SEO Auditing

Gain market share and customer base information about the top SEO Auditing tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of SEO Auditing Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to SEO Auditing

Top 5 SEO Auditing technologies in 2023

Over 50,156 companies are using SEO Auditing tools. Alexa with 34.10% market share (17,105 customers), Siteimprove with 26.73% market share (13,406 customers), Monsido with 7.40% market share (3,713 customers),

SEO Auditing Customers by Employee Size

The majority of SEO Auditing category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (26,433 companies), 20 - 49 employees (11,835 companies), 10 - 19 employees (5,006 companies).

SEO Auditing Customers by Geography

Companies using SEO Auditing technology software are majorly from the United States with 31,910 (63.49%), United Kingdom with 4,136 (8.23%), Germany with 3,512 (6.99%) customers respectively.

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SEO Auditing Customers by Industry

Top industries that use SEO Auditing for Professional Services (18,439), Technology (8,306), Retail and CPG (3,724).

Market Share for Top SEO Auditing Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular SEO Auditing technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Alexa 17105 34.10
2 Siteimprove 13406 26.73
3 Monsido 3713 7.40
4 Screaming Frog 3636 7.25
5 Moz Local 1371 2.73
6 SEOquake 755 1.51
7 Website Grader 752 1.50
8 Conductor 627 1.25
9 Monitor Backlinks 602 1.20
10 OnCrawl 522 1.04
11 Varvy 514 1.02
12 MarketGoo 513 1.02
13 RankTracker 481 0.96
14 HitTail 450 0.90
15 Raven Tools 429 0.86
16 SERPs 398 0.79
17 RankWatch 384 0.77
18 Snoobi 377 0.75
19 DareBoost 343 0.68
20 Sitebulb 337 0.67
21 WordStream 283 0.56
22 CanIRank 206 0.41
23 ProRankTracker 198 0.39
24 Sitebeam 184 0.37
25 ConversionRuler 177 0.35
26 SERPWatcher 166 0.33
27 URLprofiler 165 0.33
28 Serpstat 164 0.33
29 Marketing Miner 149 0.30
30 Lipperhey 145 0.29
31 SERPWoo 114 0.23
32 SiteGuru 105 0.21
33 GeoRanker 95 0.19
34 BeamUsUp 95 0.19
35 Traffic Travis 93 0.19
36 SerpBook 92 0.18
37 AccuRanker 88 0.18
38 Swydo 82 0.16
39 SERPLAB 77 0.15
40 RankActive 73 0.15
41 Panguin Tool 70 0.14
42 MarketMuse 65 0.13
43 Ranxplorer 59 0.12
44 Jetpack 54 0.11
45 Netpeak Spider 54 0.11
46 Webtexttool 51 0.10
47 Checkbot 41 0.08
48 Irayo 41 0.08
49 Ranked SEO 34 0.07
50 RankTrackr 34 0.07
51 DigitalMaas 28 0.06
52 Tenscores 27 0.05
53 Netpeak Checker 20 0.04
54 Cuutio 18 0.04
55 Keylime Toolbox 17 0.03
56 PageLocus 16 0.03
57 SEO ninja 16 0.03
58 Rankinity 16 0.03
59 SerpScan 14 0.03
60 WordTail 12 0.02
61 SmartSERP 3 0.01
Technology Market share
Alexa 34.10 (%)
Siteimprove 26.73 (%)
Monsido 7.40 (%)
Screaming Frog 7.25 (%)
Moz Local 2.73 (%)
SEOquake 1.51 (%)
Website Grader 1.50 (%)
Conductor 1.25 (%)
Monitor Backlinks 1.20 (%)
OnCrawl 1.04 (%)
Varvy 1.02 (%)
MarketGoo 1.02 (%)
RankTracker 0.96 (%)
HitTail 0.90 (%)
Raven Tools 0.86 (%)
SERPs 0.79 (%)
RankWatch 0.77 (%)
Snoobi 0.75 (%)
DareBoost 0.68 (%)
Sitebulb 0.67 (%)
WordStream 0.56 (%)
CanIRank 0.41 (%)
ProRankTracker 0.39 (%)
Sitebeam 0.37 (%)
ConversionRuler 0.35 (%)
SERPWatcher 0.33 (%)
URLprofiler 0.33 (%)
Serpstat 0.33 (%)
Marketing Miner 0.30 (%)
Lipperhey 0.29 (%)
SERPWoo 0.23 (%)
SiteGuru 0.21 (%)
GeoRanker 0.19 (%)
BeamUsUp 0.19 (%)
Traffic Travis 0.19 (%)
SerpBook 0.18 (%)
AccuRanker 0.18 (%)
Swydo 0.16 (%)
SERPLAB 0.15 (%)
RankActive 0.15 (%)
Panguin Tool 0.14 (%)
MarketMuse 0.13 (%)
Ranxplorer 0.12 (%)
Jetpack 0.11 (%)
Netpeak Spider 0.11 (%)
Webtexttool 0.10 (%)
Checkbot 0.08 (%)
Irayo 0.08 (%)
Ranked SEO 0.07 (%)
RankTrackr 0.07 (%)
DigitalMaas 0.06 (%)
Tenscores 0.05 (%)
Netpeak Checker 0.04 (%)
Cuutio 0.04 (%)
Keylime Toolbox 0.03 (%)
PageLocus 0.03 (%)
SEO ninja 0.03 (%)
Rankinity 0.03 (%)
SerpScan 0.03 (%)
WordTail 0.02 (%)
SmartSERP 0.01 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top SEO Auditing software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for SEO Auditing software are Alexa, Siteimprove, Monsido. Here, you can view a full list of SEO Auditing tools in the market.

How many companies use SEO Auditing software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 60,579 companies are currently using one or more SEO Auditing software. Out of these, there are 31,910 companies using SEO Auditing tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the SEO Auditing software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the SEO Auditing space are Alexa with 34.10 % of market share, and Siteimprove with 26.73 % of market share and Monsido with 7.40 % of market share . Check for other SEO Auditing technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use SEO Auditing softwares?

The top industries that use SEO Auditing software are Professional Services (18,439) , Technology (8,306) , Retail and CPG (3,724) .

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