Personalization Behavioral Targeting

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Personalization Behavioral Targeting tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Personalization Behavioral Targeting Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Personalization Behavioral Targeting

Top 5 Personalization Behavioral Targeting technologies in 2023

Over 312,121 companies are using Personalization Behavioral Targeting tools. Optimizely with 15.20% market share (47,427 customers), AdRoll with 14.66% market share (45,755 customers), Segment with 12.14% market share (37,888 customers),

Personalization Behavioral Targeting Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Personalization Behavioral Targeting category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (127,580 companies), 20 - 49 employees (77,961 companies), 100 - 249 employees (29,802 companies).

Personalization Behavioral Targeting Customers by Geography

Companies using Personalization Behavioral Targeting technology software are majorly from the United States with 195,880 (69.46%), United Kingdom with 26,261 (9.31%), Australia with 12,792 (4.54%) customers respectively.

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Personalization Behavioral Targeting Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Personalization Behavioral Targeting for Professional Services (77,296), Technology (36,870), Retail and CPG (33,800).

Market Share for Top Personalization Behavioral Targeting Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Personalization Behavioral Targeting technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Optimizely 47427 15.20
2 AdRoll 45755 14.66
3 Segment 37888 12.14
4 Criteo 34635 11.10
5 Qualtrics 33729 10.81
6 Campaign Monitor 28573 9.15
7 Zoho CRM 18683 5.99
8 Pipedrive 12348 3.96
9 LiveAgent 9276 2.97
10 Autopilot 5883 1.88
11 LiveRamp 5553 1.78
12 Gigya 3798 1.22
13 AB Tasty 3490 1.12
14 Nosto 2853 0.91
15 Cxense Insight 2742 0.88
16 Bounce Exchange 2413 0.77
17 Sailthru 2189 0.70
18 Survicate 1598 0.51
19 iZooto 1219 0.39
20 Monetate 1164 0.37
21 Picreel 1003 0.32
22 PathFactory 903 0.29
23 Whatfix 785 0.25
24 Evergage 680 0.22
25 Yieldify 662 0.21
26 Retargeting 646 0.21
27 RichRelevance 604 0.19
28 Omniconvert 552 0.18
29 Janrain 480 0.15
30 Smartling 476 0.15
31 Unbxd 449 0.14
32 Totango 421 0.13
33 Hitwise 394 0.13
34 AskNicely 351 0.11
35 Key Survey 306 0.10
36 Pure360 290 0.09
37 257 0.08
38 Barilliance 249 0.08
39 Apptus 246 0.08
40 Carts Guru 195 0.06
41 Frosmo 171 0.05
42 ReviewTrackers 139 0.04
43 siteAnalyser 129 0.04
44 BEYABLE 106 0.03
45 Personyze 102 0.03
46 GeoSurf 76 0.02
47 Geolify 66 0.02
48 CrazyCall 47 0.02
49 ion interactive 44 0.01
50 Toonimo 29 0.01
51 Iridize 16 0.01
52 Reputology 10 0.00
53 Salesmachine 9 0.00
54 Magnetic 6 0.00
55 Commerce Sciences 3 0.00
56 Intouch Insight 3 0.00
Technology Market share
Optimizely 15.20 (%)
AdRoll 14.66 (%)
Segment 12.14 (%)
Criteo 11.10 (%)
Qualtrics 10.81 (%)
Campaign Monitor 9.15 (%)
Zoho CRM 5.99 (%)
Pipedrive 3.96 (%)
LiveAgent 2.97 (%)
Autopilot 1.88 (%)
LiveRamp 1.78 (%)
Gigya 1.22 (%)
AB Tasty 1.12 (%)
Nosto 0.91 (%)
Cxense Insight 0.88 (%)
Bounce Exchange 0.77 (%)
Sailthru 0.70 (%)
Survicate 0.51 (%)
iZooto 0.39 (%)
Monetate 0.37 (%)
Picreel 0.32 (%)
PathFactory 0.29 (%)
Whatfix 0.25 (%)
Evergage 0.22 (%)
Yieldify 0.21 (%)
Retargeting 0.21 (%)
RichRelevance 0.19 (%)
Omniconvert 0.18 (%)
Janrain 0.15 (%)
Smartling 0.15 (%)
Unbxd 0.14 (%)
Totango 0.13 (%)
Hitwise 0.13 (%)
AskNicely 0.11 (%)
Key Survey 0.10 (%)
Pure360 0.09 (%) 0.08 (%)
Barilliance 0.08 (%)
Apptus 0.08 (%)
Carts Guru 0.06 (%)
Frosmo 0.05 (%)
ReviewTrackers 0.04 (%)
siteAnalyser 0.04 (%)
BEYABLE 0.03 (%)
Personyze 0.03 (%)
GeoSurf 0.02 (%)
Geolify 0.02 (%)
CrazyCall 0.02 (%)
ion interactive 0.01 (%)
Toonimo 0.01 (%)
Iridize 0.01 (%)
Reputology 0.00 (%)
Salesmachine 0.00 (%)
Magnetic 0.00 (%)
Commerce Sciences 0.00 (%)
Intouch Insight 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Personalization Behavioral Targeting software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Personalization Behavioral Targeting software are Optimizely, AdRoll, Segment. Here, you can view a full list of Personalization Behavioral Targeting tools in the market.

How many companies use Personalization Behavioral Targeting software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 329,693 companies are currently using one or more Personalization Behavioral Targeting software. Out of these, there are 195,880 companies using Personalization Behavioral Targeting tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Personalization Behavioral Targeting software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Personalization Behavioral Targeting space are Optimizely with 15.20 % of market share, and AdRoll with 14.66 % of market share and Segment with 12.14 % of market share . Check for other Personalization Behavioral Targeting technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Personalization Behavioral Targeting softwares?

The top industries that use Personalization Behavioral Targeting software are Professional Services (77,296) , Technology (36,870) , Retail and CPG (33,800) .

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