Screen Sharing

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Screen Sharing tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Screen Sharing Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Screen Sharing

Top 5 Screen Sharing technologies in 2023

Over 79,213 companies are using Screen Sharing tools. Vidyard with 31.13% market share (24,661 customers), Google Meet with 30.20% market share (23,919 customers), Smartsupp Live Chat with 17.19% market share (13,615 customers),

Screen Sharing Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Screen Sharing category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (25,244 companies), 20 - 49 employees (16,950 companies), 10 - 19 employees (6,736 companies).

Screen Sharing Customers by Geography

Companies using Screen Sharing technology software are majorly from the United States with 38,576 (66.37%), United Kingdom with 4,264 (7.34%), Canada with 3,061 (5.27%) customers respectively.

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Screen Sharing Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Screen Sharing for Professional Services (16,533), Technology (15,001), Retail and CPG (4,568).

Market Share for Top Screen Sharing Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Screen Sharing technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Vidyard 24661 31.13
2 Google Meet 23919 30.20
3 Smartsupp Live Chat 13615 17.19
4 Circuit 4892 6.18
5 Google Hangouts 2644 3.34
6 Zoho Assist 2116 2.67
7 GoToAssist 2040 2.58
8 Speakeasy 1131 1.43
9 Tokbox 646 0.82
10 Laracasts 643 0.81
11 ShowMyPC 622 0.79
12 MediaPlatform 355 0.45
13 Upscope 230 0.29
14 Cisco Spark 210 0.27
15 TinyTake 210 0.27
16 Moxtra 187 0.24
17 LiveWebinar 181 0.23
18 Screencastify 162 0.20
19 Screenleap 135 0.17
20 LoopUp 113 0.14
21 Surfly 89 0.11
22 TVersity Media Server 50 0.06
23 MeetingBurner 45 0.06
24 Yugma 37 0.05
25 Yuuguu 34 0.04
26 Screenflow 33 0.04
27 BeamYourScreen 29 0.04
28 Room 20 0.03
29 ShareX 19 0.02
30 Peek In 19 0.02
31 Sococo 18 0.02
32 Ghostlab 18 0.02
33 1Click 17 0.02
34 Screenium 11 0.01
35 Voxwire 11 0.01
36 Drum Meeting 9 0.01
37 Tamashare 8 0.01
38 Apache OpenMeetings 7 0.01
39 HYFY 7 0.01
40 StartMeeting 6 0.01
41 Glance Networks 5 0.01
42 Cyclops 4 0.01
43 Troop Messenger 3 0.00
44 Mpowr 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Vidyard 31.13 (%)
Google Meet 30.20 (%)
Smartsupp Live Chat 17.19 (%)
Circuit 6.18 (%)
Google Hangouts 3.34 (%)
Zoho Assist 2.67 (%)
GoToAssist 2.58 (%)
Speakeasy 1.43 (%)
Tokbox 0.82 (%)
Laracasts 0.81 (%)
ShowMyPC 0.79 (%)
MediaPlatform 0.45 (%)
Upscope 0.29 (%)
Cisco Spark 0.27 (%)
TinyTake 0.27 (%)
Moxtra 0.24 (%)
LiveWebinar 0.23 (%)
Screencastify 0.20 (%)
Screenleap 0.17 (%)
LoopUp 0.14 (%)
Surfly 0.11 (%)
TVersity Media Server 0.06 (%)
MeetingBurner 0.06 (%)
Yugma 0.05 (%)
Yuuguu 0.04 (%)
Screenflow 0.04 (%)
BeamYourScreen 0.04 (%)
Room 0.03 (%)
ShareX 0.02 (%)
Peek In 0.02 (%)
Sococo 0.02 (%)
Ghostlab 0.02 (%)
1Click 0.02 (%)
Screenium 0.01 (%)
Voxwire 0.01 (%)
Drum Meeting 0.01 (%)
Tamashare 0.01 (%)
Apache OpenMeetings 0.01 (%)
HYFY 0.01 (%)
StartMeeting 0.01 (%)
Glance Networks 0.01 (%)
Cyclops 0.01 (%)
Troop Messenger 0.00 (%)
Mpowr 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Screen Sharing software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Screen Sharing software are Vidyard, Google Meet, Smartsupp Live Chat. Here, you can view a full list of Screen Sharing tools in the market.

How many companies use Screen Sharing software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 69,102 companies are currently using one or more Screen Sharing software. Out of these, there are 38,576 companies using Screen Sharing tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Screen Sharing software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Screen Sharing space are Vidyard with 31.13 % of market share, and Google Meet with 30.20 % of market share and Smartsupp Live Chat with 17.19 % of market share . Check for other Screen Sharing technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Screen Sharing softwares?

The top industries that use Screen Sharing software are Professional Services (16,533) , Technology (15,001) , Retail and CPG (4,568) .

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