Payroll And Benefits

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Payroll And Benefits tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Payroll And Benefits Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Payroll And Benefits

Top 5 Payroll And Benefits technologies in 2023

Over 172,965 companies are using Payroll And Benefits tools. QuickBooks Payroll with 26.53% market share (45,883 customers), Sage Business Cloud Payroll with 15.76% market share (27,261 customers), Paylocity with 9.52% market share (16,472 customers),

Payroll And Benefits Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Payroll And Benefits category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (5,159,831 companies), 20 - 49 employees (2,238,464 companies), 10 - 19 employees (1,061,342 companies).

Payroll And Benefits Customers by Geography

Companies using Payroll And Benefits technology software are majorly from the United States with 6,195,134 (66.53%), United Kingdom with 843,590 (9.06%), Germany with 489,003 (5.25%) customers respectively.

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Payroll And Benefits Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Payroll And Benefits for Professional Services (31,254), Technology (14,298), Financial Services (14,139).

Market Share for Top Payroll And Benefits Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Payroll And Benefits technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 QuickBooks Payroll 45883 26.53
2 Sage Business Cloud Payroll 27261 15.76
3 Paylocity 16472 9.52
4 PENFAX 15101 8.73
5 Paychex 6460 3.73
6 Mercer 6362 3.68
7 Proliant 5528 3.20
8 Dayforce 5102 2.95
9 Workday Benefits 4768 2.76
10 Workday Payroll 4532 2.62
11 PeopleSoft Benefits 3371 1.95
12 greytHR 3146 1.82
13 ADP Benefits Administration 2227 1.29
14 Talentsoft 1948 1.13
15 Ceridian Payroll 1810 1.05
16 ADP HR/Perspective 1804 1.04
17 TriNet 1680 0.97
18 Intuit Payroll 1647 0.95
19 Health Sherpa 1616 0.93
20 Prism HR 1153 0.67
21 RUN Powered by ADP 1110 0.64
22 Ceridian Dayforce Payroll 1073 0.62
23 APS 738 0.43
24 Paycheck HR and Payroll 715 0.41
25 Chris21 683 0.39
26 Oracle Incentive Compensation 605 0.35
27 Zenefits 572 0.33
28 Optimum Payroll 557 0.32
29 Humi 507 0.29
30 Rise 467 0.27
31 PayScale 465 0.27
32 SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll 421 0.24
33 Zywave HRConnection 385 0.22
34 Gusto Payroll 345 0.20
35 PlanSource 328 0.19
36 Abenity 314 0.18
37 Patriot Payroll 299 0.17
38 BenefitFocus 296 0.17
39 Justworks 291 0.17
40 enCompassing Visions 251 0.15
41 ADP iPay 240 0.14
42 Oracle Global Payroll 199 0.12
43 Jiff 188 0.11
44 Stride Health 181 0.10
45 PrimePay 173 0.10
46 Benefitsolver 169 0.10
47 beqom 164 0.09
48 Keas 160 0.09
49 Oracle PeopleSoft Benefits Administration 148 0.09
50 Zalaris 134 0.08
51 CatalystOne 133 0.08
52 Ascender 117 0.07
53 Planday 110 0.06
54 StratEx 109 0.06
55 SimplyInsured 101 0.06
56 Ceridian Powerpay 94 0.05
57 Greenshades 91 0.05
58 SurePayroll 87 0.05
59 OnPay 86 0.05
60 Oasis Outsourcing 83 0.05
61 Ceridian Dayforce Wallet 82 0.05
62 iSolved HCM 81 0.05
63 Gravie 80 0.05
64 WageWorks 79 0.05
65 COBRApoint 71 0.04
66 Zimyo 66 0.04
67 EmployerEngage 63 0.04
68 Businessolver 61 0.04
69 Decisely 58 0.03
70 Payment Evolution 58 0.03
71 Wagepoint 54 0.03
72 ODexpert 52 0.03
73 Flock - 50 0.03
74 CertiPay 48 0.03
75 45 0.03
76 Maxwell Health 44 0.03
77 Vbas 34 0.02
78 Guidespark 34 0.02
79 Neospin 33 0.02
80 ADP Employease 32 0.02
81 Thomsons Online Benefits 32 0.02
82 Nayya 26 0.02
83 You At Work 26 0.02
84 Virtual Benefits Administrator 26 0.02
85 Jellyvision/ALEX 24 0.01
86 ADP CSS HRizon 23 0.01
87 Neeyamo 23 0.01
88 EverythingBenefits 21 0.01
89 Lumity 21 0.01
90 MoveInSync 21 0.01
91 DynaFile 21 0.01
92 Tango Health 21 0.01
93 Limelight Health 20 0.01
94 CuroComp 20 0.01
95 Oration HR 20 0.01
96 FIS Relius 20 0.01
97 Workterra HCM 19 0.01
98 benefitsCONNECT 18 0.01
99 PeopleKeep 18 0.01
100 Mangrove 17 0.01
101 Benetrac 17 0.01
102 COMPackage 16 0.01
103 WORKTERRA BenAdmin 15 0.01
104 VisualHCS 13 0.01
105 COBRAGuard 13 0.01
106 hCentive 13 0.01
107 HiringPlan 13 0.01
108 Vertafore BenefitPoint 12 0.01
109 Benelogic 12 0.01
110 ProCARE Portal 9 0.01
111 COBRA Administration Manager 9 0.01
112 Benefex 9 0.01
113 Tropics 9 0.01
114 PC Payroll 9 0.01
115 Excelity Global ESS 8 0.00
116 PeopleTicker 8 0.00
117 Common Census 8 0.00
118 Hixme 7 0.00
119 ChiefOnboarding 7 0.00
120 emPerform UK 7 0.00
121 AboutPay 6 0.00
122 UnderstandBetter 6 0.00
123 Knit 6 0.00
124 Empyrean 6 0.00
125 SAP SuccessFactors Core HR and Payroll 5 0.00
126 Ceridian Dayforce Managed 5 0.00
127 Servarus 5 0.00
128 Selerix BenSelect 5 0.00
129 Advanced-HR OptionDriver 5 0.00
130 Advanced-HR OptionImpact 5 0.00
131 UZIO Payroll & HR 4 0.00
132 WHIZTEC HCM 4 0.00
133 Centricity Solutions 4 0.00
134 DataPath 4 0.00
135 Comparably 4 0.00
136 Ease 4 0.00
137 Wave Payroll 4 0.00
138 LynchVal 4 0.00
139 Easy Benefit Statements 3 0.00
140 EnrollmentNow 3 0.00
141 hrMecca 3 0.00
142 ExpressTCS 3 0.00
143 Copernicus SS/G 3 0.00
144 Algentis 3 0.00
145 HRiS365 3 0.00
146 Penad PX3000 3 0.00
147 WiserTogether 3 0.00
148 HR Trove by Willis Towers Watson 2 0.00
149 Pension Administration 2 0.00
150 CompensationMaster 2 0.00
151 THEbenefitsHUB 2 0.00
152 Kennion 2 0.00
153 FocalPoint 2 0.00
154 HRsoft COMPview 2 0.00
155 Mercer WIN | ePRISM 2 0.00
Technology Market share
QuickBooks Payroll 26.53 (%)
Sage Business Cloud Payroll 15.76 (%)
Paylocity 9.52 (%)
PENFAX 8.73 (%)
Paychex 3.73 (%)
Mercer 3.68 (%)
Proliant 3.20 (%)
Dayforce 2.95 (%)
Workday Benefits 2.76 (%)
Workday Payroll 2.62 (%)
PeopleSoft Benefits 1.95 (%)
greytHR 1.82 (%)
ADP Benefits Administration 1.29 (%)
Talentsoft 1.13 (%)
Ceridian Payroll 1.05 (%)
ADP HR/Perspective 1.04 (%)
TriNet 0.97 (%)
Intuit Payroll 0.95 (%)
Health Sherpa 0.93 (%)
Prism HR 0.67 (%)
RUN Powered by ADP 0.64 (%)
Ceridian Dayforce Payroll 0.62 (%)
APS 0.43 (%)
Paycheck HR and Payroll 0.41 (%)
Chris21 0.39 (%)
Oracle Incentive Compensation 0.35 (%)
Zenefits 0.33 (%)
Optimum Payroll 0.32 (%)
Humi 0.29 (%)
Rise 0.27 (%)
PayScale 0.27 (%)
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll 0.24 (%)
Zywave HRConnection 0.22 (%)
Gusto Payroll 0.20 (%)
PlanSource 0.19 (%)
Abenity 0.18 (%)
Patriot Payroll 0.17 (%)
BenefitFocus 0.17 (%)
Justworks 0.17 (%)
enCompassing Visions 0.15 (%)
ADP iPay 0.14 (%)
Oracle Global Payroll 0.12 (%)
Jiff 0.11 (%)
Stride Health 0.10 (%)
PrimePay 0.10 (%)
Benefitsolver 0.10 (%)
beqom 0.09 (%)
Keas 0.09 (%)
Oracle PeopleSoft Benefits Administration 0.09 (%)
Zalaris 0.08 (%)
CatalystOne 0.08 (%)
Ascender 0.07 (%)
Planday 0.06 (%)
StratEx 0.06 (%)
SimplyInsured 0.06 (%)
Ceridian Powerpay 0.05 (%)
Greenshades 0.05 (%)
SurePayroll 0.05 (%)
OnPay 0.05 (%)
Oasis Outsourcing 0.05 (%)
Ceridian Dayforce Wallet 0.05 (%)
iSolved HCM 0.05 (%)
Gravie 0.05 (%)
WageWorks 0.05 (%)
COBRApoint 0.04 (%)
Zimyo 0.04 (%)
EmployerEngage 0.04 (%)
Businessolver 0.04 (%)
Decisely 0.03 (%)
Payment Evolution 0.03 (%)
Wagepoint 0.03 (%)
ODexpert 0.03 (%)
Flock - 0.03 (%)
CertiPay 0.03 (%) 0.03 (%)
Maxwell Health 0.03 (%)
Vbas 0.02 (%)
Guidespark 0.02 (%)
Neospin 0.02 (%)
ADP Employease 0.02 (%)
Thomsons Online Benefits 0.02 (%)
Nayya 0.02 (%)
You At Work 0.02 (%)
Virtual Benefits Administrator 0.02 (%)
Jellyvision/ALEX 0.01 (%)
ADP CSS HRizon 0.01 (%)
Neeyamo 0.01 (%)
EverythingBenefits 0.01 (%)
Lumity 0.01 (%)
MoveInSync 0.01 (%)
DynaFile 0.01 (%)
Tango Health 0.01 (%)
Limelight Health 0.01 (%)
CuroComp 0.01 (%)
Oration HR 0.01 (%)
FIS Relius 0.01 (%)
Workterra HCM 0.01 (%)
benefitsCONNECT 0.01 (%)
PeopleKeep 0.01 (%)
Mangrove 0.01 (%)
Benetrac 0.01 (%)
COMPackage 0.01 (%)
WORKTERRA BenAdmin 0.01 (%)
VisualHCS 0.01 (%)
COBRAGuard 0.01 (%)
hCentive 0.01 (%)
HiringPlan 0.01 (%)
Vertafore BenefitPoint 0.01 (%)
Benelogic 0.01 (%)
ProCARE Portal 0.01 (%)
COBRA Administration Manager 0.01 (%)
Benefex 0.01 (%)
Tropics 0.01 (%)
PC Payroll 0.01 (%)
Excelity Global ESS 0.00 (%)
PeopleTicker 0.00 (%)
Common Census 0.00 (%)
Hixme 0.00 (%)
ChiefOnboarding 0.00 (%)
emPerform UK 0.00 (%)
AboutPay 0.00 (%)
UnderstandBetter 0.00 (%)
Knit 0.00 (%)
Empyrean 0.00 (%)
SAP SuccessFactors Core HR and Payroll 0.00 (%)
Ceridian Dayforce Managed 0.00 (%)
Servarus 0.00 (%)
Selerix BenSelect 0.00 (%)
Advanced-HR OptionDriver 0.00 (%)
Advanced-HR OptionImpact 0.00 (%)
UZIO Payroll & HR 0.00 (%)
WHIZTEC HCM 0.00 (%)
Centricity Solutions 0.00 (%)
DataPath 0.00 (%)
Comparably 0.00 (%)
Ease 0.00 (%)
Wave Payroll 0.00 (%)
LynchVal 0.00 (%)
Easy Benefit Statements 0.00 (%)
EnrollmentNow 0.00 (%)
hrMecca 0.00 (%)
ExpressTCS 0.00 (%)
Copernicus SS/G 0.00 (%)
Algentis 0.00 (%)
HRiS365 0.00 (%)
Penad PX3000 0.00 (%)
WiserTogether 0.00 (%)
HR Trove by Willis Towers Watson 0.00 (%)
Pension Administration 0.00 (%)
CompensationMaster 0.00 (%)
THEbenefitsHUB 0.00 (%)
Kennion 0.00 (%)
FocalPoint 0.00 (%)
HRsoft COMPview 0.00 (%)
Mercer WIN | ePRISM 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Payroll And Benefits software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Payroll And Benefits software are QuickBooks Payroll, Sage Business Cloud Payroll, Paylocity. Here, you can view a full list of Payroll And Benefits tools in the market.

How many companies use Payroll And Benefits software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 10,790,282 companies are currently using one or more Payroll And Benefits software. Out of these, there are 6,195,134 companies using Payroll And Benefits tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Payroll And Benefits software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Payroll And Benefits space are QuickBooks Payroll with 26.53 % of market share, and Sage Business Cloud Payroll with 15.76 % of market share and Paylocity with 9.52 % of market share . Check for other Payroll And Benefits technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Payroll And Benefits softwares?

The top industries that use Payroll And Benefits software are Professional Services (31,254) , Technology (14,298) , Financial Services (14,139) .

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