Employee Scheduling

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Employee Scheduling tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Employee Scheduling Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Employee Scheduling

Top 5 Employee Scheduling technologies in 2023

Over 252,589 companies are using Employee Scheduling tools. Calendly with 29.19% market share (73,729 customers), MyTime with 16.59% market share (41,897 customers), Acuity Scheduling with 16.57% market share (41,861 customers),

Employee Scheduling Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Employee Scheduling category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (79,022 companies), 20 - 49 employees (35,940 companies), 10 - 19 employees (15,543 companies).

Employee Scheduling Customers by Geography

Companies using Employee Scheduling technology software are majorly from the United States with 102,355 (65.35%), United Kingdom with 11,576 (7.39%), Russia with 10,907 (6.96%) customers respectively.

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Employee Scheduling Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Employee Scheduling for Professional Services (52,598), Technology (23,829), Retail and CPG (13,178).

Market Share for Top Employee Scheduling Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Employee Scheduling technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer count and market share data is calculated based on the organizations identified and tracked in the 6sense database. Market share(%)
1 Calendly 73729 29.19
2 MyTime 41897 16.59
3 Acuity Scheduling 41861 16.57
4 Bitrix24 19977 7.91
5 Shore 16885 6.68
6 monday.com 11486 4.55
7 QuickBooks Time 7735 3.06
8 Verizon WORK 6341 2.51
9 MangoApps 3625 1.44
10 Square Appointments 3294 1.30
11 Clock.in 3074 1.22
12 Housecall Pro 2924 1.16
13 Deputy 2705 1.07
14 Booker Software 2334 0.92
15 Agendize 1256 0.50
16 When I Work 995 0.39
17 SwipeClock 961 0.38
18 Homebase 856 0.34
19 EBS 817 0.32
20 Kronos Workforce Ready 796 0.32
21 Tanda 663 0.26
22 Oracle Time and Labor 656 0.26
23 Fergus 629 0.25
24 Planning Center Services 597 0.24
25 Jolt 507 0.20
26 Shifthub 436 0.17
27 Forecast 421 0.17
28 Sapling 411 0.16
29 HotSchedules 330 0.13
30 Resource Guru 248 0.10
31 Aladtec 246 0.10
32 Planyo 202 0.08
33 Quinyx 190 0.08
34 mHelpDesk 166 0.07
35 InitLive 163 0.06
36 7Shifts: For Restaurants 158 0.06
37 Saviom Resource Management 144 0.06
38 WhenToWork 139 0.06
39 Kickserv 127 0.05
40 ZoomShift 123 0.05
41 Skedulo 117 0.05
42 Shiftboard 109 0.04
43 Ento 107 0.04
44 Push Operations 106 0.04
45 InStaff 96 0.04
46 Tradify 94 0.04
47 GoAssign 86 0.03
48 Synerion 82 0.03
49 simPRO Software 80 0.03
50 absence.io 78 0.03
51 BookSteam 77 0.03
52 Teamweek 76 0.03
53 Sling 75 0.03
54 PARIM 73 0.03
55 TrackTik 69 0.03
56 Sygic FleetWork 64 0.03
57 Sparkrock 63 0.02
58 NurseGrid Manager 62 0.02
59 OpenSimSim 62 0.02
60 e-days 62 0.02
61 TimeForge 58 0.02
62 Crewapp 51 0.02
63 Ubeya 50 0.02
64 Celayix 47 0.02
65 WebHR 46 0.02
66 Sirenum 41 0.02
67 Schedulefly 40 0.02
68 Bizimply 40 0.02
69 Appointy 40 0.02
70 Harri 39 0.02
71 Empxtrack 37 0.01
72 eSchedule 35 0.01
73 Zip Schedules 33 0.01
74 FieldEZ 25 0.01
75 Abtrac 21 0.01
76 Momentum Scheduling 21 0.01
77 Orbital Shift 19 0.01
78 WhosOff 18 0.01
79 actiPLANS 17 0.01
80 ClockIt 17 0.01
81 Bridgeware 16 0.01
82 Branch Messenger 13 0.01
83 Timesphere 12 0.00
84 Ximble 11 0.00
85 Klipboard 11 0.00
86 ScheduleBase 10 0.00
87 ePro Scheduler Plus 10 0.00
88 ProcessGene Task Management Software 9 0.00
89 Workly 8 0.00
90 Braid 6 0.00
91 Asgard Scheduling Software 6 0.00
92 Workloud 6 0.00
93 Event Staff App 6 0.00
94 Float 6 0.00
95 Lanteria HR 5 0.00
96 Findmyshift 4 0.00
97 TrackSmart Scheduling 4 0.00
98 ComOps 3 0.00
99 SutiHR 2 0.00
100 ScheduFlow 2 0.00
101 timeION 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Calendly 29.19 (%)
MyTime 16.59 (%)
Acuity Scheduling 16.57 (%)
Bitrix24 7.91 (%)
Shore 6.68 (%)
monday.com 4.55 (%)
QuickBooks Time 3.06 (%)
Verizon WORK 2.51 (%)
MangoApps 1.44 (%)
Square Appointments 1.30 (%)
Clock.in 1.22 (%)
Housecall Pro 1.16 (%)
Deputy 1.07 (%)
Booker Software 0.92 (%)
Agendize 0.50 (%)
When I Work 0.39 (%)
SwipeClock 0.38 (%)
Homebase 0.34 (%)
EBS 0.32 (%)
Kronos Workforce Ready 0.32 (%)
Tanda 0.26 (%)
Oracle Time and Labor 0.26 (%)
Fergus 0.25 (%)
Planning Center Services 0.24 (%)
Jolt 0.20 (%)
Shifthub 0.17 (%)
Forecast 0.17 (%)
Sapling 0.16 (%)
HotSchedules 0.13 (%)
Resource Guru 0.10 (%)
Aladtec 0.10 (%)
Planyo 0.08 (%)
Quinyx 0.08 (%)
mHelpDesk 0.07 (%)
InitLive 0.06 (%)
7Shifts: For Restaurants 0.06 (%)
Saviom Resource Management 0.06 (%)
WhenToWork 0.06 (%)
Kickserv 0.05 (%)
ZoomShift 0.05 (%)
Skedulo 0.05 (%)
Shiftboard 0.04 (%)
Ento 0.04 (%)
Push Operations 0.04 (%)
InStaff 0.04 (%)
Tradify 0.04 (%)
GoAssign 0.03 (%)
Synerion 0.03 (%)
simPRO Software 0.03 (%)
absence.io 0.03 (%)
BookSteam 0.03 (%)
Teamweek 0.03 (%)
Sling 0.03 (%)
PARIM 0.03 (%)
TrackTik 0.03 (%)
Sygic FleetWork 0.03 (%)
Sparkrock 0.02 (%)
NurseGrid Manager 0.02 (%)
OpenSimSim 0.02 (%)
e-days 0.02 (%)
TimeForge 0.02 (%)
Crewapp 0.02 (%)
Ubeya 0.02 (%)
Celayix 0.02 (%)
WebHR 0.02 (%)
Sirenum 0.02 (%)
Schedulefly 0.02 (%)
Bizimply 0.02 (%)
Appointy 0.02 (%)
Harri 0.02 (%)
Empxtrack 0.01 (%)
eSchedule 0.01 (%)
Zip Schedules 0.01 (%)
FieldEZ 0.01 (%)
Abtrac 0.01 (%)
Momentum Scheduling 0.01 (%)
Orbital Shift 0.01 (%)
WhosOff 0.01 (%)
actiPLANS 0.01 (%)
ClockIt 0.01 (%)
Bridgeware 0.01 (%)
Branch Messenger 0.01 (%)
Timesphere 0.00 (%)
Ximble 0.00 (%)
Klipboard 0.00 (%)
ScheduleBase 0.00 (%)
ePro Scheduler Plus 0.00 (%)
ProcessGene Task Management Software 0.00 (%)
Workly 0.00 (%)
Braid 0.00 (%)
Asgard Scheduling Software 0.00 (%)
Workloud 0.00 (%)
Event Staff App 0.00 (%)
Float 0.00 (%)
Lanteria HR 0.00 (%)
Findmyshift 0.00 (%)
TrackSmart Scheduling 0.00 (%)
ComOps 0.00 (%)
SutiHR 0.00 (%)
ScheduFlow 0.00 (%)
timeION 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Employee Scheduling software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Employee Scheduling software are Calendly, MyTime, Acuity Scheduling. Here, you can view a full list of Employee Scheduling tools in the market.

How many companies use Employee Scheduling software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 178,944 companies are currently using one or more Employee Scheduling software. Out of these, there are 102,355 companies using Employee Scheduling tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Employee Scheduling software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Employee Scheduling space are Calendly with 29.19 % of market share, and MyTime with 16.59 % of market share and Acuity Scheduling with 16.57 % of market share . Check for other Employee Scheduling technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Employee Scheduling softwares?

The top industries that use Employee Scheduling software are Professional Services (52,598) , Technology (23,829) , Retail and CPG (13,178) .

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