Transactional Email

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Transactional Email tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Transactional Email Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Transactional Email

Top 5 Transactional Email technologies in 2023

Over 818,086 companies are using Transactional Email tools. Mailchimp Transactional Email (formerly Mandrill) with 19.45% market share (159,152 customers), SendGrid with 19.25% market share (157,482 customers), Mailgun with 14.00% market share (114,496 customers),

Transactional Email Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Transactional Email category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (288,037 companies), 20 - 49 employees (187,530 companies), 10 - 19 employees (77,629 companies).

Transactional Email Customers by Geography

Companies using Transactional Email technology software are majorly from the United States with 318,366 (52.26%), United Kingdom with 63,032 (10.35%), France with 51,966 (8.53%) customers respectively.

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Transactional Email Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Transactional Email for Professional Services (161,126), Technology (77,689), Retail and CPG (63,596).

Market Share for Top Transactional Email Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Transactional Email technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer count and market share data is calculated based on the organizations identified and tracked in the 6sense database. Market share(%)
1 Mailchimp Transactional Email (formerly Mandrill) 159152 19.45
2 SendGrid 157482 19.25
3 Mailgun 114496 14.00
4 Amazon SES 105905 12.95
5 SendinBlue 81480 9.96
6 Mailjet 77197 9.44
7 Constant Contact 72998 8.92
8 Elastic Email 33398 4.08
9 ClickDimensions 9078 1.11
10 Doppler Relay 1768 0.22
11 JangoSMTP 1500 0.18
12 Mandrill 832 0.10
13 Movable Ink 548 0.07
14 Everlytic 545 0.07
15 Route 450 0.06
16 ClickSend 272 0.03
17 Postage App 159 0.02
18 Postmark 138 0.02
19 Onboard 111 0.01
20 Inxmail 87 0.01
21 Aritic Mail 71 0.01
22 Sendwithus 60 0.01
23 Leadersend 59 0.01
24 MessageGears 33 0.00
25 33 0.00
26 Vero 32 0.00
27 RealTime Email 28 0.00
28 Sarv TES 28 0.00
29 Spently 26 0.00
30 Premailer 24 0.00
31 WP Email Delivery 16 0.00
32 AuthMailer 13 0.00
33 Cloudmailin 12 0.00
34 TotalSend 12 0.00
35 Maildocker 11 0.00
36 SMTPProvider 8 0.00
37 Apostle 6 0.00
38 BizConnector 5 0.00
39 Dyspatch 5 0.00
40 ACES for Business 3 0.00
41 EmailHooks 3 0.00
42 Notifuse 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Mailchimp Transactional Email (formerly Mandrill) 19.45 (%)
SendGrid 19.25 (%)
Mailgun 14.00 (%)
Amazon SES 12.95 (%)
SendinBlue 9.96 (%)
Mailjet 9.44 (%)
Constant Contact 8.92 (%)
Elastic Email 4.08 (%)
ClickDimensions 1.11 (%)
Doppler Relay 0.22 (%)
JangoSMTP 0.18 (%)
Mandrill 0.10 (%)
Movable Ink 0.07 (%)
Everlytic 0.07 (%)
Route 0.06 (%)
ClickSend 0.03 (%)
Postage App 0.02 (%)
Postmark 0.02 (%)
Onboard 0.01 (%)
Inxmail 0.01 (%)
Aritic Mail 0.01 (%)
Sendwithus 0.01 (%)
Leadersend 0.01 (%)
MessageGears 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Vero 0.00 (%)
RealTime Email 0.00 (%)
Sarv TES 0.00 (%)
Spently 0.00 (%)
Premailer 0.00 (%)
WP Email Delivery 0.00 (%)
AuthMailer 0.00 (%)
Cloudmailin 0.00 (%)
TotalSend 0.00 (%)
Maildocker 0.00 (%)
SMTPProvider 0.00 (%)
Apostle 0.00 (%)
BizConnector 0.00 (%)
Dyspatch 0.00 (%)
ACES for Business 0.00 (%)
EmailHooks 0.00 (%)
Notifuse 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Transactional Email software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Transactional Email software are Mailchimp Transactional Email (formerly Mandrill), SendGrid, Mailgun. Here, you can view a full list of Transactional Email tools in the market.

How many companies use Transactional Email software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 738,874 companies are currently using one or more Transactional Email software. Out of these, there are 318,366 companies using Transactional Email tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Transactional Email software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Transactional Email space are Mailchimp Transactional Email (formerly Mandrill) with 19.45 % of market share, and SendGrid with 19.25 % of market share and Mailgun with 14.00 % of market share . Check for other Transactional Email technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Transactional Email softwares?

The top industries that use Transactional Email software are Professional Services (161,126) , Technology (77,689) , Retail and CPG (63,596) .

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