Development Tools

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Development Tools tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Development Tools Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Technologies Tracked
Companies Tracked
Categories related to Development Tools

Top 5 Development Tools technologies in 2023

Over 3,478,083 companies are using Development Tools tools. Sentry with 23.55% market share (819,167 customers), Wordpress with 13.72% market share (477,275 customers), New Relic with 9.37% market share (325,859 customers),

Development Tools Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Development Tools category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (1,331,829 companies), 20 - 49 employees (604,383 companies), 10 - 19 employees (254,956 companies).

Development Tools Customers by Geography

Companies using Development Tools technology software are majorly from the United States with 1,638,004 (67.70%), United Kingdom with 212,981 (8.80%), Canada with 112,450 (4.65%) customers respectively.

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Development Tools Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Development Tools for Professional Services (608,767), Retail and CPG (236,221), Technology (231,377).

Market Share for Top Development Tools Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Development Tools technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Sentry 819167 23.55
2 Wordpress 477275 13.72
3 New Relic 325859 9.37
4 Microsoft Azure 298671 8.59
5 Bugsnag 228786 6.58
6 Drupal 192259 5.53
7 JotForm 128819 3.70
8 Wistia 113151 3.25
9 JIRA Software 104779 3.01
10 Adobe Business Catalyst 87751 2.52
11 Webflow 81246 2.34
12 Typeform 72075 2.07
13 Optimizely 47388 1.36
14 Jimdo 43188 1.24
15 Datadog 42848 1.23
16 BigCommerce 34088 0.98
17 Oracle PL/SQL 33925 0.98
18 Zoho Sites 30053 0.86
19 Homestead Websites 27350 0.79
20 Inkscape 24565 0.71
21 Microsoft Visio 24066 0.69
22 Visual Website Optimizer 22163 0.64
23 Mouseflow 19008 0.55
24 Wufoo 17163 0.49
25 Twilio 14251 0.41
26 Oracle EBS 14004 0.40
27 Zoho Forms 12818 0.37
28 Yahoo Small Business 11458 0.33
29 Duda 10850 0.31
30 Microsoft Azure DevOps Server 10462 0.30
31 Dynatrace Ruxit 9369 0.27
32 BaseKit 6767 0.19
33 CircleCI 6569 0.19
34 Pivotal Tracker 5955 0.17
35 Balsamiq 5881 0.17
36 Pingdom 5489 0.16
37 Volusion 5141 0.15
38 Azure API Management 3130 0.09
39 OutSystems 3123 0.09
40 Microsoft Silverlight 2591 0.07
41 PagerDuty 2495 0.07
42 Caspio 2456 0.07
43 Lucidchart 2437 0.07
44 GoDaddy 2211 0.06
45 AWS CodeBuild 2008 0.06
46 Sybase PowerBuilder 1822 0.05
47 Google Cloud Serverless 1760 0.05
48 FogBugz 1657 0.05
49 Transloadit 1590 0.05
50 Salesforce App Cloud 1445 0.04
51 Mendix 1442 0.04
52 AWS CodeCommit 1241 0.04
53 Monetate 1163 0.03
54 Software AG Live 1128 0.03
55 Zoho Creator 1109 0.03
56 1093 0.03
57 Loop11 1041 0.03
58 OmniGraffle 1030 0.03
59 Assembla 1026 0.03
60 IM Creator 1018 0.03
61 Testuff 1017 0.03
62 Knack 928 0.03
63 LogicMonitor 854 0.02
64 Usersnap 849 0.02
65 BlazeMeter 763 0.02
66 Lucidpress 758 0.02
67 PageProofer 729 0.02
68 ProProfs Quiz Maker 696 0.02
69 Cloudbees 695 0.02
70 Easy WebContent Site Builder 643 0.02
71 Easy WebContent HTML Editor 643 0.02
72 concrete5 617 0.02
73 Stackify Prefix 583 0.02
74 Google Cloud SDK 569 0.02
75 Accrisoft Freedom 555 0.02
76 Webydo 471 0.01
77 Gliffy 418 0.01
78 Planio 402 0.01
79 388 0.01
80 Uploadcare 384 0.01
81 AWS Command Line Interface 338 0.01
82 QMetry 307 0.01
83 iRise 287 0.01
84 SmartDraw 286 0.01
85 Rollbar 283 0.01
86 Moogsoft 279 0.01
87 Rainforest QA 266 0.01
88 262 0.01
89 SpiraTest 262 0.01
90 BigPanda 254 0.01
91 Appy Pie 252 0.01
92 Apptus 247 0.01
93 Azure Batch 246 0.01
94 PractiTest 224 0.01
95 Infura 222 0.01
96 SAS/AF 219 0.01
97 Load Impact 217 0.01
98 GatherContent 217 0.01
99 Monitis 206 0.01
100 Geckoboard 203 0.01
101 VictorOps 202 0.01
102 Rapise 182 0.01
103 SpiraPlan 182 0.01
104 Convertize 178 0.01
105 Ab Initio Graphical Development Environment (GDE) 158 0.00
106 AppSignal 156 0.00
107 InfoServeCM 153 0.00
108 OnTime 148 0.00
109 Swiftic 139 0.00
110 Roadmunk 136 0.00
111 SendBird 130 0.00
112 GoCanvas 129 0.00
113 Stoplight 128 0.00
114 Dotcom-Monitor 126 0.00
115 Webuzo 114 0.00
116 ProtoShare 107 0.00
117 Wazala 104 0.00
118 ServiceNow DevOps 102 0.00
119 Ankr 98 0.00
120 AWS CodeStar 95 0.00
121 Elementool 91 0.00
122 Optmyzr 86 0.00
123 Voucherify 83 0.00
124 Electric Cloud 83 0.00
125 Navicat Premium 80 0.00
126 Raygun 76 0.00
127 HTML5 Boilerplate 75 0.00
128 Cadence Xcelium 74 0.00
129 TestLodge 70 0.00
130 Microsoft Advanced Group Policy Management 69 0.00
131 Kloudless 68 0.00
132 Resource Tuner Console 63 0.00
133 Twproject 61 0.00
134 Corizon 61 0.00
135 Joget Workflow 57 0.00
136 Apptha 56 0.00
137 Nexica 54 0.00
138 Symu 54 0.00
139 Binfire 52 0.00
140 Nasstar Hosted Desktop 50 0.00
141 Edicy 48 0.00
142 Creately 47 0.00
143 WhiteSource Software 47 0.00
144 Circonus 44 0.00
145 Avactis 42 0.00
146 LightCMS 41 0.00
147 Kontest 41 0.00
148 Nextopia 40 0.00
149 Micro Focus Silk 40 0.00
150 Lovely Charts 39 0.00
151 Yodiz 38 0.00
152 Elementool Issue Tracking 35 0.00
153 OpSource Application Operations 33 0.00
154 Sandglaz 30 0.00
155 Zoho BugTracker 28 0.00
156 VisionFlow 28 0.00
157 Searchify 28 0.00
158 SignalMind 28 0.00
159 Alchemy 27 0.00
160 Snappii 25 0.00
161 Projecturf 24 0.00
162 Vendo 24 0.00
163 Amazon CodeGuru 23 0.00
164 Cloud Elements 22 0.00
165 MockFlow 22 0.00
166 Regression Forecasting 21 0.00
167 Tauyou 19 0.00
168 19 0.00
169 Bobile 19 0.00
170 Loadster 18 0.00
171 Nobl9 17 0.00
172 Codenvy 16 0.00
173 Just Add Content 14 0.00
174 WorkXpress 14 0.00
175 12 0.00
176 BUGtrack 12 0.00
177 SensioLabsInsight 12 0.00
178 Webpop 12 0.00
179 12 0.00
180 BiznessApps 11 0.00
181 Milestone Planner 11 0.00
182 Snapps 10 0.00
183 Zodiac.NET 10 0.00
184 WebSolr 10 0.00
185 Bontq 9 0.00
186 Mockup Tiger 9 0.00
187 Ytel Platform 9 0.00
188 BizFirst 9 0.00
189 Zoey 9 0.00
190 Intel Media Server Studio 9 0.00
191 Enterprise Search 8 0.00
192 ZipBoss 7 0.00
193 Webvanta Cloud CMS 7 0.00
194 Happy Apps 6 0.00
195 SolidShops 6 0.00
196 PagePicnic 6 0.00
197 Firefox Developer Edition 4 0.00
198 QAIassist Integrated Methodology 4 0.00
199 VerticaLive 4 0.00
200 Comindware Tracker 4 0.00
201 CloudMunch 4 0.00
202 HelpMaster 4 0.00
203 zubibu 3 0.00
204 Proxy Sniffer 3 0.00
205 Team Org Chart 2 0.00
206 QTestin 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Sentry 23.55 (%)
Wordpress 13.72 (%)
New Relic 9.37 (%)
Microsoft Azure 8.59 (%)
Bugsnag 6.58 (%)
Drupal 5.53 (%)
JotForm 3.70 (%)
Wistia 3.25 (%)
JIRA Software 3.01 (%)
Adobe Business Catalyst 2.52 (%)
Webflow 2.34 (%)
Typeform 2.07 (%)
Optimizely 1.36 (%)
Jimdo 1.24 (%)
Datadog 1.23 (%)
BigCommerce 0.98 (%)
Oracle PL/SQL 0.98 (%)
Zoho Sites 0.86 (%)
Homestead Websites 0.79 (%)
Inkscape 0.71 (%)
Microsoft Visio 0.69 (%)
Visual Website Optimizer 0.64 (%)
Mouseflow 0.55 (%)
Wufoo 0.49 (%)
Twilio 0.41 (%)
Oracle EBS 0.40 (%)
Zoho Forms 0.37 (%)
Yahoo Small Business 0.33 (%)
Duda 0.31 (%)
Microsoft Azure DevOps Server 0.30 (%)
Dynatrace Ruxit 0.27 (%)
BaseKit 0.19 (%)
CircleCI 0.19 (%)
Pivotal Tracker 0.17 (%)
Balsamiq 0.17 (%)
Pingdom 0.16 (%)
Volusion 0.15 (%)
Azure API Management 0.09 (%)
OutSystems 0.09 (%)
Microsoft Silverlight 0.07 (%)
PagerDuty 0.07 (%)
Caspio 0.07 (%)
Lucidchart 0.07 (%)
GoDaddy 0.06 (%)
AWS CodeBuild 0.06 (%)
Sybase PowerBuilder 0.05 (%)
Google Cloud Serverless 0.05 (%)
FogBugz 0.05 (%)
Transloadit 0.05 (%)
Salesforce App Cloud 0.04 (%)
Mendix 0.04 (%)
AWS CodeCommit 0.04 (%)
Monetate 0.03 (%)
Software AG Live 0.03 (%)
Zoho Creator 0.03 (%) 0.03 (%)
Loop11 0.03 (%)
OmniGraffle 0.03 (%)
Assembla 0.03 (%)
IM Creator 0.03 (%)
Testuff 0.03 (%)
Knack 0.03 (%)
LogicMonitor 0.02 (%)
Usersnap 0.02 (%)
BlazeMeter 0.02 (%)
Lucidpress 0.02 (%)
PageProofer 0.02 (%)
ProProfs Quiz Maker 0.02 (%)
Cloudbees 0.02 (%)
Easy WebContent Site Builder 0.02 (%)
Easy WebContent HTML Editor 0.02 (%)
concrete5 0.02 (%)
Stackify Prefix 0.02 (%)
Google Cloud SDK 0.02 (%)
Accrisoft Freedom 0.02 (%)
Webydo 0.01 (%)
Gliffy 0.01 (%)
Planio 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Uploadcare 0.01 (%)
AWS Command Line Interface 0.01 (%)
QMetry 0.01 (%)
iRise 0.01 (%)
SmartDraw 0.01 (%)
Rollbar 0.01 (%)
Moogsoft 0.01 (%)
Rainforest QA 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
SpiraTest 0.01 (%)
BigPanda 0.01 (%)
Appy Pie 0.01 (%)
Apptus 0.01 (%)
Azure Batch 0.01 (%)
PractiTest 0.01 (%)
Infura 0.01 (%)
SAS/AF 0.01 (%)
Load Impact 0.01 (%)
GatherContent 0.01 (%)
Monitis 0.01 (%)
Geckoboard 0.01 (%)
VictorOps 0.01 (%)
Rapise 0.01 (%)
SpiraPlan 0.01 (%)
Convertize 0.01 (%)
Ab Initio Graphical Development Environment (GDE) 0.00 (%)
AppSignal 0.00 (%)
InfoServeCM 0.00 (%)
OnTime 0.00 (%)
Swiftic 0.00 (%)
Roadmunk 0.00 (%)
SendBird 0.00 (%)
GoCanvas 0.00 (%)
Stoplight 0.00 (%)
Dotcom-Monitor 0.00 (%)
Webuzo 0.00 (%)
ProtoShare 0.00 (%)
Wazala 0.00 (%)
ServiceNow DevOps 0.00 (%)
Ankr 0.00 (%)
AWS CodeStar 0.00 (%)
Elementool 0.00 (%)
Optmyzr 0.00 (%)
Voucherify 0.00 (%)
Electric Cloud 0.00 (%)
Navicat Premium 0.00 (%)
Raygun 0.00 (%)
HTML5 Boilerplate 0.00 (%)
Cadence Xcelium 0.00 (%)
TestLodge 0.00 (%)
Microsoft Advanced Group Policy Management 0.00 (%)
Kloudless 0.00 (%)
Resource Tuner Console 0.00 (%)
Twproject 0.00 (%)
Corizon 0.00 (%)
Joget Workflow 0.00 (%)
Apptha 0.00 (%)
Nexica 0.00 (%)
Symu 0.00 (%)
Binfire 0.00 (%)
Nasstar Hosted Desktop 0.00 (%)
Edicy 0.00 (%)
Creately 0.00 (%)
WhiteSource Software 0.00 (%)
Circonus 0.00 (%)
Avactis 0.00 (%)
LightCMS 0.00 (%)
Kontest 0.00 (%)
Nextopia 0.00 (%)
Micro Focus Silk 0.00 (%)
Lovely Charts 0.00 (%)
Yodiz 0.00 (%)
Elementool Issue Tracking 0.00 (%)
OpSource Application Operations 0.00 (%)
Sandglaz 0.00 (%)
Zoho BugTracker 0.00 (%)
VisionFlow 0.00 (%)
Searchify 0.00 (%)
SignalMind 0.00 (%)
Alchemy 0.00 (%)
Snappii 0.00 (%)
Projecturf 0.00 (%)
Vendo 0.00 (%)
Amazon CodeGuru 0.00 (%)
Cloud Elements 0.00 (%)
MockFlow 0.00 (%)
Regression Forecasting 0.00 (%)
Tauyou 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Bobile 0.00 (%)
Loadster 0.00 (%)
Nobl9 0.00 (%)
Codenvy 0.00 (%)
Just Add Content 0.00 (%)
WorkXpress 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
BUGtrack 0.00 (%)
SensioLabsInsight 0.00 (%)
Webpop 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
BiznessApps 0.00 (%)
Milestone Planner 0.00 (%)
Snapps 0.00 (%)
Zodiac.NET 0.00 (%)
WebSolr 0.00 (%)
Bontq 0.00 (%)
Mockup Tiger 0.00 (%)
Ytel Platform 0.00 (%)
BizFirst 0.00 (%)
Zoey 0.00 (%)
Intel Media Server Studio 0.00 (%)
Enterprise Search 0.00 (%)
ZipBoss 0.00 (%)
Webvanta Cloud CMS 0.00 (%)
Happy Apps 0.00 (%)
SolidShops 0.00 (%)
PagePicnic 0.00 (%)
Firefox Developer Edition 0.00 (%)
QAIassist Integrated Methodology 0.00 (%)
VerticaLive 0.00 (%)
Comindware Tracker 0.00 (%)
CloudMunch 0.00 (%)
HelpMaster 0.00 (%)
zubibu 0.00 (%)
Proxy Sniffer 0.00 (%)
Team Org Chart 0.00 (%)
QTestin 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Development Tools software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Development Tools software are Sentry, Wordpress, New Relic. Here, you can view a full list of Development Tools tools in the market.

How many companies use Development Tools software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 2,837,684 companies are currently using one or more Development Tools software. Out of these, there are 1,638,004 companies using Development Tools tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Development Tools software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Development Tools space are Sentry with 23.55 % of market share, and Wordpress with 13.72 % of market share and New Relic with 9.37 % of market share . Check for other Development Tools technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Development Tools softwares?

The top industries that use Development Tools software are Professional Services (608,767) , Retail and CPG (236,221) , Technology (231,377) .

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