Graphic Design Software

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Graphic Design Software tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Graphic Design Software Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Graphic Design Software

Top 5 Graphic Design Software technologies in 2023

Over 448,023 companies are using Graphic Design Software tools. Adobe Illustrator with 40.87% market share (183,085 customers), Adobe Photoshop with 22.98% market share (102,978 customers), Adobe InDesign with 13.97% market share (62,590 customers),

Graphic Design Software Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Graphic Design Software category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (82,264 companies), 20 - 49 employees (81,543 companies), 100 - 249 employees (45,580 companies).

Graphic Design Software Customers by Geography

Companies using Graphic Design Software technology software are majorly from the United States with 165,121 (60.13%), United Kingdom with 31,683 (11.54%), Canada with 16,220 (5.91%) customers respectively.

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Graphic Design Software Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Graphic Design Software for Professional Services (89,140), Technology (32,289), Retail and CPG (25,977).

Market Share for Top Graphic Design Software Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Graphic Design Software technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Adobe Illustrator 183085 40.87
2 Adobe Photoshop 102978 22.98
3 Adobe InDesign 62590 13.97
4 Sketch 51476 11.49
5 CorelDRAW 10169 2.27
6 Adobe After Effects 10130 2.26
7 WordPress Themes 9466 2.11
8 Autodesk Maya 4287 0.96
9 SolidWorks PDM 3563 0.80
10 V-Ray 2318 0.52
11 openElement 1699 0.38
12 Pixlr 1111 0.25
13 NVIDIA GPU 1021 0.23
14 Removal.AI 671 0.15
15 Photoshop Elements 631 0.14
16 Autodesk Flame 296 0.07
17 NVIDIA Tesla 280 0.06
18 Paintshop Pro 269 0.06
19 Affinity Designer 228 0.05
20 Slazzer 189 0.04
21 PicMonkey 183 0.04
22 accessiBe 136 0.03
23 Pixelmator 133 0.03
24 Capture One Pro 125 0.03
25 Crello 119 0.03
26 Krita 118 0.03
27 Meero 107 0.02
28 NVIDIA Quadro 78 0.02
29 Designify 67 0.01
30 EDraw Max 61 0.01
31 Affinity Photo 57 0.01
32 52 0.01
33 NVIDIA TITAN 39 0.01
34 NVIDIA OptiX 35 0.01
35 Visual Knowledge Share (VKS) 35 0.01
36 Design Pickle 30 0.01
37 ArtRage 28 0.01
38 Car Studio 21 0.00
39 Snappr 18 0.00
40 BeFunky 17 0.00
41 PhotoRoom 15 0.00
42 Glo3D 14 0.00
43 Adobe Photoshop Express 13 0.00
44 PhotoKit 12 0.00
45 Vector Magic 10 0.00
46 NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU 8 0.00
47 OpenOffice Draw 8 0.00
48 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU 7 0.00
49 Object AI 5 0.00
50 Fotor Photo Editor 4 0.00
51 autoRetouch 3 0.00
52 3 0.00
53 FotoJet 3 0.00
54 BMC Remedy Flashboards 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Adobe Illustrator 40.87 (%)
Adobe Photoshop 22.98 (%)
Adobe InDesign 13.97 (%)
Sketch 11.49 (%)
CorelDRAW 2.27 (%)
Adobe After Effects 2.26 (%)
WordPress Themes 2.11 (%)
Autodesk Maya 0.96 (%)
SolidWorks PDM 0.80 (%)
V-Ray 0.52 (%)
openElement 0.38 (%)
Pixlr 0.25 (%)
NVIDIA GPU 0.23 (%)
Removal.AI 0.15 (%)
Photoshop Elements 0.14 (%)
Autodesk Flame 0.07 (%)
NVIDIA Tesla 0.06 (%)
Paintshop Pro 0.06 (%)
Affinity Designer 0.05 (%)
Slazzer 0.04 (%)
PicMonkey 0.04 (%)
accessiBe 0.03 (%)
Pixelmator 0.03 (%)
Capture One Pro 0.03 (%)
Crello 0.03 (%)
Krita 0.03 (%)
Meero 0.02 (%)
NVIDIA Quadro 0.02 (%)
Designify 0.01 (%)
EDraw Max 0.01 (%)
Affinity Photo 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
NVIDIA OptiX 0.01 (%)
Visual Knowledge Share (VKS) 0.01 (%)
Design Pickle 0.01 (%)
ArtRage 0.01 (%)
Car Studio 0.00 (%)
Snappr 0.00 (%)
BeFunky 0.00 (%)
PhotoRoom 0.00 (%)
Glo3D 0.00 (%)
Adobe Photoshop Express 0.00 (%)
PhotoKit 0.00 (%)
Vector Magic 0.00 (%)
NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU 0.00 (%)
OpenOffice Draw 0.00 (%)
NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU 0.00 (%)
Object AI 0.00 (%)
Fotor Photo Editor 0.00 (%)
autoRetouch 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
FotoJet 0.00 (%)
BMC Remedy Flashboards 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Graphic Design Software software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Graphic Design Software software are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign. Here, you can view a full list of Graphic Design Software tools in the market.

How many companies use Graphic Design Software software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 336,573 companies are currently using one or more Graphic Design Software software. Out of these, there are 165,121 companies using Graphic Design Software tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Graphic Design Software software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Graphic Design Software space are Adobe Illustrator with 40.87 % of market share, and Adobe Photoshop with 22.98 % of market share and Adobe InDesign with 13.97 % of market share . Check for other Graphic Design Software technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Graphic Design Software softwares?

The top industries that use Graphic Design Software software are Professional Services (89,140) , Technology (32,289) , Retail and CPG (25,977) .

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