Payroll Management

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Payroll Management tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Payroll Management Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Payroll Management

Top 5 Payroll Management technologies in 2023

Over 134,693 companies are using Payroll Management tools. ADP Workforce Now with 20.38% market share (27,452 customers), Paylocity with 12.22% market share (16,457 customers), Paycom with 10.61% market share (14,287 customers),

Payroll Management Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Payroll Management category falls in the company size of 100 - 249 employees (24,803 companies), 20 - 49 employees (21,981 companies), 0 - 9 employees (18,113 companies).

Payroll Management Customers by Geography

Companies using Payroll Management technology software are majorly from the United States with 90,906 (80.76%), United Kingdom with 8,239 (7.32%), Canada with 5,451 (4.84%) customers respectively.

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Payroll Management Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Payroll Management for Professional Services (31,564), Technology (11,104), Retail and CPG (10,653).

Market Share for Top Payroll Management Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Payroll Management technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 ADP Workforce Now 27452 20.38
2 Paylocity 16457 12.22
3 Paycom 14287 10.61
4 Sage Payroll 13139 9.75
5 ADP Payroll 8803 6.54
6 Paycor 7845 5.82
7 QuickBooks Time 7743 5.75
8 ADP HR 6147 4.56
9 bswift 5831 4.33
10 Dayforce Ceridian HCM 5715 4.24
11 greytHR 3146 2.34
12 TriNet 1679 1.25
13 Workday Payroll and Workforce Management 1483 1.10
14 ADP Streamline 1193 0.89
15 RUN Powered by ADP 1118 0.83
16 Oracle Payroll 858 0.64
17 APS 735 0.55
18 PayWindow 700 0.52
19 Insperity 684 0.51
20 Sage One 607 0.45
21 Patriot 591 0.44
22 Papaya Global 559 0.42
23 Oracle Payables 502 0.37
24 OnShift 476 0.35
25 Rise 464 0.34
26 Ascentis 395 0.29
27 HRM Thread 390 0.29
28 Justworks 289 0.21
29 Astute Payroll 270 0.20
30 Heartland Payroll 235 0.17
31 activpayroll 216 0.16
32 Hubstaff 196 0.15
33 Datis 190 0.14
34 Ramco Global Payroll Software 183 0.14
35 PrimePay 172 0.13
36 WebPay 170 0.13
37 ADP Celergo 167 0.12
38 Runa 152 0.11
39 HRPLUG 151 0.11
40 ClearBooks 150 0.11
41 Aruti HRMS 145 0.11
42 Netchex 130 0.10
43 CloudPay 126 0.09
44 TAS BOOKS Payroll 112 0.08
45 StratEx 109 0.08
46 GrandMaster 96 0.07
47 Greenshades 91 0.07
48 SurePayroll 87 0.06
49 OnPay 86 0.06
50 Accountor 76 0.06
51 Equifax Workforce 74 0.05
52 Fingercheck 71 0.05
53 CORE HR 70 0.05
54 Sprout Solutions 69 0.05
55 Deel 66 0.05
56 CheckMark Payroll 65 0.05
57 sumHR 57 0.04
58 PenSoft Payroll Plus 56 0.04
59 Nibelis 56 0.04
60 Infinisource 54 0.04
61 Wagepoint 54 0.04
62 Talenox 53 0.04
63 CertiPay 49 0.04
64 Humanity 47 0.03
65 WebHR 46 0.03
66 Keka 44 0.03
67 Viventium 43 0.03
68 Mitrefinch 43 0.03
69 Diskfiler 39 0.03
70 SyncHR 38 0.03
71 ONEMINT 38 0.03
72 Paybooks 38 0.03
73 JetPay 36 0.03
74 Kolay iK 36 0.03
75 Immedis 35 0.03
76 PeoplesHR 35 0.03
77 factoHR 34 0.03
78 Excelity ezpayroll 32 0.02
79 Blue Marble Payroll 31 0.02
80 Spine Payroll 31 0.02
81 HRMantra 29 0.02
82 ADP Paisy 27 0.02
83 Cascade 26 0.02
84 Payrolleasily 25 0.02
85 GTax Online Payroll 24 0.02
86 Pet Tiger 23 0.02
87 Fingercheck Payroll 22 0.02
88 TalentBase 20 0.01
89 Officekit 20 0.01
90 APS Payroll Solution 19 0.01
91 12Pay Payroll 18 0.01
92 ClockIt 17 0.01
93 iiPay 17 0.01
94 Quikchex 14 0.01
95 SAP Paybacks and Chargebacks by Vistex 14 0.01
96 PayrollHero 14 0.01
97 Merit Payroll 12 0.01
98 MyPayrollHR 12 0.01
99 Octopus 11 0.01
100 PayServ Thrive 11 0.01
101 Deskera HRMS 10 0.01
102 PayAsia Payroll 9 0.01
103 Cloud Time Cards 9 0.01
104 Ramco HCM on Cloud 9 0.01
105 PC Payroll 9 0.01
106 Fuse Workforce Management 9 0.01
107 Ascent HCM 9 0.01
108 Perk Payroll 8 0.01
109 Shafers 8 0.01
110 People Book HR 8 0.01
111 Vibe HCM 8 0.01
112 Payzaar 8 0.01
113 Insperity Workforce Administration 8 0.01
114 Insyspay 7 0.01
115 eNETEmployer 7 0.01
116 PeopleStrong Alt 7 0.01
117 HireAthena (formerly BackOps) 7 0.01
118 Epayroll 6 0.00
119 ChequePoint 6 0.00
120 Knit 6 0.00
121 Big Red Book 6 0.00
122 PayBridge 6 0.00
123 TMF Horizon by TMF Group 5 0.00
124 EASY PAY 5 0.00
125 Emportant 5 0.00
126 Breaktru Payroll 4 0.00
127 Orange Web Payroll & HRMS 4 0.00
128 PayDay! SaaS 4 0.00
129 Paie-Roll 4 0.00
130 EmpowerPO 4 0.00
131 PRIS 4 0.00
132 Centricity Solutions 4 0.00
133 ExponentHR 4 0.00
135 CYMA Financial Management System 4 0.00
136 OnePoint Human Capital Management 4 0.00
137 Valiant 4 0.00
138 Sahaj e-Pay 3 0.00
139 PayWheel 3 0.00
140 MYOB AccountRight 3 0.00
141 MHR 3 0.00
142 Algentis 3 0.00
143 Optimum HRIS 3 0.00
144 Primo Payroll 3 0.00
145 HRiS365 3 0.00
146 Salaroo 3 0.00
147 Payslip 2 0.00
148 ZenScale Payroll 2 0.00
149 MQSYS Payroll & HR Management System 2 0.00
150 Simple X Payroll 2 0.00
151 PxBridge 2 0.00
152 Blaeberry Payroll 2 0.00
153 Queryx 7 2 0.00
154 Easy Accountax 2 0.00
155 PocketHCM 2 0.00
156 HigherUp 2 0.00
Technology Market share
ADP Workforce Now 20.38 (%)
Paylocity 12.22 (%)
Paycom 10.61 (%)
Sage Payroll 9.75 (%)
ADP Payroll 6.54 (%)
Paycor 5.82 (%)
QuickBooks Time 5.75 (%)
ADP HR 4.56 (%)
bswift 4.33 (%)
Dayforce Ceridian HCM 4.24 (%)
greytHR 2.34 (%)
TriNet 1.25 (%)
Workday Payroll and Workforce Management 1.10 (%)
ADP Streamline 0.89 (%)
RUN Powered by ADP 0.83 (%)
Oracle Payroll 0.64 (%)
APS 0.55 (%)
PayWindow 0.52 (%)
Insperity 0.51 (%)
Sage One 0.45 (%)
Patriot 0.44 (%)
Papaya Global 0.42 (%)
Oracle Payables 0.37 (%)
OnShift 0.35 (%)
Rise 0.34 (%)
Ascentis 0.29 (%)
HRM Thread 0.29 (%)
Justworks 0.21 (%)
Astute Payroll 0.20 (%)
Heartland Payroll 0.17 (%)
activpayroll 0.16 (%)
Hubstaff 0.15 (%)
Datis 0.14 (%)
Ramco Global Payroll Software 0.14 (%)
PrimePay 0.13 (%)
WebPay 0.13 (%)
ADP Celergo 0.12 (%)
Runa 0.11 (%)
HRPLUG 0.11 (%)
ClearBooks 0.11 (%)
Aruti HRMS 0.11 (%)
Netchex 0.10 (%)
CloudPay 0.09 (%)
TAS BOOKS Payroll 0.08 (%)
StratEx 0.08 (%)
GrandMaster 0.07 (%)
Greenshades 0.07 (%)
SurePayroll 0.06 (%)
OnPay 0.06 (%)
Accountor 0.06 (%)
Equifax Workforce 0.05 (%)
Fingercheck 0.05 (%)
CORE HR 0.05 (%)
Sprout Solutions 0.05 (%)
Deel 0.05 (%)
CheckMark Payroll 0.05 (%)
sumHR 0.04 (%)
PenSoft Payroll Plus 0.04 (%)
Nibelis 0.04 (%)
Infinisource 0.04 (%)
Wagepoint 0.04 (%)
Talenox 0.04 (%)
CertiPay 0.04 (%)
Humanity 0.03 (%)
WebHR 0.03 (%)
Keka 0.03 (%)
Viventium 0.03 (%)
Mitrefinch 0.03 (%)
Diskfiler 0.03 (%)
SyncHR 0.03 (%)
ONEMINT 0.03 (%)
Paybooks 0.03 (%)
JetPay 0.03 (%)
Kolay iK 0.03 (%)
Immedis 0.03 (%)
PeoplesHR 0.03 (%)
factoHR 0.03 (%)
Excelity ezpayroll 0.02 (%)
Blue Marble Payroll 0.02 (%)
Spine Payroll 0.02 (%)
HRMantra 0.02 (%)
ADP Paisy 0.02 (%)
Cascade 0.02 (%)
Payrolleasily 0.02 (%)
GTax Online Payroll 0.02 (%)
Pet Tiger 0.02 (%)
Fingercheck Payroll 0.02 (%)
TalentBase 0.01 (%)
Officekit 0.01 (%)
APS Payroll Solution 0.01 (%)
12Pay Payroll 0.01 (%)
ClockIt 0.01 (%)
iiPay 0.01 (%)
Quikchex 0.01 (%)
SAP Paybacks and Chargebacks by Vistex 0.01 (%)
PayrollHero 0.01 (%)
Merit Payroll 0.01 (%)
MyPayrollHR 0.01 (%)
Octopus 0.01 (%)
PayServ Thrive 0.01 (%)
Deskera HRMS 0.01 (%)
PayAsia Payroll 0.01 (%)
Cloud Time Cards 0.01 (%)
Ramco HCM on Cloud 0.01 (%)
PC Payroll 0.01 (%)
Fuse Workforce Management 0.01 (%)
Ascent HCM 0.01 (%)
Perk Payroll 0.01 (%)
Shafers 0.01 (%)
People Book HR 0.01 (%)
Vibe HCM 0.01 (%)
Payzaar 0.01 (%)
Insperity Workforce Administration 0.01 (%)
Insyspay 0.01 (%)
eNETEmployer 0.01 (%)
PeopleStrong Alt 0.01 (%)
HireAthena (formerly BackOps) 0.01 (%)
Epayroll 0.00 (%)
ChequePoint 0.00 (%)
Knit 0.00 (%)
Big Red Book 0.00 (%)
PayBridge 0.00 (%)
TMF Horizon by TMF Group 0.00 (%)
EASY PAY 0.00 (%)
Emportant 0.00 (%)
Breaktru Payroll 0.00 (%)
Orange Web Payroll & HRMS 0.00 (%)
PayDay! SaaS 0.00 (%)
Paie-Roll 0.00 (%)
EmpowerPO 0.00 (%)
PRIS 0.00 (%)
Centricity Solutions 0.00 (%)
ExponentHR 0.00 (%)
CYMA Financial Management System 0.00 (%)
OnePoint Human Capital Management 0.00 (%)
Valiant 0.00 (%)
Sahaj e-Pay 0.00 (%)
PayWheel 0.00 (%)
MYOB AccountRight 0.00 (%)
MHR 0.00 (%)
Algentis 0.00 (%)
Optimum HRIS 0.00 (%)
Primo Payroll 0.00 (%)
HRiS365 0.00 (%)
Salaroo 0.00 (%)
Payslip 0.00 (%)
ZenScale Payroll 0.00 (%)
MQSYS Payroll & HR Management System 0.00 (%)
Simple X Payroll 0.00 (%)
PxBridge 0.00 (%)
Blaeberry Payroll 0.00 (%)
Queryx 7 0.00 (%)
Easy Accountax 0.00 (%)
PocketHCM 0.00 (%)
HigherUp 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Payroll Management software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Payroll Management software are ADP Workforce Now, Paylocity, Paycom. Here, you can view a full list of Payroll Management tools in the market.

How many companies use Payroll Management software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 120,485 companies are currently using one or more Payroll Management software. Out of these, there are 90,906 companies using Payroll Management tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Payroll Management software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Payroll Management space are ADP Workforce Now with 20.38 % of market share, and Paylocity with 12.22 % of market share and Paycom with 10.61 % of market share . Check for other Payroll Management technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Payroll Management softwares?

The top industries that use Payroll Management software are Professional Services (31,564) , Technology (11,104) , Retail and CPG (10,653) .

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