Social Media Management

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Social Media Management tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Social Media Management Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Social Media Management

Top 5 Social Media Management technologies in 2023

Over 183,908 companies are using Social Media Management tools. Outbrain with 22.73% market share (41,801 customers), Marketo with 18.28% market share (33,619 customers), Hootsuite with 15.27% market share (28,086 customers),

Social Media Management Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Social Media Management category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (55,649 companies), 20 - 49 employees (37,819 companies), 100 - 249 employees (16,809 companies).

Social Media Management Customers by Geography

Companies using Social Media Management technology software are majorly from the United States with 95,784 (68.16%), United Kingdom with 13,919 (9.90%), Canada with 7,583 (5.40%) customers respectively.

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Social Media Management Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Social Media Management for Professional Services (48,127), Technology (20,700), Retail and CPG (11,090).

Market Share for Top Social Media Management Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Social Media Management technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Outbrain 41801 22.73
2 Marketo 33619 18.28
3 Hootsuite 28086 15.27
4 Sprout Social 15905 8.65
5 11479 6.24
6 Shareaholic 10296 5.60
7 Blog2Social 5506 2.99
8 Tailwind 4770 2.59
9 Buffer 4176 2.27
10 Meltwater 3840 2.09
11 Sprinklr 2545 1.38
12 TweetDeck 2260 1.23
13 Zoho Social 1998 1.09
14 CrowdRiff 1593 0.87
15 Salesforce Community Cloud 1415 0.77
16 GetSocial 1388 0.75
17 Sendible 653 0.36
18 ResPage 639 0.35
19 Socialbakers 623 0.34
20 Salesforce Social Studio 592 0.32
21 ContentStudio 556 0.30
22 Planoly 514 0.28
23 Loomly 507 0.28
24 SocialBee 507 0.28
25 Agorapulse 486 0.26
26 424 0.23
27 Onlim 354 0.19
28 Hopper HQ 331 0.18
29 Coosto 303 0.16
30 Lightful 300 0.16
31 RecurPost 273 0.15
32 256 0.14
33 SocialChamp 254 0.14
34 Main Street Hub 243 0.13
35 Tweepi 232 0.13
36 228 0.12
37 SocialReport 208 0.11
38 SOCi 188 0.10
39 Acquisio 177 0.10
40 Tweriod 171 0.09
41 Oktopost 168 0.09
42 Cortex 166 0.09
43 NUVI 163 0.09
44 Dash Hudson 157 0.09
45 Crowdfire 146 0.08
46 Crowdynews 132 0.07
47 125 0.07
48 OnlyWire 118 0.06
49 Everypost 103 0.06
50 Spokal 99 0.05
51 BoomSonar 95 0.05
52 SocialSignIn 92 0.05
53 Hashtag'd 92 0.05
54 HeyOrca 91 0.05
55 Viraltag 91 0.05
56 MeetEdgar 88 0.05
57 eClincher 86 0.05
58 Qwaya 86 0.05
59 PostPickr 81 0.04
60 Upflow 77 0.04
61 GAIN 73 0.04
62 Postfity 73 0.04
63 Sked Social 70 0.04
64 Modern 69 0.04
65 Jamespot 61 0.03
66 Kuku 59 0.03
67 Narrow 53 0.03
68 Planable 51 0.03
69 TweetAdder 49 0.03
70 MailClark 48 0.03
71 Paladin 48 0.03
72 myPresences 46 0.03
73 Oracle Social Cloud 44 0.02
74 Sociallymap 43 0.02
75 Amplifr 43 0.02
76 GroupTweet 41 0.02
77 Kontentino 40 0.02
78 UberSocial 37 0.02
79 Simplify360 37 0.02
80 ManageFlitter 36 0.02
81 BundlePost 35 0.02
82 Publer 33 0.02
83 Mediatoolkit 33 0.02
84 Sentiment 33 0.02
85 Facebook Pages Manager 32 0.02
86 Gremlin Social 31 0.02
87 SmarterQueue 30 0.02
88 Engage121 28 0.02
89 27 0.01
90 Pluggio 26 0.01
91 BuzzBundle 26 0.01
92 Socialware 26 0.01
93 Picodash 24 0.01
94 Nexgate 24 0.01
95 21 0.01
96 spiral16 20 0.01
97 Fanbooster 18 0.01
98 GroSocial 17 0.01
99 MavSocial 17 0.01
100 SoAmpli 16 0.01
101 Autogrammer 15 0.01
102 Naytev 15 0.01
103 Stacker 15 0.01
104 CrowdControlHQ 14 0.01
105 oneQube 14 0.01
106 Symphony Tools 14 0.01
107 Retortal 13 0.01
108 PublBox 13 0.01
109 Social High Rise 13 0.01
110 Meshfire 12 0.01
111 Clickable 12 0.01
112 Hopper 12 0.01
113 11 0.01
114 Statusbrew 10 0.01
115 ATOMIZED 10 0.01
116 Over-Graph 9 0.00
117 SocialMotus 9 0.00
118 SMhack 9 0.00
119 Hypegrowth 8 0.00
120 Repost 8 0.00
121 SocialWeaver 8 0.00
122 Rallio 7 0.00
123 Yala 7 0.00
124 Ladderr 7 0.00
125 Rivuu 7 0.00
126 SocialHub 7 0.00
127 SocialVolt 7 0.00
128 BrandMaxima 6 0.00
129 Buzzlogix 6 0.00
130 SocialDog 6 0.00
131 Tagplay 6 0.00
132 Sociota 6 0.00
133 Socioh 6 0.00
134 Pagelanes 6 0.00
135 Plumlytics 5 0.00
136 Swift Social 5 0.00
137 DigitaleBox 5 0.00
138 ReQueue 5 0.00
139 Oraquo 4 0.00
140 Postcron 4 0.00
141 HubNami 4 0.00
142 Smintly 4 0.00
143 Social.iQ 4 0.00
144 Social Elephants 4 0.00
145 Yatter 3 0.00
146 SocialXpand 3 0.00
147 DrumUp 3 0.00
148 Growth Champ 3 0.00
149 Reachpod 3 0.00
150 Digital Roots 3 0.00
151 Socialwally 3 0.00
152 Socialomm 3 0.00
153 Jarvis 3 0.00
154 Soshlr 3 0.00
155 Avaya Social Media Manager 2 0.00
156 Postblazer 2 0.00
157 crowdVirality 2 0.00
158 2 0.00
159 Qweboo 2 0.00
160 SocialPano 2 0.00
161 Linkedin Leads 2 0.00
162 OctopuSocial 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Outbrain 22.73 (%)
Marketo 18.28 (%)
Hootsuite 15.27 (%)
Sprout Social 8.65 (%) 6.24 (%)
Shareaholic 5.60 (%)
Blog2Social 2.99 (%)
Tailwind 2.59 (%)
Buffer 2.27 (%)
Meltwater 2.09 (%)
Sprinklr 1.38 (%)
TweetDeck 1.23 (%)
Zoho Social 1.09 (%)
CrowdRiff 0.87 (%)
Salesforce Community Cloud 0.77 (%)
GetSocial 0.75 (%)
Sendible 0.36 (%)
ResPage 0.35 (%)
Socialbakers 0.34 (%)
Salesforce Social Studio 0.32 (%)
ContentStudio 0.30 (%)
Planoly 0.28 (%)
Loomly 0.28 (%)
SocialBee 0.28 (%)
Agorapulse 0.26 (%) 0.23 (%)
Onlim 0.19 (%)
Hopper HQ 0.18 (%)
Coosto 0.16 (%)
Lightful 0.16 (%)
RecurPost 0.15 (%) 0.14 (%)
SocialChamp 0.14 (%)
Main Street Hub 0.13 (%)
Tweepi 0.13 (%) 0.12 (%)
SocialReport 0.11 (%)
SOCi 0.10 (%)
Acquisio 0.10 (%)
Tweriod 0.09 (%)
Oktopost 0.09 (%)
Cortex 0.09 (%)
NUVI 0.09 (%)
Dash Hudson 0.09 (%)
Crowdfire 0.08 (%)
Crowdynews 0.07 (%) 0.07 (%)
OnlyWire 0.06 (%)
Everypost 0.06 (%)
Spokal 0.05 (%)
BoomSonar 0.05 (%)
SocialSignIn 0.05 (%)
Hashtag'd 0.05 (%)
HeyOrca 0.05 (%)
Viraltag 0.05 (%)
MeetEdgar 0.05 (%)
eClincher 0.05 (%)
Qwaya 0.05 (%)
PostPickr 0.04 (%)
Upflow 0.04 (%)
GAIN 0.04 (%)
Postfity 0.04 (%)
Sked Social 0.04 (%)
Modern 0.04 (%)
Jamespot 0.03 (%)
Kuku 0.03 (%)
Narrow 0.03 (%)
Planable 0.03 (%)
TweetAdder 0.03 (%)
MailClark 0.03 (%)
Paladin 0.03 (%)
myPresences 0.03 (%)
Oracle Social Cloud 0.02 (%)
Sociallymap 0.02 (%)
Amplifr 0.02 (%)
GroupTweet 0.02 (%)
Kontentino 0.02 (%)
UberSocial 0.02 (%)
Simplify360 0.02 (%)
ManageFlitter 0.02 (%)
BundlePost 0.02 (%)
Publer 0.02 (%)
Mediatoolkit 0.02 (%)
Sentiment 0.02 (%)
Facebook Pages Manager 0.02 (%)
Gremlin Social 0.02 (%)
SmarterQueue 0.02 (%)
Engage121 0.02 (%) 0.01 (%)
Pluggio 0.01 (%)
BuzzBundle 0.01 (%)
Socialware 0.01 (%)
Picodash 0.01 (%)
Nexgate 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
spiral16 0.01 (%)
Fanbooster 0.01 (%)
GroSocial 0.01 (%)
MavSocial 0.01 (%)
SoAmpli 0.01 (%)
Autogrammer 0.01 (%)
Naytev 0.01 (%)
Stacker 0.01 (%)
CrowdControlHQ 0.01 (%)
oneQube 0.01 (%)
Symphony Tools 0.01 (%)
Retortal 0.01 (%)
PublBox 0.01 (%)
Social High Rise 0.01 (%)
Meshfire 0.01 (%)
Clickable 0.01 (%)
Hopper 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Statusbrew 0.01 (%)
ATOMIZED 0.01 (%)
Over-Graph 0.00 (%)
SocialMotus 0.00 (%)
SMhack 0.00 (%)
Hypegrowth 0.00 (%)
Repost 0.00 (%)
SocialWeaver 0.00 (%)
Rallio 0.00 (%)
Yala 0.00 (%)
Ladderr 0.00 (%)
Rivuu 0.00 (%)
SocialHub 0.00 (%)
SocialVolt 0.00 (%)
BrandMaxima 0.00 (%)
Buzzlogix 0.00 (%)
SocialDog 0.00 (%)
Tagplay 0.00 (%)
Sociota 0.00 (%)
Socioh 0.00 (%)
Pagelanes 0.00 (%)
Plumlytics 0.00 (%)
Swift Social 0.00 (%)
DigitaleBox 0.00 (%)
ReQueue 0.00 (%)
Oraquo 0.00 (%)
Postcron 0.00 (%)
HubNami 0.00 (%)
Smintly 0.00 (%)
Social.iQ 0.00 (%)
Social Elephants 0.00 (%)
Yatter 0.00 (%)
SocialXpand 0.00 (%)
DrumUp 0.00 (%)
Growth Champ 0.00 (%)
Reachpod 0.00 (%)
Digital Roots 0.00 (%)
Socialwally 0.00 (%)
Socialomm 0.00 (%)
Jarvis 0.00 (%)
Soshlr 0.00 (%)
Avaya Social Media Manager 0.00 (%)
Postblazer 0.00 (%)
crowdVirality 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Qweboo 0.00 (%)
SocialPano 0.00 (%)
Linkedin Leads 0.00 (%)
OctopuSocial 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Social Media Management software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Social Media Management software are Outbrain, Marketo, Hootsuite. Here, you can view a full list of Social Media Management tools in the market.

How many companies use Social Media Management software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 161,241 companies are currently using one or more Social Media Management software. Out of these, there are 95,784 companies using Social Media Management tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Social Media Management software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Social Media Management space are Outbrain with 22.73 % of market share, and Marketo with 18.28 % of market share and Hootsuite with 15.27 % of market share . Check for other Social Media Management technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Social Media Management softwares?

The top industries that use Social Media Management software are Professional Services (48,127) , Technology (20,700) , Retail and CPG (11,090) .

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