Social Analytics

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Social Analytics tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Social Analytics Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Social Analytics

Top 5 Social Analytics technologies in 2023

Over 32,033 companies are using Social Analytics tools. Shareaholic with 32.16% market share (10,301 customers), Marchex with 18.37% market share (5,885 customers), Netvibes with 12.28% market share (3,933 customers),

Social Analytics Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Social Analytics category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (16,157 companies), 20 - 49 employees (7,558 companies), 10 - 19 employees (2,993 companies).

Social Analytics Customers by Geography

Companies using Social Analytics technology software are majorly from the United States with 19,382 (64.57%), United Kingdom with 2,970 (9.89%), France with 1,369 (4.56%) customers respectively.

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Social Analytics Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Social Analytics for Professional Services (11,231), Technology (3,909), Retail and CPG (2,453).

Market Share for Top Social Analytics Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Social Analytics technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Shareaholic 10301 32.16
2 Marchex 5885 18.37
3 Netvibes 3933 12.28
4 Wayin 929 2.90
5 LocalStack 852 2.66
6 Supermetrics 753 2.35
7 iconosquare 749 2.34
8 Socialbakers 620 1.94
9 Talkwalker 551 1.72
10 RankRanger 513 1.60
11 Twitter Counter 476 1.49
12 Onalytica IRM 434 1.35
13 Audiense (formerly SocialBro) 412 1.29
14 Trendsmap 381 1.19
15 NewsWhip 247 0.77
16 Synthesio 238 0.74
17 TweetReach 231 0.72
18 Emplifi 208 0.65
19 Fanpage Karma 196 0.61
20 Twitonomy 181 0.57
21 Keyhole 175 0.55
22 Dataminr 167 0.52
23 Conversocial 164 0.51
24 Beacon 141 0.44
25 Tweet Binder 135 0.42
26 SocialRank 134 0.42
27 Pulsar 130 0.41
28 126 0.39
29 AdEspresso 118 0.37
30 Digimind 117 0.37
31 Mondovo 113 0.35
32 Trackur 112 0.35
33 HyPR 107 0.33
34 Unmetric 98 0.31
35 Crowdbooster 96 0.30
36 SmartMetrics 95 0.30
37 BoomSonar 95 0.30
38 Union Metrics 94 0.29
39 SocialSignIn 92 0.29
40 Boomsocial 91 0.28
41 Social Status 85 0.27
42 Attensity 77 0.24
43 Ampsy 77 0.24
44 DashThis 76 0.24
45 StatSocial 75 0.23
46 Reportei 55 0.17
47 CircleCount 53 0.17
48 TotalSocial 53 0.17
49 Grytics 48 0.15
50 Sociamonials 47 0.15
51 Social Blade 47 0.15
52 TrueSocialMetrics 47 0.15
53 BrandsEye 44 0.14
54 Amplifr 43 0.13
55 Seekmetrics 41 0.13
56 Shareablee 40 0.12
57 ListenFirst 40 0.12
58 Captiv8 37 0.12
59 Simplify360 37 0.12
60 Unified 34 0.11
61 NapoleonCat 32 0.10
62 Snaplytics 29 0.09
63 Crowdbabble 28 0.09
64 27 0.08
65 Sentisis 27 0.08
66 Wiselytics 25 0.08
67 Soldsie 23 0.07
68 Infegy Atlas 23 0.07
69 SocialClout 21 0.07
70 MakeMeReach 19 0.06
71 Konnect Insights 19 0.06
72 Buzzmonitor 15 0.05
73 Naytev 15 0.05
74 BirdSong Analytics 14 0.04
75 Zuum 13 0.04
76 Followthehashtag 12 0.04
77 Clickable 12 0.04
78 11 0.03
79 LiftMetrix 11 0.03
80 Snoopreport 11 0.03
81 Command for Instagram 9 0.03
82 Socialmetrix 9 0.03
83 Awareness 9 0.03
84 VideoAmigo 7 0.02
85 Waaffle 7 0.02
86 Sociota 6 0.02
87 Scoreboard Social 6 0.02
88 Alto Social Analytics 6 0.02
89 Plumlytics 5 0.02
90 Swift Social 5 0.02
91 Intutel 4 0.01
92 Fanatical 4 0.01
93 Buzzinga 4 0.01
94 Klarity 4 0.01
95 Vaizle 3 0.01
96 Soshlr 3 0.01
97 Earshot 3 0.01
98 Adobe SocialAnalytics 2 0.01
99 Sysomos MAP 2 0.01
100 OctopuSocial 2 0.01
Technology Market share
Shareaholic 32.16 (%)
Marchex 18.37 (%)
Netvibes 12.28 (%)
Wayin 2.90 (%)
LocalStack 2.66 (%)
Supermetrics 2.35 (%)
iconosquare 2.34 (%)
Socialbakers 1.94 (%)
Talkwalker 1.72 (%)
RankRanger 1.60 (%)
Twitter Counter 1.49 (%)
Onalytica IRM 1.35 (%)
Audiense (formerly SocialBro) 1.29 (%)
Trendsmap 1.19 (%)
NewsWhip 0.77 (%)
Synthesio 0.74 (%)
TweetReach 0.72 (%)
Emplifi 0.65 (%)
Fanpage Karma 0.61 (%)
Twitonomy 0.57 (%)
Keyhole 0.55 (%)
Dataminr 0.52 (%)
Conversocial 0.51 (%)
Beacon 0.44 (%)
Tweet Binder 0.42 (%)
SocialRank 0.42 (%)
Pulsar 0.41 (%) 0.39 (%)
AdEspresso 0.37 (%)
Digimind 0.37 (%)
Mondovo 0.35 (%)
Trackur 0.35 (%)
HyPR 0.33 (%)
Unmetric 0.31 (%)
Crowdbooster 0.30 (%)
SmartMetrics 0.30 (%)
BoomSonar 0.30 (%)
Union Metrics 0.29 (%)
SocialSignIn 0.29 (%)
Boomsocial 0.28 (%)
Social Status 0.27 (%)
Attensity 0.24 (%)
Ampsy 0.24 (%)
DashThis 0.24 (%)
StatSocial 0.23 (%)
Reportei 0.17 (%)
CircleCount 0.17 (%)
TotalSocial 0.17 (%)
Grytics 0.15 (%)
Sociamonials 0.15 (%)
Social Blade 0.15 (%)
TrueSocialMetrics 0.15 (%)
BrandsEye 0.14 (%)
Amplifr 0.13 (%)
Seekmetrics 0.13 (%)
Shareablee 0.12 (%)
ListenFirst 0.12 (%)
Captiv8 0.12 (%)
Simplify360 0.12 (%)
Unified 0.11 (%)
NapoleonCat 0.10 (%)
Snaplytics 0.09 (%)
Crowdbabble 0.09 (%) 0.08 (%)
Sentisis 0.08 (%)
Wiselytics 0.08 (%)
Soldsie 0.07 (%)
Infegy Atlas 0.07 (%)
SocialClout 0.07 (%)
MakeMeReach 0.06 (%)
Konnect Insights 0.06 (%)
Buzzmonitor 0.05 (%)
Naytev 0.05 (%)
BirdSong Analytics 0.04 (%)
Zuum 0.04 (%)
Followthehashtag 0.04 (%)
Clickable 0.04 (%) 0.03 (%)
LiftMetrix 0.03 (%)
Snoopreport 0.03 (%)
Command for Instagram 0.03 (%)
Socialmetrix 0.03 (%)
Awareness 0.03 (%)
VideoAmigo 0.02 (%)
Waaffle 0.02 (%)
Sociota 0.02 (%)
Scoreboard Social 0.02 (%)
Alto Social Analytics 0.02 (%)
Plumlytics 0.02 (%)
Swift Social 0.02 (%)
Intutel 0.01 (%)
Fanatical 0.01 (%)
Buzzinga 0.01 (%)
Klarity 0.01 (%)
Vaizle 0.01 (%)
Soshlr 0.01 (%)
Earshot 0.01 (%)
Adobe SocialAnalytics 0.01 (%)
Sysomos MAP 0.01 (%)
OctopuSocial 0.01 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Social Analytics software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Social Analytics software are Shareaholic, Marchex, Netvibes. Here, you can view a full list of Social Analytics tools in the market.

How many companies use Social Analytics software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 34,788 companies are currently using one or more Social Analytics software. Out of these, there are 19,382 companies using Social Analytics tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Social Analytics software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Social Analytics space are Shareaholic with 32.16 % of market share, and Marchex with 18.37 % of market share and Netvibes with 12.28 % of market share . Check for other Social Analytics technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Social Analytics softwares?

The top industries that use Social Analytics software are Professional Services (11,231) , Technology (3,909) , Retail and CPG (2,453) .

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