Email Management

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Email Management tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Email Management Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Technologies Tracked
Companies Tracked
Categories related to Email Management

Top 5 Email Management technologies in 2023

Over 7,422,085 companies are using Email Management tools. Microsoft Outlook with 40.02% market share (2,970,497 customers), Gmail with 35.25% market share (2,616,035 customers), MailChimp with 8.73% market share (647,822 customers),

Email Management Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Email Management category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (2,997,254 companies), 20 - 49 employees (1,385,722 companies), 10 - 19 employees (676,476 companies).

Email Management Customers by Geography

Companies using Email Management technology software are majorly from the United States with 3,095,108 (60.60%), United Kingdom with 558,142 (10.93%), Canada with 260,643 (5.10%) customers respectively.

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Email Management Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Email Management for Professional Services (1,525,396), Retail and CPG (470,817), Technology (453,428).

Market Share for Top Email Management Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Email Management technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Microsoft Outlook 2970497 40.02
2 Gmail 2616035 35.25
3 MailChimp 647822 8.73
4 Microsoft Office 365 342296 4.61
5 SendGrid 157409 2.12
6 Zoho Mail 118134 1.59
7 Mailgun 114443 1.54
8 Mimecast Mailbox Continuity 83851 1.13
9 SendinBlue 81311 1.10
10 Mailjet 77094 1.04
11 Constant Contact 72325 0.97
12 Agile CRM 32687 0.44
13 Campaign Monitor 28442 0.38
14 Salesforce Marketing Cloud 13416 0.18
15 MailUp 7648 0.10
16 Vade Secure 6202 0.08
17 IBM Lotus Notes 5656 0.08
18 VerticalResponse 4611 0.06
19 Zoho Campaigns 4439 0.06
20 Email It 4226 0.06
21 Benchmark Email 3938 0.05
22 SocketLabs 3687 0.05
23 Zimbra 2969 0.04
24 ToutApp 2848 0.04
25 Front 1909 0.03
26 Campaigner 1354 0.02
27 Topsec Email Security 1346 0.02
28 Yesware 1192 0.02
29 rapidmail 1019 0.01
30 Hatchbuck 869 0.01
31 Mandrill 833 0.01
32 Superhuman 736 0.01
33 Cakemail 697 0.01
34 SalesforceIQ Inbox 666 0.01
35 Worldox 609 0.01
36 Cirrus Insight 608 0.01
37 ActiveTrail 495 0.01
38 494 0.01
39 Atmail 486 0.01
40 iManage Work 481 0.01
41 Pepipost 454 0.01
42 Hiver 353 0.00
43 Yahoo Email 352 0.00
44 Spark Mail App 349 0.00
45 CleanEmail 346 0.00
46 email2 302 0.00
47 Missive 292 0.00
48 Shift 236 0.00
49 The Email Laundry 192 0.00
50 Nylas 188 0.00
51 Sendloop 168 0.00
52 Cleanfox 164 0.00
53 141 0.00
54 Ebsta 122 0.00
55 JangoMail 110 0.00
56 250ok 104 0.00
57 DuoCircle 101 0.00
58 ZeroBounce 94 0.00
59 Mailman 91 0.00
60 Parseur 87 0.00
61 MagicMail 84 0.00
62 CloudMagic 83 0.00
63 SpamTitan by TitanHQ 80 0.00
64 Mailstrom 78 0.00
65 DataValidation 77 0.00
66 Comidor 76 0.00
67 Templafy 73 0.00
68 Sortd 70 0.00
69 eM Client 67 0.00
70 Leadersend 59 0.00
71 Correlate 57 0.00
72 Streak 55 0.00
73 Direct Mail 53 0.00
74 Xink Email Signature 52 0.00
75 Net-Results 52 0.00
76 eGain Mail 50 0.00
77 DeliverySlip 49 0.00
78 MailClark 48 0.00
79 PostScan Mail 43 0.00
80 INinbox 40 0.00
81 SimplyFile 39 0.00
82 Synametrics Mail Junction 38 0.00
83 BriteVerify 36 0.00
84 Docsify 35 0.00
85 SalesHandy 34 0.00
86 FreshMail 33 0.00
87 XgenPlus 32 0.00
88 Email Signature Rescue 31 0.00
89 Optizmo 30 0.00
90 ClientFlow 30 0.00
91 Secure Suite 29 0.00
92 SaneBox 28 0.00
93 26 0.00
94 ClearContext 25 0.00
95 Relenta 17 0.00
96 LegalWorks 16 0.00
97 TriSun Software 15 0.00
98 Adsoup 15 0.00
99 EazyWork 13 0.00
100 Zoho SalesInbox 12 0.00
101 LiveHive 12 0.00
102 Outpost 11 0.00
103 ScribblePost 11 0.00
104 Email Validation 11 0.00
105 The Very good Email 10 0.00
106 1PointMail 10 0.00
107 DirectIQ 10 0.00
108 ForwardMX 9 0.00
109 MailsDaddy OST to Office 365 Migration 9 0.00
110 Email Center Pro 9 0.00
111 Mailcastr 9 0.00
112 NeoCertified 9 0.00
113 MessageOne 8 0.00
114 emailtopia Response 8 0.00
115 Email Append 8 0.00
116 TMail21 8 0.00
117 Hushmail 7 0.00
118 4th Office 7 0.00
119 Digital Impact 7 0.00
120 Redkix 6 0.00
121 GlobiMail for Podio 6 0.00
122 SmartCloud Connect 6 0.00
123 Unroll.Me 6 0.00
124 KANA Express 6 0.00
125 MailsDaddy Office 365 Backup 5 0.00
126 FWD:Everyone 5 0.00
127 Dyspatch 5 0.00
128 365 Command 5 0.00
129 GloboMailer 5 0.00
130 SendRecurring 4 0.00
131 BlueMail 4 0.00
132 MailsDaddy Lotus Notes To Office 365 Migration 4 0.00
133 Helpmonks 4 0.00
134 MailsDaddy MBOX to Office 365 Migration 4 0.00
135 28Hands Mail Manager 4 0.00
136 Remindee 3 0.00
137 Tipbit 3 0.00
138 CD Messenger 3 0.00
139 SoftTweak OST Converter 2 0.00
140 Keluro 2 0.00
141 List Genie 2 0.00
142 MailList King 2 0.00
143 Traveling Mailbox 2 0.00
144 EasyEmail 2 0.00
145 Migration Monster 2 0.00
146 Chaos Intellect 2 0.00
147 Outlook Export 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Microsoft Outlook 40.02 (%)
Gmail 35.25 (%)
MailChimp 8.73 (%)
Microsoft Office 365 4.61 (%)
SendGrid 2.12 (%)
Zoho Mail 1.59 (%)
Mailgun 1.54 (%)
Mimecast Mailbox Continuity 1.13 (%)
SendinBlue 1.10 (%)
Mailjet 1.04 (%)
Constant Contact 0.97 (%)
Agile CRM 0.44 (%)
Campaign Monitor 0.38 (%)
Salesforce Marketing Cloud 0.18 (%)
MailUp 0.10 (%)
Vade Secure 0.08 (%)
IBM Lotus Notes 0.08 (%)
VerticalResponse 0.06 (%)
Zoho Campaigns 0.06 (%)
Email It 0.06 (%)
Benchmark Email 0.05 (%)
SocketLabs 0.05 (%)
Zimbra 0.04 (%)
ToutApp 0.04 (%)
Front 0.03 (%)
Campaigner 0.02 (%)
Topsec Email Security 0.02 (%)
Yesware 0.02 (%)
rapidmail 0.01 (%)
Hatchbuck 0.01 (%)
Mandrill 0.01 (%)
Superhuman 0.01 (%)
Cakemail 0.01 (%)
SalesforceIQ Inbox 0.01 (%)
Worldox 0.01 (%)
Cirrus Insight 0.01 (%)
ActiveTrail 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Atmail 0.01 (%)
iManage Work 0.01 (%)
Pepipost 0.01 (%)
Hiver 0.00 (%)
Yahoo Email 0.00 (%)
Spark Mail App 0.00 (%)
CleanEmail 0.00 (%)
email2 0.00 (%)
Missive 0.00 (%)
Shift 0.00 (%)
The Email Laundry 0.00 (%)
Nylas 0.00 (%)
Sendloop 0.00 (%)
Cleanfox 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Ebsta 0.00 (%)
JangoMail 0.00 (%)
250ok 0.00 (%)
DuoCircle 0.00 (%)
ZeroBounce 0.00 (%)
Mailman 0.00 (%)
Parseur 0.00 (%)
MagicMail 0.00 (%)
CloudMagic 0.00 (%)
SpamTitan by TitanHQ 0.00 (%)
Mailstrom 0.00 (%)
DataValidation 0.00 (%)
Comidor 0.00 (%)
Templafy 0.00 (%)
Sortd 0.00 (%)
eM Client 0.00 (%)
Leadersend 0.00 (%)
Correlate 0.00 (%)
Streak 0.00 (%)
Direct Mail 0.00 (%)
Xink Email Signature 0.00 (%)
Net-Results 0.00 (%)
eGain Mail 0.00 (%)
DeliverySlip 0.00 (%)
MailClark 0.00 (%)
PostScan Mail 0.00 (%)
INinbox 0.00 (%)
SimplyFile 0.00 (%)
Synametrics Mail Junction 0.00 (%)
BriteVerify 0.00 (%)
Docsify 0.00 (%)
SalesHandy 0.00 (%)
FreshMail 0.00 (%)
XgenPlus 0.00 (%)
Email Signature Rescue 0.00 (%)
Optizmo 0.00 (%)
ClientFlow 0.00 (%)
Secure Suite 0.00 (%)
SaneBox 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
ClearContext 0.00 (%)
Relenta 0.00 (%)
LegalWorks 0.00 (%)
TriSun Software 0.00 (%)
Adsoup 0.00 (%)
EazyWork 0.00 (%)
Zoho SalesInbox 0.00 (%)
LiveHive 0.00 (%)
Outpost 0.00 (%)
ScribblePost 0.00 (%)
Email Validation 0.00 (%)
The Very good Email 0.00 (%)
1PointMail 0.00 (%)
DirectIQ 0.00 (%)
ForwardMX 0.00 (%)
MailsDaddy OST to Office 365 Migration 0.00 (%)
Email Center Pro 0.00 (%)
Mailcastr 0.00 (%)
NeoCertified 0.00 (%)
MessageOne 0.00 (%)
emailtopia Response 0.00 (%)
Email Append 0.00 (%)
TMail21 0.00 (%)
Hushmail 0.00 (%)
4th Office 0.00 (%)
Digital Impact 0.00 (%)
Redkix 0.00 (%)
GlobiMail for Podio 0.00 (%)
SmartCloud Connect 0.00 (%)
Unroll.Me 0.00 (%)
KANA Express 0.00 (%)
MailsDaddy Office 365 Backup 0.00 (%)
FWD:Everyone 0.00 (%)
Dyspatch 0.00 (%)
365 Command 0.00 (%)
GloboMailer 0.00 (%)
SendRecurring 0.00 (%)
BlueMail 0.00 (%)
MailsDaddy Lotus Notes To Office 365 Migration 0.00 (%)
Helpmonks 0.00 (%)
MailsDaddy MBOX to Office 365 Migration 0.00 (%)
28Hands Mail Manager 0.00 (%)
Remindee 0.00 (%)
Tipbit 0.00 (%)
CD Messenger 0.00 (%)
SoftTweak OST Converter 0.00 (%)
Keluro 0.00 (%)
List Genie 0.00 (%)
MailList King 0.00 (%)
Traveling Mailbox 0.00 (%)
EasyEmail 0.00 (%)
Migration Monster 0.00 (%)
Chaos Intellect 0.00 (%)
Outlook Export 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Email Management software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Email Management software are Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, MailChimp. Here, you can view a full list of Email Management tools in the market.

How many companies use Email Management software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 6,193,527 companies are currently using one or more Email Management software. Out of these, there are 3,095,108 companies using Email Management tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Email Management software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Email Management space are Microsoft Outlook with 40.02 % of market share, and Gmail with 35.25 % of market share and MailChimp with 8.73 % of market share . Check for other Email Management technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Email Management softwares?

The top industries that use Email Management software are Professional Services (1,525,396) , Retail and CPG (470,817) , Technology (453,428) .

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