Native Advertising

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Native Advertising tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Native Advertising Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Native Advertising

Top 5 Native Advertising technologies in 2023

Over 400,647 companies are using Native Advertising tools. reddit with 63.42% market share (254,108 customers), Promote with 9.84% market share (39,419 customers), Digg with 8.54% market share (34,205 customers),

Native Advertising Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Native Advertising category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (223,105 companies), 20 - 49 employees (94,194 companies), 10 - 19 employees (42,170 companies).

Native Advertising Customers by Geography

Companies using Native Advertising technology software are majorly from the United States with 233,305 (63.71%), United Kingdom with 34,569 (9.44%), Canada with 16,435 (4.49%) customers respectively.

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Native Advertising Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Native Advertising for Professional Services (121,252), Technology (41,402), Retail and CPG (33,388).

Market Share for Top Native Advertising Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Native Advertising technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 reddit 254108 63.42
2 Promote 39419 9.84
3 Digg 34205 8.54
4 Taboola 25168 6.28
5 StackAdapt 10613 2.65
6 Revenue 6694 1.67
7 Connatix 5382 1.34
8 Zemanta 4301 1.07
9 Sharethrough 3982 0.99
10 MGID 3021 0.75
11 ZergNet 2849 0.71
12 Plista 2233 0.56
13 LockerDome 1745 0.44
14 Dianomi 1400 0.35
15 Virool 863 0.22
16 Strossle 655 0.16
17 ReadPeak 605 0.15
18 Native Ads 554 0.14
19 DistroScale 399 0.10
20 Yeahmobi 345 0.09
21 PowerLinks 326 0.08
22 AdsKeeper 315 0.08
23 YouAppi 170 0.04
24 AdNow 139 0.03
25 Linqia 107 0.03
26 Pixfuture 105 0.03
27 NativeKit by Thoughtleadr 96 0.02
28 Yahoo Gemini 74 0.02
29 inPowered 69 0.02
30 Sverve 59 0.01
31 Cooperatize 59 0.01
32 58 0.01
33 Ampush 54 0.01
34 Colombia Ads 53 0.01
35 TripleLift 52 0.01
36 Contextly 50 0.01
37 Natify 30 0.01
38 Earnify 29 0.01
39 Chameleon Ad 28 0.01
40 Vibrant Media 26 0.01
41 Bidtellect 23 0.01
42 MobFox 23 0.01
43 22 0.01
44 GiveItANudge 22 0.01
45 Ayboll 19 0.00
46 Fuze360 18 0.00
47 Hexagram 16 0.00
48 Bidsopt 14 0.00
49 Storystack 11 0.00
50 Polymorph (formerly AdsNative) 9 0.00
51 Namo Media 7 0.00
52 Nativo 6 0.00
53 AppThis 5 0.00
54 Vertebrae 5 0.00
55 Real Content Network 4 0.00
56 Samba Networks 3 0.00
Technology Market share
reddit 63.42 (%)
Promote 9.84 (%)
Digg 8.54 (%)
Taboola 6.28 (%)
StackAdapt 2.65 (%)
Revenue 1.67 (%)
Connatix 1.34 (%)
Zemanta 1.07 (%)
Sharethrough 0.99 (%)
MGID 0.75 (%)
ZergNet 0.71 (%)
Plista 0.56 (%)
LockerDome 0.44 (%)
Dianomi 0.35 (%)
Virool 0.22 (%)
Strossle 0.16 (%)
ReadPeak 0.15 (%)
Native Ads 0.14 (%)
DistroScale 0.10 (%)
Yeahmobi 0.09 (%)
PowerLinks 0.08 (%)
AdsKeeper 0.08 (%)
YouAppi 0.04 (%)
AdNow 0.03 (%)
Linqia 0.03 (%)
Pixfuture 0.03 (%)
NativeKit by Thoughtleadr 0.02 (%)
Yahoo Gemini 0.02 (%)
inPowered 0.02 (%)
Sverve 0.01 (%)
Cooperatize 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Ampush 0.01 (%)
Colombia Ads 0.01 (%)
TripleLift 0.01 (%)
Contextly 0.01 (%)
Natify 0.01 (%)
Earnify 0.01 (%)
Chameleon Ad 0.01 (%)
Vibrant Media 0.01 (%)
Bidtellect 0.01 (%)
MobFox 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
GiveItANudge 0.01 (%)
Ayboll 0.00 (%)
Fuze360 0.00 (%)
Hexagram 0.00 (%)
Bidsopt 0.00 (%)
Storystack 0.00 (%)
Polymorph (formerly AdsNative) 0.00 (%)
Namo Media 0.00 (%)
Nativo 0.00 (%)
AppThis 0.00 (%)
Vertebrae 0.00 (%)
Real Content Network 0.00 (%)
Samba Networks 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Native Advertising software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Native Advertising software are reddit, Promote, Digg. Here, you can view a full list of Native Advertising tools in the market.

How many companies use Native Advertising software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 436,426 companies are currently using one or more Native Advertising software. Out of these, there are 233,305 companies using Native Advertising tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Native Advertising software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Native Advertising space are reddit with 63.42 % of market share, and Promote with 9.84 % of market share and Digg with 8.54 % of market share . Check for other Native Advertising technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Native Advertising softwares?

The top industries that use Native Advertising software are Professional Services (121,252) , Technology (41,402) , Retail and CPG (33,388) .

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