Application Development

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Application Development tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Application Development Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Application Development

Top 5 Application Development technologies in 2023

Over 2,045,335 companies are using Application Development tools. Adobe with 61.55% market share (1,258,994 customers), Microsoft Azure with 14.60% market share (298,718 customers), JIRA Software with 5.12% market share (104,776 customers),

Application Development Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Application Development category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (582,834 companies), 20 - 49 employees (387,545 companies), 100 - 249 employees (172,140 companies).

Application Development Customers by Geography

Companies using Application Development technology software are majorly from the United States with 819,728 (60.32%), United Kingdom with 127,623 (9.39%), Germany with 72,489 (5.33%) customers respectively.

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Application Development Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Application Development for Professional Services (421,025), Technology (175,801), Retail and CPG (121,601).

Market Share for Top Application Development Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Application Development technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Adobe 1258994 61.55
2 Microsoft Azure 298718 14.60
3 JIRA Software 104776 5.12
4 Adobe Creative Cloud 76637 3.75
5 Telerik 46584 2.28
6 Datadog 42810 2.09
7 Google Firebase 41413 2.02
8 Amazon EC2 31174 1.52
9 QuickBase 25464 1.24
10 J2EE 15522 0.76
11 Twilio 14253 0.70
12 Plaid 7279 0.36
13 CircleCI 6570 0.32
14 Microsoft Power Apps 5431 0.27
15 SAP Fiori 5428 0.27
16 Spring Cloud 4720 0.23
17 Beanstalk 4670 0.23
18 TrueSight Pulse 4091 0.20
19 OutSystems 3127 0.15
20 Aha! 3038 0.15
21 Microsoft Unity 3005 0.15
22 Appian 2568 0.13
23 Caspio 2450 0.12
24 Lucidchart 2436 0.12
25 Flutter 2206 0.11
26 GeneXus 1744 0.09
27 Mendix 1442 0.07
28 Anypoint Platform 1386 0.07
29 SAP HANA Cloud Platform 1328 0.06
30 Adobe Coldfusion 1295 0.06
31 Pega Platform 1206 0.06
32 Zoho Creator 1111 0.05
33 AWS AppSync 1001 0.05
34 ServiceNow Agile Development 985 0.05
35 Altair Hyperworks 932 0.05
36 Knack 931 0.05
37 Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 898 0.04
38 LogicMonitor 854 0.04
39 Airbrake 841 0.04
40 Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) 753 0.04
41 Creatio 718 0.04
42 MessageBird 706 0.03
43 Domino 7 653 0.03
44 WAPT 647 0.03
45 Progress OpenEdge 632 0.03
46 IBM Rational Application Developer 630 0.03
47 Apptopia 594 0.03
48 Stackify Prefix 581 0.03
49 Amazon Neptune 545 0.03
50 AppSheet 479 0.02
51 VMware Studio 460 0.02
52 Microsoft Azure Container Registry 420 0.02
53 OpenJDK 373 0.02
54 PTC ThingWorx 343 0.02
55 SWIFTFramework 331 0.02
56 AppInstitute 328 0.02
57 Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 292 0.01
58 Identity Services 290 0.01
59 iRise 287 0.01
60 Rollbar 286 0.01
61 Appy Pie 252 0.01
62 Bandwidth 252 0.01
63 Kaseya VSA 239 0.01
64 AWS Cloud Development Kit 210 0.01
65 Plivo 203 0.01
66 Yapp 202 0.01
67 Altair SimLab 189 0.01
68 WampServer 169 0.01
69 156 0.01
70 Swiftic 138 0.01
71 TrackVia 138 0.01
72 IBM Blockchain Platform 137 0.01
73 Intellect 132 0.01
74 SendBird 130 0.01
75 AppGyver Composer 127 0.01
76 GitPrime 125 0.01
77 PMG Software 116 0.01
78 Resilio Connect 116 0.01
79 Visual LANSA 116 0.01
80 Webuzo 114 0.01
81 Visual Studio App Center 101 0.00
82 CA 2E 98 0.00
83 Kintone 96 0.00
84 Ninox 89 0.00
85 LoadStorm 86 0.00
86 Comidor 77 0.00
87 Criton 75 0.00
88 Dropsource 68 0.00
89 WorkflowGen 67 0.00
90 Skuid 66 0.00
91 BlueJ 66 0.00
92 Joget Workflow 57 0.00
93 Now Platform App Engine 57 0.00
94 Everteam BPM 55 0.00
95 Instabase 55 0.00
96 Google App Maker 55 0.00
97 AWS RoboMaker 54 0.00
98 Amazon Sumerian 54 0.00
99 Akamai Bot Manager 49 0.00
100 CA Roscoe 48 0.00
101 WhiteSource Software 47 0.00
102 Docker Cloud 45 0.00
103 Planview LeanKit 45 0.00
104 Rakuten Aquafadas 42 0.00
105 IBM InfoSphere Streams 42 0.00
106 Temporal Technologies 42 0.00
107 Jibestream 38 0.00
108 Anyscale 35 0.00
109 DevSuite 35 0.00
110 OpSource Business Operations 33 0.00
111 Pulpstream 32 0.00
112 Mvine 31 0.00
113 VisionFlow 28 0.00
114 Bouquet 28 0.00
115 TestCraft 25 0.00
116 Workos 25 0.00
117 Appenate 24 0.00
118 RingCaptcha 23 0.00
119 Localvore 22 0.00
120 Cloud Elements 22 0.00
121 Aspect CXP Pro 20 0.00
122 TIBCO PortalBuilder 19 0.00
123 Bobile 19 0.00
124 IBM Informix Genero 18 0.00
125 King of App 18 0.00
126 Bugwolf 16 0.00
127 Flowfinity 16 0.00
128 Codenvy 16 0.00
129 Crownpeak DQM 15 0.00
130 IMIconnect 15 0.00
131 IBM PureApplication System 12 0.00
132 BiznessApps 11 0.00
133 ServiceNow Mobile Studio 11 0.00
134 Pivotal Data Suite 10 0.00
135 Halosys 10 0.00
136 Textografo Diagrams 9 0.00
137 Ytel Platform 9 0.00
138 BizFirst 9 0.00
139 Zuznow 9 0.00
140 Apache Marmotta 7 0.00
141 Process Director 7 0.00
142 CA ADS 7 0.00
143 Micro Focus Caliber 7 0.00
144 Outlyer 6 0.00
145 Worksheet Systems 6 0.00
146 InstaDB 6 0.00
147 Instappy 5 0.00
148 Micro Focus Mainframe Solutions 5 0.00
149 CrossCode 5 0.00
150 CA UFO 4 0.00
151 QAIassist Integrated Methodology 4 0.00
152 Mobility Portal Server 4 0.00
153 VBVoice 4 0.00
154 AzStudio 4 0.00
155 LongJump 3 0.00
156 Prodly AppOps 3 0.00
157 Applause Analytics 3 0.00
158 Intellimas 3 0.00
159 ECGridOS 3 0.00
160 ATryBox 3 0.00
161 CA Vollie 2 0.00
162 TeamForge 2 0.00
163 CA Aion Business Rules Expert 2 0.00
164 Moqui Ecosystem 2 0.00
165 Apache BVal 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Adobe 61.55 (%)
Microsoft Azure 14.60 (%)
JIRA Software 5.12 (%)
Adobe Creative Cloud 3.75 (%)
Telerik 2.28 (%)
Datadog 2.09 (%)
Google Firebase 2.02 (%)
Amazon EC2 1.52 (%)
QuickBase 1.24 (%)
J2EE 0.76 (%)
Twilio 0.70 (%)
Plaid 0.36 (%)
CircleCI 0.32 (%)
Microsoft Power Apps 0.27 (%)
SAP Fiori 0.27 (%)
Spring Cloud 0.23 (%)
Beanstalk 0.23 (%)
TrueSight Pulse 0.20 (%)
OutSystems 0.15 (%)
Aha! 0.15 (%)
Microsoft Unity 0.15 (%)
Appian 0.13 (%)
Caspio 0.12 (%)
Lucidchart 0.12 (%)
Flutter 0.11 (%)
GeneXus 0.09 (%)
Mendix 0.07 (%)
Anypoint Platform 0.07 (%)
SAP HANA Cloud Platform 0.06 (%)
Adobe Coldfusion 0.06 (%)
Pega Platform 0.06 (%)
Zoho Creator 0.05 (%)
AWS AppSync 0.05 (%)
ServiceNow Agile Development 0.05 (%)
Altair Hyperworks 0.05 (%)
Knack 0.05 (%)
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 0.04 (%)
LogicMonitor 0.04 (%)
Airbrake 0.04 (%)
Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) 0.04 (%)
Creatio 0.04 (%)
MessageBird 0.03 (%)
Domino 7 0.03 (%)
WAPT 0.03 (%)
Progress OpenEdge 0.03 (%)
IBM Rational Application Developer 0.03 (%)
Apptopia 0.03 (%)
Stackify Prefix 0.03 (%)
Amazon Neptune 0.03 (%)
AppSheet 0.02 (%)
VMware Studio 0.02 (%)
Microsoft Azure Container Registry 0.02 (%)
OpenJDK 0.02 (%)
PTC ThingWorx 0.02 (%)
SWIFTFramework 0.02 (%)
AppInstitute 0.02 (%)
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 0.01 (%)
Identity Services 0.01 (%)
iRise 0.01 (%)
Rollbar 0.01 (%)
Appy Pie 0.01 (%)
Bandwidth 0.01 (%)
Kaseya VSA 0.01 (%)
AWS Cloud Development Kit 0.01 (%)
Plivo 0.01 (%)
Yapp 0.01 (%)
Altair SimLab 0.01 (%)
WampServer 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Swiftic 0.01 (%)
TrackVia 0.01 (%)
IBM Blockchain Platform 0.01 (%)
Intellect 0.01 (%)
SendBird 0.01 (%)
AppGyver Composer 0.01 (%)
GitPrime 0.01 (%)
PMG Software 0.01 (%)
Resilio Connect 0.01 (%)
Visual LANSA 0.01 (%)
Webuzo 0.01 (%)
Visual Studio App Center 0.00 (%)
CA 2E 0.00 (%)
Kintone 0.00 (%)
Ninox 0.00 (%)
LoadStorm 0.00 (%)
Comidor 0.00 (%)
Criton 0.00 (%)
Dropsource 0.00 (%)
WorkflowGen 0.00 (%)
Skuid 0.00 (%)
BlueJ 0.00 (%)
Joget Workflow 0.00 (%)
Now Platform App Engine 0.00 (%)
Everteam BPM 0.00 (%)
Instabase 0.00 (%)
Google App Maker 0.00 (%)
AWS RoboMaker 0.00 (%)
Amazon Sumerian 0.00 (%)
Akamai Bot Manager 0.00 (%)
CA Roscoe 0.00 (%)
WhiteSource Software 0.00 (%)
Docker Cloud 0.00 (%)
Planview LeanKit 0.00 (%)
Rakuten Aquafadas 0.00 (%)
IBM InfoSphere Streams 0.00 (%)
Temporal Technologies 0.00 (%)
Jibestream 0.00 (%)
Anyscale 0.00 (%)
DevSuite 0.00 (%)
OpSource Business Operations 0.00 (%)
Pulpstream 0.00 (%)
Mvine 0.00 (%)
VisionFlow 0.00 (%)
Bouquet 0.00 (%)
TestCraft 0.00 (%)
Workos 0.00 (%)
Appenate 0.00 (%)
RingCaptcha 0.00 (%)
Localvore 0.00 (%)
Cloud Elements 0.00 (%)
Aspect CXP Pro 0.00 (%)
TIBCO PortalBuilder 0.00 (%)
Bobile 0.00 (%)
IBM Informix Genero 0.00 (%)
King of App 0.00 (%)
Bugwolf 0.00 (%)
Flowfinity 0.00 (%)
Codenvy 0.00 (%)
Crownpeak DQM 0.00 (%)
IMIconnect 0.00 (%)
IBM PureApplication System 0.00 (%)
BiznessApps 0.00 (%)
ServiceNow Mobile Studio 0.00 (%)
Pivotal Data Suite 0.00 (%)
Halosys 0.00 (%)
Textografo Diagrams 0.00 (%)
Ytel Platform 0.00 (%)
BizFirst 0.00 (%)
Zuznow 0.00 (%)
Apache Marmotta 0.00 (%)
Process Director 0.00 (%)
CA ADS 0.00 (%)
Micro Focus Caliber 0.00 (%)
Outlyer 0.00 (%)
Worksheet Systems 0.00 (%)
InstaDB 0.00 (%)
Instappy 0.00 (%)
Micro Focus Mainframe Solutions 0.00 (%)
CrossCode 0.00 (%)
CA UFO 0.00 (%)
QAIassist Integrated Methodology 0.00 (%)
Mobility Portal Server 0.00 (%)
VBVoice 0.00 (%)
AzStudio 0.00 (%)
LongJump 0.00 (%)
Prodly AppOps 0.00 (%)
Applause Analytics 0.00 (%)
Intellimas 0.00 (%)
ECGridOS 0.00 (%)
ATryBox 0.00 (%)
CA Vollie 0.00 (%) TeamForge 0.00 (%)
CA Aion Business Rules Expert 0.00 (%)
Moqui Ecosystem 0.00 (%)
Apache BVal 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Application Development software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Application Development software are Adobe, Microsoft Azure, JIRA Software. Here, you can view a full list of Application Development tools in the market.

How many companies use Application Development software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 1,668,559 companies are currently using one or more Application Development software. Out of these, there are 819,728 companies using Application Development tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Application Development software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Application Development space are Adobe with 61.55 % of market share, and Microsoft Azure with 14.60 % of market share and JIRA Software with 5.12 % of market share . Check for other Application Development technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Application Development softwares?

The top industries that use Application Development software are Professional Services (421,025) , Technology (175,801) , Retail and CPG (121,601) .

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