Predictive Analytics

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Predictive Analytics tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Predictive Analytics Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Predictive Analytics

Top 5 Predictive Analytics technologies in 2023

Over 182,188 companies are using Predictive Analytics tools. Tableau Software with 37.57% market share (68,447 customers), Criteo with 19.01% market share (34,627 customers), Zoho CRM with 10.25% market share (18,669 customers),

Predictive Analytics Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Predictive Analytics category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (41,917 companies), 20 - 49 employees (37,492 companies), 100 - 249 employees (23,728 companies).

Predictive Analytics Customers by Geography

Companies using Predictive Analytics technology software are majorly from the United States with 97,283 (66.40%), United Kingdom with 10,881 (7.43%), India with 8,686 (5.93%) customers respectively.

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Predictive Analytics Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Predictive Analytics for Professional Services (38,623), Technology (29,741), Retail and CPG (13,739).

Market Share for Top Predictive Analytics Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Predictive Analytics technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Tableau Software 68447 37.57
2 Criteo 34627 19.01
3 Zoho CRM 18669 10.25
4 MicroStrategy 7500 4.12
5 Alteryx 7275 3.99
6 Looker 5711 3.13
7 Sift Science 4804 2.64
8 Lattice 3940 2.16
9 Fiserv 3720 2.04
10 Wise 3634 1.99
11 KNIME Platform 1963 1.08
12 Kameleoon 1928 1.06
13 SAP Predictive Analytics 1864 1.02
14 SAP BusinessObjects Predictive Analytics 1697 0.93
15 Sisense 1350 0.74
16 Gainsight 1321 0.73
17 Insightly 1283 0.70
18 OSIsoft PI 1266 0.69
19 Medio 1176 0.65
20 Custora 963 0.53
21 Copper CRM 692 0.38
22 Buxton 673 0.37
23 XANT (Formerly InsideSales) 661 0.36
24 DataRobot 561 0.31
25 Ometria 433 0.24
26 IBM SPSS Modeler 425 0.23
27 Gooddata 407 0.22
28 Optimove 372 0.20
29 Amazon Transcribe 353 0.19
30 Identity Services 291 0.16
31 Working Planet 272 0.15
32 Birst 213 0.12
33 Mentimeter 209 0.11
34 Revolution R 185 0.10
35 Seldon 173 0.09
36 MadKudu 171 0.09
37 Crystal Ball 168 0.09
38 Zilliant 143 0.08
39 Retention Science 116 0.06
40 ForceManager 113 0.06
41 Revionics 112 0.06
42 Baremetrics 109 0.06
43 KnowledgeSCORE 103 0.06
44 AgilOne 103 0.06
45 sales-i 102 0.06
46 Oracle Identity Analytics 95 0.05
47 Mintigo 89 0.05
48 Microsoft Azure Speech to Text 77 0.04
49 Google Cloud Speech-to-Text 75 0.04
50 thethings.iO 65 0.04
51 LatentView 64 0.04
52 Funnel Science 63 0.03
53 Tango Strategic Store Lifecycle Management 59 0.03
54 Fliptop 57 0.03
55 Verteego 56 0.03
56 4-Tell 52 0.03
57 ZyloTech 51 0.03
58 Clozd 51 0.03
59 ROOT 48 0.03
60 Prevedere 46 0.03
61 EverString 46 0.03
62 Seebo 45 0.02
63 Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit 44 0.02
64 PlanGuru 40 0.02
65 Radius 38 0.02
66 Versium 38 0.02
67 Collective[i] 35 0.02
68 Sensai Metrics 35 0.02
69 SpringML 34 0.02
70 Deep BI 31 0.02
71 FICO Predictive Analytics 30 0.02
72 Anodot 30 0.02
73 UpstreamCommerce 29 0.02
74 SalesChoice 29 0.02
75 Mo-Data 27 0.01
76 MakerSights 23 0.01
77 Adaptilytics 23 0.01
78 APT 22 0.01
79 FICO Falcon Fraud Manager 22 0.01
80 Pointillist 22 0.01
81 Predixion 22 0.01
82 Entytle 20 0.01
83 RealEye 18 0.01
84 James 17 0.01
85 IBM Integrated Analytics System 15 0.01
86 MobEye 14 0.01
87 prevero 14 0.01
88 13 0.01
89 Alpine Data Labs 11 0.01
90 VoiceBase 11 0.01
91 SalesPredict 10 0.01
92 Trendskout 8 0.00
93 Compellon 8 0.00
94 LumenData 8 0.00
95 Frrole 8 0.00
96 Infer 8 0.00
97 Fiind Inc 8 0.00
98 C9 8 0.00
99 DxContinuum 6 0.00
100 Share a Refund 6 0.00
101 Allocable 6 0.00
102 IBM Tivoli Performance Analyzer 5 0.00
103 Hyllo 5 0.00
104 Datatron 5 0.00
105 Bodais 5 0.00
106 Speechmatics 4 0.00
107 Predicsis 4 0.00
108 PlusMargin 4 0.00
109 Allstacks 4 0.00
110 SAS Factory Miner 3 0.00
111 iCONECT-XERA 3 0.00
112 Salford Predictive Modeler 3 0.00
113 HookFeed 3 0.00
114 ChurnSpotter 3 0.00
115 PrediCX 3 0.00
116 StockWise 2 0.00
117 Practi 2 0.00
118 Mi360 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Tableau Software 37.57 (%)
Criteo 19.01 (%)
Zoho CRM 10.25 (%)
MicroStrategy 4.12 (%)
Alteryx 3.99 (%)
Looker 3.13 (%)
Sift Science 2.64 (%)
Lattice 2.16 (%)
Fiserv 2.04 (%)
Wise 1.99 (%)
KNIME Platform 1.08 (%)
Kameleoon 1.06 (%)
SAP Predictive Analytics 1.02 (%)
SAP BusinessObjects Predictive Analytics 0.93 (%)
Sisense 0.74 (%)
Gainsight 0.73 (%)
Insightly 0.70 (%)
OSIsoft PI 0.69 (%)
Medio 0.65 (%)
Custora 0.53 (%)
Copper CRM 0.38 (%)
Buxton 0.37 (%)
XANT (Formerly InsideSales) 0.36 (%)
DataRobot 0.31 (%)
Ometria 0.24 (%)
IBM SPSS Modeler 0.23 (%)
Gooddata 0.22 (%)
Optimove 0.20 (%)
Amazon Transcribe 0.19 (%)
Identity Services 0.16 (%)
Working Planet 0.15 (%)
Birst 0.12 (%)
Mentimeter 0.11 (%)
Revolution R 0.10 (%)
Seldon 0.09 (%)
MadKudu 0.09 (%)
Crystal Ball 0.09 (%)
Zilliant 0.08 (%)
Retention Science 0.06 (%)
ForceManager 0.06 (%)
Revionics 0.06 (%)
Baremetrics 0.06 (%)
KnowledgeSCORE 0.06 (%)
AgilOne 0.06 (%)
sales-i 0.06 (%)
Oracle Identity Analytics 0.05 (%)
Mintigo 0.05 (%)
Microsoft Azure Speech to Text 0.04 (%)
Google Cloud Speech-to-Text 0.04 (%)
thethings.iO 0.04 (%)
LatentView 0.04 (%)
Funnel Science 0.03 (%)
Tango Strategic Store Lifecycle Management 0.03 (%)
Fliptop 0.03 (%)
Verteego 0.03 (%)
4-Tell 0.03 (%)
ZyloTech 0.03 (%)
Clozd 0.03 (%)
ROOT 0.03 (%)
Prevedere 0.03 (%)
EverString 0.03 (%)
Seebo 0.02 (%)
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit 0.02 (%)
PlanGuru 0.02 (%)
Radius 0.02 (%)
Versium 0.02 (%)
Collective[i] 0.02 (%)
Sensai Metrics 0.02 (%)
SpringML 0.02 (%)
Deep BI 0.02 (%)
FICO Predictive Analytics 0.02 (%)
Anodot 0.02 (%)
UpstreamCommerce 0.02 (%)
SalesChoice 0.02 (%)
Mo-Data 0.01 (%)
MakerSights 0.01 (%)
Adaptilytics 0.01 (%)
APT 0.01 (%)
FICO Falcon Fraud Manager 0.01 (%)
Pointillist 0.01 (%)
Predixion 0.01 (%)
Entytle 0.01 (%)
RealEye 0.01 (%)
James 0.01 (%)
IBM Integrated Analytics System 0.01 (%)
MobEye 0.01 (%)
prevero 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Alpine Data Labs 0.01 (%)
VoiceBase 0.01 (%)
SalesPredict 0.01 (%)
Trendskout 0.00 (%)
Compellon 0.00 (%)
LumenData 0.00 (%)
Frrole 0.00 (%)
Infer 0.00 (%)
Fiind Inc 0.00 (%)
C9 0.00 (%)
DxContinuum 0.00 (%)
Share a Refund 0.00 (%)
Allocable 0.00 (%)
IBM Tivoli Performance Analyzer 0.00 (%)
Hyllo 0.00 (%)
Datatron 0.00 (%)
Bodais 0.00 (%)
Speechmatics 0.00 (%)
Predicsis 0.00 (%)
PlusMargin 0.00 (%)
Allstacks 0.00 (%)
SAS Factory Miner 0.00 (%)
iCONECT-XERA 0.00 (%)
Salford Predictive Modeler 0.00 (%)
HookFeed 0.00 (%)
ChurnSpotter 0.00 (%)
PrediCX 0.00 (%)
StockWise 0.00 (%)
Practi 0.00 (%)
Mi360 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Predictive Analytics software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Predictive Analytics software are Tableau Software, Criteo, Zoho CRM. Here, you can view a full list of Predictive Analytics tools in the market.

How many companies use Predictive Analytics software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 176,789 companies are currently using one or more Predictive Analytics software. Out of these, there are 97,283 companies using Predictive Analytics tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Predictive Analytics software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Predictive Analytics space are Tableau Software with 37.57 % of market share, and Criteo with 19.01 % of market share and Zoho CRM with 10.25 % of market share . Check for other Predictive Analytics technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Predictive Analytics softwares?

The top industries that use Predictive Analytics software are Professional Services (38,623) , Technology (29,741) , Retail and CPG (13,739) .

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