
Gain market share and customer base information about the top Personalization tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Personalization Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Personalization

Top 5 Personalization technologies in 2023

Over 187,365 companies are using Personalization tools. Oracle Commerce with 67.03% market share (125,589 customers), Piwik PRO with 5.11% market share (9,580 customers), Adobe Target with 3.54% market share (6,627 customers),

Personalization Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Personalization category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (18,332 companies), 20 - 49 employees (10,999 companies), 100 - 249 employees (5,149 companies).

Personalization Customers by Geography

Companies using Personalization technology software are majorly from the United States with 32,218 (69.06%), United Kingdom with 3,550 (7.61%), Germany with 2,081 (4.46%) customers respectively.

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Personalization Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Personalization for Professional Services (84,654), Retail and CPG (41,483), Technology (40,956).

Market Share for Top Personalization Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Personalization technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Oracle Commerce 125589 67.03
2 Piwik PRO 9580 5.11
3 Adobe Target 6627 3.54
4 Oracle ATG Web Commerce 5459 2.91
5 Ezoic 5193 2.77
6 Dynamic Yield 3298 1.76
7 Cxense 2744 1.46
8 Emarsys 2571 1.37
9 Jivox 2346 1.25
10 Listrak 2204 1.18
11 Kameleoon 1927 1.03
12 Acquia 1767 0.94
13 mParticle 1427 0.76
14 Insider 1260 0.67
15 Medio 1180 0.63
16 Lytics 1011 0.54
17 Certona 910 0.49
18 Peerius 904 0.48
19 Qubit 891 0.48
20 Mutiny 880 0.47
21 Twik 770 0.41
22 Personizely 765 0.41
23 BloomReach 512 0.27
24 SmarterHQ 464 0.25
25 Get Smart Content 425 0.23
26 Pulse Insights 414 0.22
27 RightMessage 390 0.21
28 SAS Customer Intelligence 372 0.20
29 355 0.19
30 Browsi 307 0.16
31 Crownpeak 301 0.16
32 Outgrow 288 0.15
33 Unless 273 0.15
34 Influ2 273 0.15
35 Adestra 251 0.13
36 Adoric 245 0.13
37 ExitIntel 242 0.13
38 LiftIgniter 238 0.13
39 dotCMS 202 0.11
40 BySide 169 0.09
41 Scalefast 168 0.09
42 RecastAI 161 0.09
43 Drawbridge 159 0.08
44 Fanplayr 136 0.07
45 Quintype 124 0.07
46 Plumb5 119 0.06
47 ACTITO 115 0.06
48 Cerkl 113 0.06
49 Reactful 103 0.05
50 Groupmail 73 0.04
51 ContentRaven 66 0.04
52 QGraph 61 0.03
53 4-Tell 52 0.03
54 Cordial 47 0.03
55 SessionM 44 0.02
56 FunnelEnvy 42 0.02
57 Ivanti Environment Manager 39 0.02
58 Traqli 38 0.02
59 TellApart 38 0.02
60 Recombee 38 0.02
61 Knexus 37 0.02
62 Convert Experiences 37 0.02
63 Yusp 36 0.02
64 Prudsys 34 0.02
65 REES46 eCommerce Marketing Personalization Suite 32 0.02
66 Boingnet 32 0.02
67 Netmining 30 0.02
68 Idio 29 0.02
69 28 0.01
70 Experiture Marketing Platform 26 0.01
71 ExpertSender 23 0.01
72 Leadworx 23 0.01
73 Logic Hop 22 0.01
74 Voyat 21 0.01
75 Wylei 20 0.01
76 HTK | Horizon Loyalty Hub 19 0.01
77 Enthusem 18 0.01
78 AdGreetz 18 0.01
79 Airim 16 0.01
80 OneSpot 12 0.01
81 DecisionLink 10 0.01
82 Adapti 10 0.01
83 Taykey 8 0.00
84 ReactX 8 0.00
85 Driveback 7 0.00
86 Bunting 7 0.00
87 BrightInfo 6 0.00
88 Booshaka 5 0.00
89 Monoloop 5 0.00
90 IBM Campaign 5 0.00
91 Pisano 4 0.00
92 Spinnakr 3 0.00
93 True Fit Genome Platform 3 0.00
94 AppToolkit 3 0.00
95 Index 2 0.00
96 CASA 2 0.00
97 MobileRQ 2 0.00
98 Sensiya 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Oracle Commerce 67.03 (%)
Piwik PRO 5.11 (%)
Adobe Target 3.54 (%)
Oracle ATG Web Commerce 2.91 (%)
Ezoic 2.77 (%)
Dynamic Yield 1.76 (%)
Cxense 1.46 (%)
Emarsys 1.37 (%)
Jivox 1.25 (%)
Listrak 1.18 (%)
Kameleoon 1.03 (%)
Acquia 0.94 (%)
mParticle 0.76 (%)
Insider 0.67 (%)
Medio 0.63 (%)
Lytics 0.54 (%)
Certona 0.49 (%)
Peerius 0.48 (%)
Qubit 0.48 (%)
Mutiny 0.47 (%)
Twik 0.41 (%)
Personizely 0.41 (%)
BloomReach 0.27 (%)
SmarterHQ 0.25 (%)
Get Smart Content 0.23 (%)
Pulse Insights 0.22 (%)
RightMessage 0.21 (%)
SAS Customer Intelligence 0.20 (%) 0.19 (%)
Browsi 0.16 (%)
Crownpeak 0.16 (%)
Outgrow 0.15 (%)
Unless 0.15 (%)
Influ2 0.15 (%)
Adestra 0.13 (%)
Adoric 0.13 (%)
ExitIntel 0.13 (%)
LiftIgniter 0.13 (%)
dotCMS 0.11 (%)
BySide 0.09 (%)
Scalefast 0.09 (%)
RecastAI 0.09 (%)
Drawbridge 0.08 (%)
Fanplayr 0.07 (%)
Quintype 0.07 (%)
Plumb5 0.06 (%)
ACTITO 0.06 (%)
Cerkl 0.06 (%)
Reactful 0.05 (%)
Groupmail 0.04 (%)
ContentRaven 0.04 (%)
QGraph 0.03 (%)
4-Tell 0.03 (%)
Cordial 0.03 (%)
SessionM 0.02 (%)
FunnelEnvy 0.02 (%)
Ivanti Environment Manager 0.02 (%)
Traqli 0.02 (%)
TellApart 0.02 (%)
Recombee 0.02 (%)
Knexus 0.02 (%)
Convert Experiences 0.02 (%)
Yusp 0.02 (%)
Prudsys 0.02 (%)
REES46 eCommerce Marketing Personalization Suite 0.02 (%)
Boingnet 0.02 (%)
Netmining 0.02 (%)
Idio 0.02 (%) 0.01 (%)
Experiture Marketing Platform 0.01 (%)
ExpertSender 0.01 (%)
Leadworx 0.01 (%)
Logic Hop 0.01 (%)
Voyat 0.01 (%)
Wylei 0.01 (%)
HTK | Horizon Loyalty Hub 0.01 (%)
Enthusem 0.01 (%)
AdGreetz 0.01 (%)
Airim 0.01 (%)
OneSpot 0.01 (%)
DecisionLink 0.01 (%)
Adapti 0.01 (%)
Taykey 0.00 (%)
ReactX 0.00 (%)
Driveback 0.00 (%)
Bunting 0.00 (%)
BrightInfo 0.00 (%)
Booshaka 0.00 (%)
Monoloop 0.00 (%)
IBM Campaign 0.00 (%)
Pisano 0.00 (%)
Spinnakr 0.00 (%)
True Fit Genome Platform 0.00 (%)
AppToolkit 0.00 (%)
Index 0.00 (%)
CASA 0.00 (%)
MobileRQ 0.00 (%)
Sensiya 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Personalization software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Personalization software are Oracle Commerce, Piwik PRO, Adobe Target. Here, you can view a full list of Personalization tools in the market.

How many companies use Personalization software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 54,251 companies are currently using one or more Personalization software. Out of these, there are 32,218 companies using Personalization tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Personalization software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Personalization space are Oracle Commerce with 67.03 % of market share, and Piwik PRO with 5.11 % of market share and Adobe Target with 3.54 % of market share . Check for other Personalization technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Personalization softwares?

The top industries that use Personalization software are Professional Services (84,654) , Retail and CPG (41,483) , Technology (40,956) .

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