 (%)
Kartrocket 0.02 (%)
Shopline 0.02 (%)
Yusp 0.02 (%)
LimeLight CRM 0.02 (%)
Sokrati 0.02 (%)
Shoppad 0.02 (%)
MerchantAdvantage 0.02 (%)
Chec 0.02 (%)
Feedvisor 0.02 (%)
REES46 eCommerce Marketing Personalization Suite 0.02 (%)
Staqu 0.02 (%)
Perpetua 0.02 (%)
Annex Customer Loyalty Cloud 0.01 (%)
Spently 0.01 (%)
Logicbroker 0.01 (%)
Sellozo 0.01 (%)
Klickly 0.01 (%)
Finch 0.01 (%)
Brandzooka 0.01 (%)
Edgecase 0.01 (%)
TouchCommerce 0.01 (%)
CommerceV3 0.01 (%)
Girafi 0.01 (%)
Cydec 0.01 (%)
Needle Advocate 0.01 (%)
EDITED 0.01 (%)
YFret 0.01 (%)
Sidecar 0.01 (%)
LeadHub 0.01 (%)
CommerceIQ (Boomerang) 0.01 (%)
Interspire 0.01 (%)
Solid Cactus 0.01 (%)
ViralMint 0.01 (%)
BevyUp 0.00 (%)
Persio_Inc 0.00 (%)
TargetClose 0.00 (%)
Kevy 0.00 (%)
predicta 0.00 (%)
tapCLIQ 0.00 (%)
Upshot Commerce 0.00 (%)
AutomateWoo 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Whoop! 0.00 (%)
Vibetrace 0.00 (%)
AMZ.One 0.00 (%)
Conversions On Demand 0.00 (%)
TouchCR 0.00 (%)
Vextras 0.00 (%)
ChannelSale 0.00 (%)
FirePush 0.00 (%)
Funnely 0.00 (%)
Instaclique 0.00 (%)
Kit 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Ecommerce Marketing software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Ecommerce Marketing software are Klaviyo, Criteo, hybris. Here, you can view a full list of Ecommerce Marketing tools in the market.

How many companies use Ecommerce Marketing software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 75,803 companies are currently using one or more Ecommerce Marketing software. Out of these, there are 43,209 companies using Ecommerce Marketing tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Ecommerce Marketing software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Ecommerce Marketing space are Klaviyo with 54.19 % of market share, and Criteo with 19.75 % of market share and hybris with 2.63 % of market share . Check for other Ecommerce Marketing technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Ecommerce Marketing softwares?

The top industries that use Ecommerce Marketing software are Retail and CPG (15,657) , Professional Services (11,187) , Technology (6,913) .

Choose Technologies to Compare
