Network Monitoring

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Network Monitoring tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Network Monitoring Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Technologies Tracked
Companies Tracked
Categories related to Network Monitoring

Top 5 Network Monitoring technologies in 2023

Over 1,869,452 companies are using Network Monitoring tools. GStatic with 91.41% market share (1,708,773 customers), Datadog with 2.29% market share (42,719 customers), Azure CDN with 1.72% market share (32,248 customers),

Network Monitoring Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Network Monitoring category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (18,335 companies), 20 - 49 employees (14,857 companies), 100 - 249 employees (10,221 companies).

Network Monitoring Customers by Geography

Companies using Network Monitoring technology software are majorly from the United States with 43,519 (68.59%), United Kingdom with 4,624 (7.29%), Canada with 3,114 (4.91%) customers respectively.

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Network Monitoring Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Network Monitoring for Technology (27,615), Professional Services (17,887), Retail and CPG (6,058).

Market Share for Top Network Monitoring Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Network Monitoring technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 GStatic 1708773 91.41
2 Datadog 42719 2.29
3 Azure CDN 32248 1.72
4 Nagios 17142 0.92
5 Wireshark 9421 0.50
6 Dynatrace Ruxit 9338 0.50
7 Zabbix 9304 0.50
8 Spiceworks 4910 0.26
9 TrueSight Pulse 4000 0.21
10 Constellix 3963 0.21
11 Loggly 3924 0.21
12 PagerDuty 2466 0.13
13 Sumo Logic 2057 0.11
14 ConnectWise Automate 1598 0.09
15 SysAid 1123 0.06
16 SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor 1119 0.06
17 OpsGenie 936 0.05
18 WhatsUp Gold 883 0.05
19 LogicMonitor 844 0.05
20 Centreon 836 0.04
21 Atera 768 0.04
22 ServiceNow Event Management 756 0.04
23 Riverbed SteelCentral 536 0.03
24 Netwrix Auditor 409 0.02
25 Nagios XI 390 0.02
26 PRTG Network Monitor 378 0.02
27 SevOne 375 0.02
28 Distil Networks 370 0.02
29 Emulex 344 0.02
30 Ixia 317 0.02
31 SolarWinds RMM 309 0.02
32 Moogsoft 279 0.01
33 BigPanda 254 0.01
34 GFI LanGuard 250 0.01
35 ThousandEyes 243 0.01
36 241 0.01
37 Kaseya VSA 235 0.01
38 Cacti 232 0.01
39 Auvik 231 0.01
40 Intermapper 208 0.01
41 ManageEngine OpManager 208 0.01
42 Loupe 207 0.01
43 Black Duck Hub 203 0.01
44 VictorOps 199 0.01
45 Site24x7 198 0.01
46 IBM Tivoli Remote Control 192 0.01
47 NinjaRMM 172 0.01
48 BMC Client Management 158 0.01
49 AppNeta 149 0.01
50 WebSitePulse 128 0.01
51 NetFlow Traffic Analyzer 127 0.01
52 Pulseway 119 0.01
53 Flowmon 118 0.01
54 nChronos 113 0.01
55 igraph 109 0.01
56 MRTG 91 0.00
57 Microsoft Azure Network Watcher 85 0.00
58 WebTitan 81 0.00
59 NetCrunch 78 0.00
60 AdRem NetCrunch 78 0.00
61 Indeni 75 0.00
62 Observium 71 0.00
63 67 0.00
64 Netmon 61 0.00
65 DX Spectrum 57 0.00
66 Callcap 57 0.00
67 Domotz 55 0.00
68 Activity Monitor by SoftActivity 55 0.00
69 DX NetOps 54 0.00
70 N-Central 51 0.00
71 PingPlotter 50 0.00
72 Sinefa 50 0.00
73 OmniCenter 50 0.00
74 FlowCommand 49 0.00
75 Oracle Talari 47 0.00
76 Circonus 44 0.00
77 Pwnie Express 41 0.00
78 Abusix 40 0.00
79 RIEMANN 39 0.00
80 EventSentry 37 0.00
81 RG System 37 0.00
82 10-Strike Software 37 0.00
83 Oracle Traffic Director 37 0.00
84 SAS Model Manager 35 0.00
85 OpSource Application Operations 33 0.00
86 perfSONAR 33 0.00
87 AlertBot Website Monitoring 30 0.00
88 ProInsight 30 0.00
89 BlueCamroo 26 0.00
90 Unigma 26 0.00
91 DiagnoSys 25 0.00
92 Nagios Network Analyzer 24 0.00
93 Naverisk 23 0.00
94 VMware Health Analyzer 22 0.00
95 Endpoint Modeling 22 0.00
96 SolarWinds VoIP & Network Quality Manager 22 0.00
97 Servers Alive 20 0.00
98 Panopta 20 0.00
99 CloudRadar 18 0.00
100 Argus 17 0.00
101 Net LineDancer 17 0.00
102 CoScale 16 0.00
103 KeyCDN 16 0.00
104 AKIPS Network Monitor 16 0.00
105 ntopng 16 0.00
106 IMMonitor Enterprise 15 0.00
107 Cloudcraft 14 0.00
108 Netscan 12 0.00
109 Network Polygraph 12 0.00
110 IPSentry 12 0.00
111 Statseeker 11 0.00
112 CygNet 11 0.00
113 ACL Manager 10 0.00
114 Net Uptime Monitor 9 0.00
115 Traverse Monitoring 8 0.00
116 darkstat 8 0.00
117 Nsauditor Network Security Auditor 7 0.00
118 iWatch 6 0.00
119 CloudView NMS 6 0.00
120 NMSaaS 6 0.00
121 Outlyer 6 0.00
122 Micro Focus Operations Agent 5 0.00
123 Easy-IP 5 0.00
124 Overseer 5 0.00
125 The Governor 5 0.00
126 HP Internet Services 5 0.00
127 sMonitor 5 0.00
128 PerformanceVision 4 0.00
129 Motadata Network Monitoring Tool 4 0.00
130 Axence nVision 4 0.00
131 ServerAssist 4 0.00
132 NetOmni 4 0.00
133 SolarWinds Response Time Viewer for Wireshark 3 0.00
134 WireEdit 3 0.00
135 AppNeta PathView 3 0.00
136 Megamon 3 0.00
137 BitCalm 3 0.00
138 Network Flow Analysis 2 0.00
139 Exinda SD-WAN 2 0.00
140 Network Asset Tracker Pro 2 0.00
141 OP5 Monitor 2 0.00
142 Noction IRP 2 0.00
143 NetVizura EventLog Analyzer 2 0.00
144 Reboot to Restore Software 2 0.00
145 CleverView for TCP/IP 2 0.00
146 NetDecision 2 0.00
147 Monitorpack Guard 2 0.00
148 SNMP .Net Component 2 0.00
149 AdminToys Suite 2 0.00
Technology Market share
GStatic 91.41 (%)
Datadog 2.29 (%)
Azure CDN 1.72 (%)
Nagios 0.92 (%)
Wireshark 0.50 (%)
Dynatrace Ruxit 0.50 (%)
Zabbix 0.50 (%)
Spiceworks 0.26 (%)
TrueSight Pulse 0.21 (%)
Constellix 0.21 (%)
Loggly 0.21 (%)
PagerDuty 0.13 (%)
Sumo Logic 0.11 (%)
ConnectWise Automate 0.09 (%)
SysAid 0.06 (%)
SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor 0.06 (%)
OpsGenie 0.05 (%)
WhatsUp Gold 0.05 (%)
LogicMonitor 0.05 (%)
Centreon 0.04 (%)
Atera 0.04 (%)
ServiceNow Event Management 0.04 (%)
Riverbed SteelCentral 0.03 (%)
Netwrix Auditor 0.02 (%)
Nagios XI 0.02 (%)
PRTG Network Monitor 0.02 (%)
SevOne 0.02 (%)
Distil Networks 0.02 (%)
Emulex 0.02 (%)
Ixia 0.02 (%)
SolarWinds RMM 0.02 (%)
Moogsoft 0.01 (%)
BigPanda 0.01 (%)
GFI LanGuard 0.01 (%)
ThousandEyes 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Kaseya VSA 0.01 (%)
Cacti 0.01 (%)
Auvik 0.01 (%)
Intermapper 0.01 (%)
ManageEngine OpManager 0.01 (%)
Loupe 0.01 (%)
Black Duck Hub 0.01 (%)
VictorOps 0.01 (%)
Site24x7 0.01 (%)
IBM Tivoli Remote Control 0.01 (%)
NinjaRMM 0.01 (%)
BMC Client Management 0.01 (%)
AppNeta 0.01 (%)
WebSitePulse 0.01 (%)
NetFlow Traffic Analyzer 0.01 (%)
Pulseway 0.01 (%)
Flowmon 0.01 (%)
nChronos 0.01 (%)
igraph 0.01 (%)
MRTG 0.00 (%)
Microsoft Azure Network Watcher 0.00 (%)
WebTitan 0.00 (%)
NetCrunch 0.00 (%)
AdRem NetCrunch 0.00 (%)
Indeni 0.00 (%)
Observium 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Netmon 0.00 (%)
DX Spectrum 0.00 (%)
Callcap 0.00 (%)
Domotz 0.00 (%)
Activity Monitor by SoftActivity 0.00 (%)
DX NetOps 0.00 (%)
N-Central 0.00 (%)
PingPlotter 0.00 (%)
Sinefa 0.00 (%)
OmniCenter 0.00 (%)
FlowCommand 0.00 (%)
Oracle Talari 0.00 (%)
Circonus 0.00 (%)
Pwnie Express 0.00 (%)
Abusix 0.00 (%)
RIEMANN 0.00 (%)
EventSentry 0.00 (%)
RG System 0.00 (%)
10-Strike Software 0.00 (%)
Oracle Traffic Director 0.00 (%)
SAS Model Manager 0.00 (%)
OpSource Application Operations 0.00 (%)
perfSONAR 0.00 (%)
AlertBot Website Monitoring 0.00 (%)
ProInsight 0.00 (%)
BlueCamroo 0.00 (%)
Unigma 0.00 (%)
DiagnoSys 0.00 (%)
Nagios Network Analyzer 0.00 (%)
Naverisk 0.00 (%)
VMware Health Analyzer 0.00 (%)
Endpoint Modeling 0.00 (%)
SolarWinds VoIP & Network Quality Manager 0.00 (%)
Servers Alive 0.00 (%)
Panopta 0.00 (%)
CloudRadar 0.00 (%)
Argus 0.00 (%)
Net LineDancer 0.00 (%)
CoScale 0.00 (%)
KeyCDN 0.00 (%)
AKIPS Network Monitor 0.00 (%)
ntopng 0.00 (%)
IMMonitor Enterprise 0.00 (%)
Cloudcraft 0.00 (%)
Netscan 0.00 (%)
Network Polygraph 0.00 (%)
IPSentry 0.00 (%)
Statseeker 0.00 (%)
CygNet 0.00 (%)
ACL Manager 0.00 (%)
Net Uptime Monitor 0.00 (%)
Traverse Monitoring 0.00 (%)
darkstat 0.00 (%)
Nsauditor Network Security Auditor 0.00 (%)
iWatch 0.00 (%)
CloudView NMS 0.00 (%)
NMSaaS 0.00 (%)
Outlyer 0.00 (%)
Micro Focus Operations Agent 0.00 (%)
Easy-IP 0.00 (%)
Overseer 0.00 (%)
The Governor 0.00 (%)
HP Internet Services 0.00 (%)
sMonitor 0.00 (%)
PerformanceVision 0.00 (%)
Motadata Network Monitoring Tool 0.00 (%)
Axence nVision 0.00 (%)
ServerAssist 0.00 (%)
NetOmni 0.00 (%)
SolarWinds Response Time Viewer for Wireshark 0.00 (%)
WireEdit 0.00 (%)
AppNeta PathView 0.00 (%)
Megamon 0.00 (%)
BitCalm 0.00 (%)
Network Flow Analysis 0.00 (%)
Exinda SD-WAN 0.00 (%)
Network Asset Tracker Pro 0.00 (%)
OP5 Monitor 0.00 (%)
Noction IRP 0.00 (%)
NetVizura EventLog Analyzer 0.00 (%)
Reboot to Restore Software 0.00 (%)
CleverView for TCP/IP 0.00 (%)
NetDecision 0.00 (%)
Monitorpack Guard 0.00 (%)
SNMP .Net Component 0.00 (%)
AdminToys Suite 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Network Monitoring software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Network Monitoring software are GStatic, Datadog, Azure CDN. Here, you can view a full list of Network Monitoring tools in the market.

How many companies use Network Monitoring software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 77,498 companies are currently using one or more Network Monitoring software. Out of these, there are 43,519 companies using Network Monitoring tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Network Monitoring software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Network Monitoring space are GStatic with 91.41 % of market share, and Datadog with 2.29 % of market share and Azure CDN with 1.72 % of market share . Check for other Network Monitoring technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Network Monitoring softwares?

The top industries that use Network Monitoring software are Technology (27,615) , Professional Services (17,887) , Retail and CPG (6,058) .

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