Expense Management And Reporting

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Expense Management And Reporting tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Expense Management And Reporting Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Technologies Tracked
Companies Tracked
Categories related to Expense Management And Reporting

Top 5 Expense Management And Reporting technologies in 2023

Over 229,479 companies are using Expense Management And Reporting tools. QuickBooks with 49.69% market share (114,023 customers), iBE.net with 12.28% market share (28,182 customers), Xero with 7.37% market share (16,907 customers),

Expense Management And Reporting Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Expense Management And Reporting category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (69,289 companies), 20 - 49 employees (46,760 companies), 100 - 249 employees (18,112 companies).

Expense Management And Reporting Customers by Geography

Companies using Expense Management And Reporting technology software are majorly from the United States with 140,536 (80.12%), United Kingdom with 10,528 (6.00%), Canada with 8,830 (5.03%) customers respectively.

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Expense Management And Reporting Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Expense Management And Reporting for Professional Services (50,690), Financial Services (18,682), Technology (18,319).

Market Share for Top Expense Management And Reporting Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Expense Management And Reporting technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer count and market share data is calculated based on the organizations identified and tracked in the 6sense database. Market share(%)
1 QuickBooks 114023 49.69
2 iBE.net 28182 12.28
3 Xero 16907 7.37
4 SAPENTA 13927 6.07
5 SAP Concur 12261 5.34
6 QuickBooks Online 11815 5.15
7 Coupa 4224 1.84
8 Elorus 3298 1.44
9 Sage Intacct 2991 1.30
10 Expensify 2110 0.92
11 Basware 1417 0.62
12 Timesheet.com 1336 0.58
13 Azure Cost Management 1259 0.55
14 NetSuite OpenAir 821 0.36
15 Receipt Bank 782 0.34
16 CIPHR 760 0.33
17 Unanet 710 0.31
18 FreshBooks 681 0.30
19 Workday Expenses 659 0.29
20 AceProject 583 0.25
21 Wave 483 0.21
22 AvidXchange 445 0.19
23 Divvy 438 0.19
24 Visible 337 0.15
25 FinancialForce PSA 337 0.15
26 Sellsy Purchases & Expenses 333 0.15
27 Apptivo Expense Reports 295 0.13
28 Nexonia 276 0.12
29 SAP Ariba Spend Analysis 268 0.12
30 Shoeboxed for Quickbooks 260 0.11
31 Emburse Chrome River Expense 260 0.11
32 Spendesk 254 0.11
33 Pleo 249 0.11
34 Clearview 244 0.11
35 Timewatch 242 0.11
36 Workday Spend Management 203 0.09
37 Zoho Expense 192 0.08
38 Chrome River EXPENSE 186 0.08
39 Crunch 185 0.08
40 BillQuick 164 0.07
41 Airbase 154 0.07
42 Dext Prepare 152 0.07
43 Journyx 142 0.06
44 Hiveage 135 0.06
45 Invoicera 131 0.06
46 ClickTime 129 0.06
47 Oracle Internet Expenses 129 0.06
48 ServiceNow Cost Management 128 0.06
49 Zervant UK 122 0.05
50 TravelPerk 117 0.05
51 PEX 113 0.05
52 FCM SmartSUITE 111 0.05
53 Happay 109 0.05
54 Rydoo 104 0.05
55 Bill4Time 104 0.05
56 webexpenses 104 0.05
57 Timesheets.com 97 0.04
58 Oracle Profitability and Cost Management 94 0.04
59 SpringAhead 90 0.04
60 Coupa Expense Management 89 0.04
61 ExpenseWire 85 0.04
62 Bunker App 84 0.04
63 Cube 81 0.04
64 TravelBank 80 0.03
65 Syncd 79 0.03
66 Tallie 79 0.03
67 N2F 74 0.03
68 SutiExpense 72 0.03
69 Unit4 Travel & Expenses 72 0.03
70 AppZen 70 0.03
71 Avaza 68 0.03
72 Infor Expense Management 67 0.03
73 Fyle 67 0.03
74 Expensya 66 0.03
75 Buxfer 64 0.03
76 Soldo 63 0.03
77 Divipay 62 0.03
78 Certify 60 0.03
79 Pulse App 57 0.02
80 Procurify 56 0.02
81 BQE Core 56 0.02
82 Emburse 52 0.02
83 WorkPlace Expense 49 0.02
84 CenterHQ 47 0.02
85 TimeSolv 46 0.02
86 Expenses Mobile 43 0.02
87 Serko Expense 42 0.02
88 Circula 38 0.02
89 Datamolino 37 0.02
90 DATABASICS Time & Expense 36 0.02
91 Livetecs 36 0.02
92 Nexonia Expenses 35 0.02
93 Momenteo 34 0.01
94 Captio Expenses 33 0.01
95 Declaree 33 0.01
96 Teampay 30 0.01
97 ProcurementExpress.com 28 0.01
98 Entryless 26 0.01
99 ExpenseWatch 25 0.01
100 Calero-MDSL 23 0.01
101 eRequester 22 0.01
102 ABUKAI Expenses 21 0.01
103 Commitly 19 0.01
104 SRXP 19 0.01
105 Pacific Timesheet 19 0.01
106 Acubiz 19 0.01
107 Deem 18 0.01
108 Fetch 17 0.01
109 OfficeTimer 17 0.01
110 NextProcess 16 0.01
111 EazeHR 15 0.01
112 SlickPie 14 0.01
113 expensemanager 14 0.01
114 Sway Finance 13 0.01
115 ExpenseAnywhere 13 0.01
116 Eved 13 0.01
117 Accorto 12 0.01
118 Ariett Travel & Xpense 12 0.01
119 Abacus 12 0.01
120 Itemize 12 0.01
121 Veryfi 11 0.00
122 Chronos Workflow 11 0.00
123 Finly 11 0.00
124 Azure Blockchain Workbench 10 0.00
125 Emburse Abacus 9 0.00
126 SnapHRM 9 0.00
127 ExpensAble 9 0.00
128 Conterra FIM 9 0.00
129 Pegg 8 0.00
130 TimeLedger 8 0.00
131 Bento for Business 8 0.00
132 ExpenseIn 8 0.00
133 ProjecTools Cost Control 8 0.00
134 Oracle Spend Classification 8 0.00
135 Oracle Cash and Treasury Management 8 0.00
136 ONE UP 7 0.00
137 Expenseout 7 0.00
138 DATABASICS Expense 7 0.00
139 SYMPAQ SQL 7 0.00
140 MindSalt 7 0.00
141 eZ Account Import 6 0.00
142 billfaster.com 6 0.00
143 ExpensePath 6 0.00
144 SutiSoft-Spend Management Platform 6 0.00
145 Minute7 5 0.00
146 ExpenseBot 5 0.00
147 Trinet ExpenseCloud 5 0.00
148 Keepek 5 0.00
149 BillGrid 5 0.00
150 TriNet Expense 5 0.00
151 SutiWEM-S 4 0.00
152 Schana Invoice 4 0.00
153 Digital Invoicing 4 0.00
154 SmartBill 3 0.00
155 Clarcity Travel & Expense 3 0.00
156 Opstarts 3 0.00
157 ExpensePoint 3 0.00
158 OfficeTime 2 0.00
159 AppsForOps 2 0.00
160 Fetch Money 2 0.00
161 Procurics 2 0.00
Technology Market share
QuickBooks 49.69 (%)
iBE.net 12.28 (%)
Xero 7.37 (%)
SAPENTA 6.07 (%)
SAP Concur 5.34 (%)
QuickBooks Online 5.15 (%)
Coupa 1.84 (%)
Elorus 1.44 (%)
Sage Intacct 1.30 (%)
Expensify 0.92 (%)
Basware 0.62 (%)
Timesheet.com 0.58 (%)
Azure Cost Management 0.55 (%)
NetSuite OpenAir 0.36 (%)
Receipt Bank 0.34 (%)
CIPHR 0.33 (%)
Unanet 0.31 (%)
FreshBooks 0.30 (%)
Workday Expenses 0.29 (%)
AceProject 0.25 (%)
Wave 0.21 (%)
AvidXchange 0.19 (%)
Divvy 0.19 (%)
Visible 0.15 (%)
FinancialForce PSA 0.15 (%)
Sellsy Purchases & Expenses 0.15 (%)
Apptivo Expense Reports 0.13 (%)
Nexonia 0.12 (%)
SAP Ariba Spend Analysis 0.12 (%)
Shoeboxed for Quickbooks 0.11 (%)
Emburse Chrome River Expense 0.11 (%)
Spendesk 0.11 (%)
Pleo 0.11 (%)
Clearview 0.11 (%)
Timewatch 0.11 (%)
Workday Spend Management 0.09 (%)
Zoho Expense 0.08 (%)
Chrome River EXPENSE 0.08 (%)
Crunch 0.08 (%)
BillQuick 0.07 (%)
Airbase 0.07 (%)
Dext Prepare 0.07 (%)
Journyx 0.06 (%)
Hiveage 0.06 (%)
Invoicera 0.06 (%)
ClickTime 0.06 (%)
Oracle Internet Expenses 0.06 (%)
ServiceNow Cost Management 0.06 (%)
Zervant UK 0.05 (%)
TravelPerk 0.05 (%)
PEX 0.05 (%)
FCM SmartSUITE 0.05 (%)
Happay 0.05 (%)
Rydoo 0.05 (%)
Bill4Time 0.05 (%)
webexpenses 0.05 (%)
Timesheets.com 0.04 (%)
Oracle Profitability and Cost Management 0.04 (%)
SpringAhead 0.04 (%)
Coupa Expense Management 0.04 (%)
ExpenseWire 0.04 (%)
Bunker App 0.04 (%)
Cube 0.04 (%)
TravelBank 0.03 (%)
Syncd 0.03 (%)
Tallie 0.03 (%)
N2F 0.03 (%)
SutiExpense 0.03 (%)
Unit4 Travel & Expenses 0.03 (%)
AppZen 0.03 (%)
Avaza 0.03 (%)
Infor Expense Management 0.03 (%)
Fyle 0.03 (%)
Expensya 0.03 (%)
Buxfer 0.03 (%)
Soldo 0.03 (%)
Divipay 0.03 (%)
Certify 0.03 (%)
Pulse App 0.02 (%)
Procurify 0.02 (%)
BQE Core 0.02 (%)
Emburse 0.02 (%)
WorkPlace Expense 0.02 (%)
CenterHQ 0.02 (%)
TimeSolv 0.02 (%)
Expenses Mobile 0.02 (%)
Serko Expense 0.02 (%)
Circula 0.02 (%)
Datamolino 0.02 (%)
DATABASICS Time & Expense 0.02 (%)
Livetecs 0.02 (%)
Nexonia Expenses 0.02 (%)
Momenteo 0.01 (%)
Captio Expenses 0.01 (%)
Declaree 0.01 (%)
Teampay 0.01 (%)
ProcurementExpress.com 0.01 (%)
Entryless 0.01 (%)
ExpenseWatch 0.01 (%)
Calero-MDSL 0.01 (%)
eRequester 0.01 (%)
ABUKAI Expenses 0.01 (%)
Commitly 0.01 (%)
SRXP 0.01 (%)
Pacific Timesheet 0.01 (%)
Acubiz 0.01 (%)
Deem 0.01 (%)
Fetch 0.01 (%)
OfficeTimer 0.01 (%)
NextProcess 0.01 (%)
EazeHR 0.01 (%)
SlickPie 0.01 (%)
expensemanager 0.01 (%)
Sway Finance 0.01 (%)
ExpenseAnywhere 0.01 (%)
Eved 0.01 (%)
Accorto 0.01 (%)
Ariett Travel & Xpense 0.01 (%)
Abacus 0.01 (%)
Itemize 0.01 (%)
Veryfi 0.00 (%)
Chronos Workflow 0.00 (%)
Finly 0.00 (%)
Azure Blockchain Workbench 0.00 (%)
Emburse Abacus 0.00 (%)
SnapHRM 0.00 (%)
ExpensAble 0.00 (%)
Conterra FIM 0.00 (%)
Pegg 0.00 (%)
TimeLedger 0.00 (%)
Bento for Business 0.00 (%)
ExpenseIn 0.00 (%)
ProjecTools Cost Control 0.00 (%)
Oracle Spend Classification 0.00 (%)
Oracle Cash and Treasury Management 0.00 (%)
ONE UP 0.00 (%)
Expenseout 0.00 (%)
DATABASICS Expense 0.00 (%)
SYMPAQ SQL 0.00 (%)
MindSalt 0.00 (%)
eZ Account Import 0.00 (%)
billfaster.com 0.00 (%)
ExpensePath 0.00 (%)
SutiSoft-Spend Management Platform 0.00 (%)
Minute7 0.00 (%)
ExpenseBot 0.00 (%)
Trinet ExpenseCloud 0.00 (%)
Keepek 0.00 (%)
BillGrid 0.00 (%)
TriNet Expense 0.00 (%)
SutiWEM-S 0.00 (%)
Schana Invoice 0.00 (%)
Digital Invoicing 0.00 (%)
SmartBill 0.00 (%)
Clarcity Travel & Expense 0.00 (%)
Opstarts 0.00 (%)
ExpensePoint 0.00 (%)
OfficeTime 0.00 (%)
AppsForOps 0.00 (%)
Fetch Money 0.00 (%)
Procurics 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Expense Management And Reporting software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Expense Management And Reporting software are QuickBooks, iBE.net, Xero. Here, you can view a full list of Expense Management And Reporting tools in the market.

How many companies use Expense Management And Reporting software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 190,296 companies are currently using one or more Expense Management And Reporting software. Out of these, there are 140,536 companies using Expense Management And Reporting tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Expense Management And Reporting software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Expense Management And Reporting space are QuickBooks with 49.69 % of market share, and iBE.net with 12.28 % of market share and Xero with 7.37 % of market share . Check for other Expense Management And Reporting technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Expense Management And Reporting softwares?

The top industries that use Expense Management And Reporting software are Professional Services (50,690) , Financial Services (18,682) , Technology (18,319) .

Choose Technologies to Compare
