Continuous Integration And Delivery

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Continuous Integration And Delivery tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Continuous Integration And Delivery Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Continuous Integration And Delivery

Top 5 Continuous Integration And Delivery technologies in 2023

Over 122,019 companies are using Continuous Integration And Delivery tools. Jenkins with 47.09% market share (57,462 customers), Atlassian Bitbucket with 18.49% market share (22,561 customers), TeamCity with 6.40% market share (7,815 customers),

Continuous Integration And Delivery Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Continuous Integration And Delivery category falls in the company size of 20 - 49 employees (27,813 companies), 100 - 249 employees (21,888 companies), 1,000 - 4,999 employees (12,776 companies).

Continuous Integration And Delivery Customers by Geography

Companies using Continuous Integration And Delivery technology software are majorly from the United States with 47,469 (53.70%), United Kingdom with 9,717 (10.99%), India with 6,205 (7.02%) customers respectively.

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Continuous Integration And Delivery Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Continuous Integration And Delivery for Technology (38,952), Professional Services (15,472), Financial Services (5,849).

Market Share for Top Continuous Integration And Delivery Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Continuous Integration And Delivery technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer count and market share data is calculated based on the organizations identified and tracked in the 6sense database. Market share(%)
1 Jenkins 57462 47.09
2 Atlassian Bitbucket 22561 18.49
3 TeamCity 7815 6.40
4 CircleCI 6577 5.39
5 Apache JMeter 6174 5.06
6 Bitbucket Pipelines 3647 2.99
7 AWS CodePipeline 2492 2.04
8 Atlassian Bamboo 2112 1.73
9 Spinnaker 1806 1.48
10 Travis CI 1739 1.43
11 1647 1.35
12 Sauce Labs 1446 1.19
13 Bitrise 1014 0.83
14 GoCD 668 0.55
15 Concourse CI 644 0.53
16 Semaphore 585 0.48
17 CloudBees CodeShip 387 0.32
18 Buildbot 374 0.31
19 Go 362 0.30
20 AppVeyor 310 0.25
21 CloudBees CI 276 0.23
22 Codefresh 222 0.18
23 Flosum 212 0.17
24 Tasktop Integration Hub 170 0.14
25 IBM DataPower Gateway 154 0.13
26 Kobiton 147 0.12
27 138 0.11
28 128 0.10
29 AnthillPro 112 0.09
30 Cloud 66 84 0.07
31 Hudson 77 0.06
32 CruiseControl 72 0.06
33 AutoRABIT 63 0.05
34 KitchenCI 41 0.03
35 Buddy 41 0.03
36 CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 41 0.03
37 Continua 34 0.03
38 Nevercode 32 0.03
39 StyleCI 19 0.02
40 Applivery 16 0.01
41 ElasticBox 15 0.01
42 Hiptest 13 0.01
43 QuickBuild 12 0.01
44 Solano CI 11 0.01
45 Snap CI 9 0.01
46 VAddy 9 0.01
47 Codegiant 9 0.01
48 Vexor 8 0.01
49 Apache Continuum 8 0.01
50 PHPCI 6 0.00
51 Integrately 5 0.00
52 Distelli 4 0.00
53 appLariat 3 0.00
54 Continua CI 2 0.00
55 Magnum CI 2 0.00
56 RapidDeploy 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Jenkins 47.09 (%)
Atlassian Bitbucket 18.49 (%)
TeamCity 6.40 (%)
CircleCI 5.39 (%)
Apache JMeter 5.06 (%)
Bitbucket Pipelines 2.99 (%)
AWS CodePipeline 2.04 (%)
Atlassian Bamboo 1.73 (%)
Spinnaker 1.48 (%)
Travis CI 1.43 (%) 1.35 (%)
Sauce Labs 1.19 (%)
Bitrise 0.83 (%)
GoCD 0.55 (%)
Concourse CI 0.53 (%)
Semaphore 0.48 (%)
CloudBees CodeShip 0.32 (%)
Buildbot 0.31 (%)
Go 0.30 (%)
AppVeyor 0.25 (%)
CloudBees CI 0.23 (%)
Codefresh 0.18 (%)
Flosum 0.17 (%)
Tasktop Integration Hub 0.14 (%)
IBM DataPower Gateway 0.13 (%)
Kobiton 0.12 (%) 0.11 (%) 0.10 (%)
AnthillPro 0.09 (%)
Cloud 66 0.07 (%)
Hudson 0.06 (%)
CruiseControl 0.06 (%)
AutoRABIT 0.05 (%)
KitchenCI 0.03 (%)
Buddy 0.03 (%)
CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 0.03 (%)
Continua 0.03 (%)
Nevercode 0.03 (%)
StyleCI 0.02 (%)
Applivery 0.01 (%)
ElasticBox 0.01 (%)
Hiptest 0.01 (%)
QuickBuild 0.01 (%)
Solano CI 0.01 (%)
Snap CI 0.01 (%)
VAddy 0.01 (%)
Codegiant 0.01 (%)
Vexor 0.01 (%)
Apache Continuum 0.01 (%)
PHPCI 0.00 (%)
Integrately 0.00 (%)
Distelli 0.00 (%)
appLariat 0.00 (%)
Continua CI 0.00 (%)
Magnum CI 0.00 (%)
RapidDeploy 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Continuous Integration And Delivery software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Continuous Integration And Delivery software are Jenkins, Atlassian Bitbucket, TeamCity. Here, you can view a full list of Continuous Integration And Delivery tools in the market.

How many companies use Continuous Integration And Delivery software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 118,669 companies are currently using one or more Continuous Integration And Delivery software. Out of these, there are 47,469 companies using Continuous Integration And Delivery tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Continuous Integration And Delivery software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Continuous Integration And Delivery space are Jenkins with 47.09 % of market share, and Atlassian Bitbucket with 18.49 % of market share and TeamCity with 6.40 % of market share . Check for other Continuous Integration And Delivery technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Continuous Integration And Delivery softwares?

The top industries that use Continuous Integration And Delivery software are Technology (38,952) , Professional Services (15,472) , Financial Services (5,849) .

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