Governance, Risk And Compliance

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Governance, Risk And Compliance tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Governance, Risk And Compliance Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Governance, Risk And Compliance

Top 5 Governance, Risk And Compliance technologies in 2023

Over 138,161 companies are using Governance, Risk And Compliance tools. OneTrust with 37.82% market share (52,254 customers), Informatica with 30.23% market share (41,764 customers), Evidon with 5.41% market share (7,469 customers),

Governance, Risk And Compliance Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Governance, Risk And Compliance category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (22,312 companies), 20 - 49 employees (20,815 companies), 100 - 249 employees (14,467 companies).

Governance, Risk And Compliance Customers by Geography

Companies using Governance, Risk And Compliance technology software are majorly from the United States with 50,473 (58.38%), United Kingdom with 7,145 (8.26%), Italy with 6,919 (8.00%) customers respectively.

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Governance, Risk And Compliance Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Governance, Risk And Compliance for Professional Services (22,034), Technology (18,085), Retail and CPG (8,553).

Market Share for Top Governance, Risk And Compliance Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Governance, Risk And Compliance technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 OneTrust 52254 37.82
2 Informatica 41764 30.23
3 Evidon 7469 5.41
4 Diligent 5497 3.98
5 Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) 3778 2.73
6 Transcend 2860 2.07
7 LANDESK 2689 1.95
8 Riskalyze 2661 1.93
9 SAP GRC 2398 1.74
10 Collibra 1901 1.38
11 RSA SecurID 1359 0.98
12 UpGuard 1335 0.97
13 NARIS GRC 1150 0.83
14 Convercent 1132 0.82
15 Securiti 1096 0.79
16 nCino 742 0.54
17 Oracle Endeca 659 0.48
18 Enablon 473 0.34
19 Workiva Wdesk 408 0.30
20 SAI Global 407 0.29
21 MetricStream 377 0.27
22 RSA enVision 369 0.27
23 DueDil 302 0.22
24 ServiceNow Governance, Risk, and Compliance 281 0.20
25 Bloomberg Vault 265 0.19
26 Oracle Argus 264 0.19
27 Azure Lighthouse 229 0.17
28 Modulo 203 0.15
29 IBM InfoSphere Information Server 202 0.15
30 IBM OpenPages 198 0.14
31 Smarsh 176 0.13
32 Oracle Fusion GRC 175 0.13
33 IntelligenceBank GRC 169 0.12
34 Resolver 146 0.11
35 RSA Data Access Governance 138 0.10
36 Symantec Control Compliance Suite 138 0.10
37 Oracle Identity Governance 129 0.09
38 Metrio 102 0.07
39 Qualio 102 0.07
40 Informatica Axon Data Governance 101 0.07
41 The Media Trust 95 0.07
42 SAS Model Risk Management 92 0.07
43 Lockpath 90 0.07
44 IBM Information Governance Catalog (IGC) 79 0.06
45 73 0.05
46 IBM InfoSphere Optim 71 0.05
47 ComplyAdvantage 70 0.05
48 Fastpath 67 0.05
49 Oracle Risk Management Cloud 63 0.05
50 ComplianceBridge 61 0.04
51 Amberpoint 60 0.04
52 Riliance 56 0.04
53 Predict360 55 0.04
54 ComplySci 53 0.04
55 The Keylight Platform 50 0.04
56 ContractWorks 50 0.04
57 Secureframe 47 0.03
58 LogicGate 47 0.03
59 CA Identity Governance 45 0.03
60 Alloy 44 0.03
61 Scytale 42 0.03
62 Oxial GRC 40 0.03
63 Informatica Cloud Data Governance and Catalog 38 0.03
64 Trustwave SIEM 38 0.03
65 FOSSA 34 0.02
66 Allgress 34 0.02
67 Unit21 33 0.02
68 RPX Recovery Planner 32 0.02
69 SmartCompliance 28 0.02
70 CloudSOC CASB 27 0.02
71 Ncontracts 25 0.02
72 AQMetrics 20 0.01
73 RSA Identity Governance and Lifecycle 20 0.01
74 LexComply 18 0.01
75 HSI Compliance & Safety Software 18 0.01
76 Isometrix 18 0.01
77 FixNix 17 0.01
78 AssurX 17 0.01
79 Fischer Identity 16 0.01
80 eramba 15 0.01
81 Ideagen Pentana 15 0.01
82 Proteus GDPReady 15 0.01
83 CiscoWorks Network Compliance Manager 12 0.01
84 CertFocus 11 0.01
85 NETconsent 10 0.01
86 Security Weaver 10 0.01
87 Trustwave TrustKeeper 10 0.01
88 BlackBerry Workspaces (formerly WatchDox) 9 0.01
89 IBM Rational Software Architect Designer 8 0.01
90 Ideagen Coruson 8 0.01
91 Komrisk 8 0.01
92 Workhub 7 0.01
93 Cisco Registered Envelope Service (CRES) 7 0.01
94 SAS Governance And Compliance Manager 7 0.01
95 SMART Service Desk 7 0.01
96 cammsrisk 7 0.01
97 Rivo 7 0.01
98 CimTrak Integrity Suite 6 0.00
99 CyberOne Security 6 0.00
100 ProcessMAP EHS Management 6 0.00
101 Talena 6 0.00
102 Integrum 6 0.00
103 CA Cleanup 6 0.00
104 Laser GRC 5 0.00
105 WCK GRC 5 0.00
106 ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager 4 0.00
107 McAfee Preventsys 4 0.00
108 Kesteven Management Documentation 4 0.00
109 ExchangeDefender 4 0.00
110 Vetted 4 0.00
111 AlphaBricks 4 0.00
112 LogicGate Risk Cloud 4 0.00
113 Diginex 3 0.00
114 Confident Governance 3 0.00
115 VComply 3 0.00
116 CARE 3 0.00
117 Aruvio 3 0.00
118 Micro Focus ArcSight Compliance 2 0.00
119 Fastpath Assure 2 0.00
120 2 0.00
121 SAS Risk Modeling 2 0.00
122 HOPEX 2 0.00
123 Active Risk Manager 2 0.00
124 clrHorizon 2 0.00
125 Sword Achiever 2 0.00
126 EMEX EHS Platform 2 0.00
Technology Market share
OneTrust 37.82 (%)
Informatica 30.23 (%)
Evidon 5.41 (%)
Diligent 3.98 (%)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) 2.73 (%)
Transcend 2.07 (%)
LANDESK 1.95 (%)
Riskalyze 1.93 (%)
SAP GRC 1.74 (%)
Collibra 1.38 (%)
RSA SecurID 0.98 (%)
UpGuard 0.97 (%)
NARIS GRC 0.83 (%)
Convercent 0.82 (%)
Securiti 0.79 (%)
nCino 0.54 (%)
Oracle Endeca 0.48 (%)
Enablon 0.34 (%)
Workiva Wdesk 0.30 (%)
SAI Global 0.29 (%)
MetricStream 0.27 (%)
RSA enVision 0.27 (%)
DueDil 0.22 (%)
ServiceNow Governance, Risk, and Compliance 0.20 (%)
Bloomberg Vault 0.19 (%)
Oracle Argus 0.19 (%)
Azure Lighthouse 0.17 (%)
Modulo 0.15 (%)
IBM InfoSphere Information Server 0.15 (%)
IBM OpenPages 0.14 (%)
Smarsh 0.13 (%)
Oracle Fusion GRC 0.13 (%)
IntelligenceBank GRC 0.12 (%)
Resolver 0.11 (%)
RSA Data Access Governance 0.10 (%)
Symantec Control Compliance Suite 0.10 (%)
Oracle Identity Governance 0.09 (%)
Metrio 0.07 (%)
Qualio 0.07 (%)
Informatica Axon Data Governance 0.07 (%)
The Media Trust 0.07 (%)
SAS Model Risk Management 0.07 (%)
Lockpath 0.07 (%)
IBM Information Governance Catalog (IGC) 0.06 (%) 0.05 (%)
IBM InfoSphere Optim 0.05 (%)
ComplyAdvantage 0.05 (%)
Fastpath 0.05 (%)
Oracle Risk Management Cloud 0.05 (%)
ComplianceBridge 0.04 (%)
Amberpoint 0.04 (%)
Riliance 0.04 (%)
Predict360 0.04 (%)
ComplySci 0.04 (%)
The Keylight Platform 0.04 (%)
ContractWorks 0.04 (%)
Secureframe 0.03 (%)
LogicGate 0.03 (%)
CA Identity Governance 0.03 (%)
Alloy 0.03 (%)
Scytale 0.03 (%)
Oxial GRC 0.03 (%)
Informatica Cloud Data Governance and Catalog 0.03 (%)
Trustwave SIEM 0.03 (%)
FOSSA 0.02 (%)
Allgress 0.02 (%)
Unit21 0.02 (%)
RPX Recovery Planner 0.02 (%)
SmartCompliance 0.02 (%)
CloudSOC CASB 0.02 (%)
Ncontracts 0.02 (%)
AQMetrics 0.01 (%)
RSA Identity Governance and Lifecycle 0.01 (%)
LexComply 0.01 (%)
HSI Compliance & Safety Software 0.01 (%)
Isometrix 0.01 (%)
FixNix 0.01 (%)
AssurX 0.01 (%)
Fischer Identity 0.01 (%)
eramba 0.01 (%)
Ideagen Pentana 0.01 (%)
Proteus GDPReady 0.01 (%)
CiscoWorks Network Compliance Manager 0.01 (%)
CertFocus 0.01 (%)
NETconsent 0.01 (%)
Security Weaver 0.01 (%)
Trustwave TrustKeeper 0.01 (%)
BlackBerry Workspaces (formerly WatchDox) 0.01 (%)
IBM Rational Software Architect Designer 0.01 (%)
Ideagen Coruson 0.01 (%)
Komrisk 0.01 (%)
Workhub 0.01 (%)
Cisco Registered Envelope Service (CRES) 0.01 (%)
SAS Governance And Compliance Manager 0.01 (%)
SMART Service Desk 0.01 (%)
cammsrisk 0.01 (%)
Rivo 0.01 (%)
CimTrak Integrity Suite 0.00 (%)
CyberOne Security 0.00 (%)
ProcessMAP EHS Management 0.00 (%)
Talena 0.00 (%)
Integrum 0.00 (%)
CA Cleanup 0.00 (%)
Laser GRC 0.00 (%)
WCK GRC 0.00 (%)
ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager 0.00 (%)
McAfee Preventsys 0.00 (%)
Kesteven Management Documentation 0.00 (%)
ExchangeDefender 0.00 (%)
Vetted 0.00 (%)
AlphaBricks 0.00 (%)
LogicGate Risk Cloud 0.00 (%)
Diginex 0.00 (%)
Confident Governance 0.00 (%)
VComply 0.00 (%)
CARE 0.00 (%)
Aruvio 0.00 (%)
Micro Focus ArcSight Compliance 0.00 (%)
Fastpath Assure 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
SAS Risk Modeling 0.00 (%)
HOPEX 0.00 (%)
Active Risk Manager 0.00 (%)
clrHorizon 0.00 (%)
Sword Achiever 0.00 (%)
EMEX EHS Platform 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Governance, Risk And Compliance software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Governance, Risk And Compliance software are OneTrust, Informatica, Evidon. Here, you can view a full list of Governance, Risk And Compliance tools in the market.

How many companies use Governance, Risk And Compliance software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 107,547 companies are currently using one or more Governance, Risk And Compliance software. Out of these, there are 50,473 companies using Governance, Risk And Compliance tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Governance, Risk And Compliance software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Governance, Risk And Compliance space are OneTrust with 37.82 % of market share, and Informatica with 30.23 % of market share and Evidon with 5.41 % of market share . Check for other Governance, Risk And Compliance technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Governance, Risk And Compliance softwares?

The top industries that use Governance, Risk And Compliance software are Professional Services (22,034) , Technology (18,085) , Retail and CPG (8,553) .

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