Customer Engagement

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Customer Engagement tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Customer Engagement Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Technologies Tracked
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Categories related to Customer Engagement

Top 5 Customer Engagement technologies in 2023

Over 372,449 companies are using Customer Engagement tools. Intercom with 20.16% market share (75,092 customers), LiveChat with 10.55% market share (39,295 customers), Zoho SalesIQ with 7.28% market share (27,111 customers),

Customer Engagement Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Customer Engagement category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (105,367 companies), 20 - 49 employees (72,987 companies), 10 - 19 employees (26,101 companies).

Customer Engagement Customers by Geography

Companies using Customer Engagement technology software are majorly from the United States with 155,858 (64.81%), United Kingdom with 25,881 (10.76%), India with 12,460 (5.18%) customers respectively.

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Customer Engagement Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Customer Engagement for Professional Services (59,069), Technology (43,688), Retail and CPG (29,316).

Market Share for Top Customer Engagement Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Customer Engagement technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Intercom 75092 20.16
2 LiveChat 39295 10.55
3 Zoho SalesIQ 27111 7.28
4 Yotpo 23943 6.43
5 Zoho CRM 18664 5.01
6 for Shopify 17025 4.57
7 Sumo 15298 4.11
8 Pendo 14823 3.98
9 Salesforce Service Cloud 14007 3.76
10 Salesforce Commerce Cloud 13011 3.49
11 Pipedrive 12356 3.32
12 LivePerson 7387 1.98
13 Zoho CRM Plus 6492 1.74
14 Feefo 6149 1.65
15 Zoho Desk 5077 1.36
16 Como 4860 1.30
17 UserVoice 4415 1.19
18 Qzzr 4130 1.11
19 Aspect Software 4089 1.10
20 Five9 3204 0.86
21 Higher Logic 3135 0.84
22 Genesys PureCloud 3041 0.82
23 WalkMe 2963 0.80
24 Salesforce Engage 2943 0.79
25 Nosto 2854 0.77
26 Cxense Insight 2745 0.74
27 Proof 2091 0.56
28 CleverTap 1867 0.50
29 SendX 1820 0.49
30 Survicate 1593 0.43
31 CallPage 1587 0.43
32 Woobox 1443 0.39
33 WebEngage 1366 0.37
34 Gainsight 1321 0.35
35 Agendize 1255 0.34
36 iZooto 1218 0.33
37 Get Satisfaction 1080 0.29
38 Vivocha 988 0.27
39 953 0.26
40 Iterable 944 0.25
41 amoCRM 941 0.25
42 vCita Business App 921 0.25
43 PathFactory 901 0.24
44 ChurnZero 841 0.23
45 Lithium 835 0.22
46 Whatfix 785 0.21
47 Creatio 719 0.19
48 REVE Chat 660 0.18
49 Yieldify 660 0.18
50 Platform 540 0.14
51 Glofox 537 0.14
52 Qualifio 490 0.13
53 Cendyn 474 0.13
54 xSellco Helpdesk 441 0.12
55 Answerbase 440 0.12
56 Blue Enterprise Surveys 432 0.12
57 Totango 424 0.11
58 Antavo 420 0.11
59 Khoros 416 0.11
60 Thought Industries 403 0.11
61 Skeepers 381 0.10
62 ClearSlide 374 0.10
63 inSided 360 0.10
64 Incentivio 283 0.08
65 Clarabridge CX Social 278 0.07
66 256 0.07
67 UXPressia 175 0.05
68 Genesys Multicloud CX 155 0.04
69 Genesys PureEngage 154 0.04
70 Callminer 151 0.04
71 Marketo Sales Connect 142 0.04
72 idomoo 141 0.04
73 VePlatform 141 0.04
74 ReviewTrackers 138 0.04
75 RandomPicker 136 0.04
76 Message Mate 134 0.04
77 Ebsta 123 0.03
78 PushAd 119 0.03
79 Skilljar 117 0.03
80 Baremetrics 109 0.03
81 BEYABLE 108 0.03
82 Bunchball Nitro 108 0.03
83 Audiense 105 0.03
84 UserEngage 104 0.03
85 SurveySparrow 94 0.03
86 DailyStory 94 0.03
87 CustomShow 94 0.03
88 Feedier 91 0.02
89 Starred 89 0.02
90 Gleantap 87 0.02
91 UJET 78 0.02
92 CustomerGauge 77 0.02
93 Badgeville 75 0.02
94 Fidelity TouchPoint 74 0.02
95 ReachEdge 72 0.02
96 Huddle 71 0.02
97 LiveHelp 65 0.02
98 Picnic 64 0.02
99 iTouchVision Contact Centre 59 0.02
100 Phone2Action 59 0.02
101 Loyalzoo 55 0.01
102 Xperience 48 0.01
103 Rakuten Aquafadas 41 0.01
104 INDE Broadcast AR 40 0.01
105 Relay 36 0.01
106 Aspect Via 34 0.01
107 Higher Logic Online Community 34 0.01
108 Akita 33 0.01
109 Moxie Concierge 32 0.01
110 viewneo 32 0.01
111 SAP Digital CRM 32 0.01
112 Adxstudio Portals 31 0.01
113 Katabat 31 0.01
114 30 0.01
115 Toonimo 29 0.01
116 VeriShow 29 0.01
117 POPi/o 29 0.01
118 Amity 27 0.01
119 Liveoak 27 0.01
120 Trivie 27 0.01
121 Klaus 24 0.01
122 Preferred Patron Loyalty 23 0.01
123 Optinize 23 0.01
124 RingCaptcha 23 0.01
125 SightMill 20 0.01
126 Whisbi 19 0.01
127 Socialman 18 0.00
128 King of App 18 0.00
129 Iridize 16 0.00
130 My Council Services 15 0.00
131 Opower 15 0.00
132 HCL Unica Interact 12 0.00
133 Bloobirds 11 0.00
134 IBM ExperienceOne 11 0.00
135 Journey Sales 11 0.00
136 Acromobile 11 0.00
137 Callmaker 9 0.00
138 Salesmachine 9 0.00
139 SimpleFeedback 8 0.00
140 BrightInfo 6 0.00
141 TOTUS 4 0.00
142 3CLogic 4 0.00
143 ChurnSpotter 3 0.00
144 HookFeed 3 0.00
145 thirdstream 2 0.00
146 [24]7 AssistTM 2 0.00
147 Matador AI 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Intercom 20.16 (%)
LiveChat 10.55 (%)
Zoho SalesIQ 7.28 (%)
Yotpo 6.43 (%)
Zoho CRM 5.01 (%) for Shopify 4.57 (%)
Sumo 4.11 (%)
Pendo 3.98 (%)
Salesforce Service Cloud 3.76 (%)
Salesforce Commerce Cloud 3.49 (%)
Pipedrive 3.32 (%)
LivePerson 1.98 (%)
Zoho CRM Plus 1.74 (%)
Feefo 1.65 (%)
Zoho Desk 1.36 (%)
Como 1.30 (%)
UserVoice 1.19 (%)
Qzzr 1.11 (%)
Aspect Software 1.10 (%)
Five9 0.86 (%)
Higher Logic 0.84 (%)
Genesys PureCloud 0.82 (%)
WalkMe 0.80 (%)
Salesforce Engage 0.79 (%)
Nosto 0.77 (%)
Cxense Insight 0.74 (%)
Proof 0.56 (%)
CleverTap 0.50 (%)
SendX 0.49 (%)
Survicate 0.43 (%)
CallPage 0.43 (%)
Woobox 0.39 (%)
WebEngage 0.37 (%)
Gainsight 0.35 (%)
Agendize 0.34 (%)
iZooto 0.33 (%)
Get Satisfaction 0.29 (%)
Vivocha 0.27 (%) 0.26 (%)
Iterable 0.25 (%)
amoCRM 0.25 (%)
vCita Business App 0.25 (%)
PathFactory 0.24 (%)
ChurnZero 0.23 (%)
Lithium 0.22 (%)
Whatfix 0.21 (%)
Creatio 0.19 (%)
REVE Chat 0.18 (%)
Yieldify 0.18 (%) Platform 0.14 (%)
Glofox 0.14 (%)
Qualifio 0.13 (%)
Cendyn 0.13 (%)
xSellco Helpdesk 0.12 (%)
Answerbase 0.12 (%)
Blue Enterprise Surveys 0.12 (%)
Totango 0.11 (%)
Antavo 0.11 (%)
Khoros 0.11 (%)
Thought Industries 0.11 (%)
Skeepers 0.10 (%)
ClearSlide 0.10 (%)
inSided 0.10 (%)
Incentivio 0.08 (%)
Clarabridge CX Social 0.07 (%) 0.07 (%)
UXPressia 0.05 (%)
Genesys Multicloud CX 0.04 (%)
Genesys PureEngage 0.04 (%)
Callminer 0.04 (%)
Marketo Sales Connect 0.04 (%)
idomoo 0.04 (%)
VePlatform 0.04 (%)
ReviewTrackers 0.04 (%)
RandomPicker 0.04 (%)
Message Mate 0.04 (%)
Ebsta 0.03 (%)
PushAd 0.03 (%)
Skilljar 0.03 (%)
Baremetrics 0.03 (%)
BEYABLE 0.03 (%)
Bunchball Nitro 0.03 (%)
Audiense 0.03 (%)
UserEngage 0.03 (%)
SurveySparrow 0.03 (%)
DailyStory 0.03 (%)
CustomShow 0.03 (%)
Feedier 0.02 (%)
Starred 0.02 (%)
Gleantap 0.02 (%)
UJET 0.02 (%)
CustomerGauge 0.02 (%)
Badgeville 0.02 (%)
Fidelity TouchPoint 0.02 (%)
ReachEdge 0.02 (%)
Huddle 0.02 (%)
LiveHelp 0.02 (%)
Picnic 0.02 (%)
iTouchVision Contact Centre 0.02 (%)
Phone2Action 0.02 (%)
Loyalzoo 0.01 (%)
Xperience 0.01 (%)
Rakuten Aquafadas 0.01 (%)
INDE Broadcast AR 0.01 (%)
Relay 0.01 (%)
Aspect Via 0.01 (%)
Higher Logic Online Community 0.01 (%)
Akita 0.01 (%)
Moxie Concierge 0.01 (%)
viewneo 0.01 (%)
SAP Digital CRM 0.01 (%)
Adxstudio Portals 0.01 (%)
Katabat 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Toonimo 0.01 (%)
VeriShow 0.01 (%)
POPi/o 0.01 (%)
Amity 0.01 (%)
Liveoak 0.01 (%)
Trivie 0.01 (%)
Klaus 0.01 (%)
Preferred Patron Loyalty 0.01 (%)
Optinize 0.01 (%)
RingCaptcha 0.01 (%)
SightMill 0.01 (%)
Whisbi 0.01 (%)
Socialman 0.00 (%)
King of App 0.00 (%)
Iridize 0.00 (%)
My Council Services 0.00 (%)
Opower 0.00 (%)
HCL Unica Interact 0.00 (%)
Bloobirds 0.00 (%)
IBM ExperienceOne 0.00 (%)
Journey Sales 0.00 (%)
Acromobile 0.00 (%)
Callmaker 0.00 (%)
Salesmachine 0.00 (%)
SimpleFeedback 0.00 (%)
BrightInfo 0.00 (%)
TOTUS 0.00 (%)
3CLogic 0.00 (%)
ChurnSpotter 0.00 (%)
HookFeed 0.00 (%)
thirdstream 0.00 (%)
[24]7 AssistTM 0.00 (%)
Matador AI 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Customer Engagement software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Customer Engagement software are Intercom, LiveChat, Zoho SalesIQ. Here, you can view a full list of Customer Engagement tools in the market.

How many companies use Customer Engagement software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 285,386 companies are currently using one or more Customer Engagement software. Out of these, there are 155,858 companies using Customer Engagement tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Customer Engagement software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Customer Engagement space are Intercom with 20.16 % of market share, and LiveChat with 10.55 % of market share and Zoho SalesIQ with 7.28 % of market share . Check for other Customer Engagement technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Customer Engagement softwares?

The top industries that use Customer Engagement software are Professional Services (59,069) , Technology (43,688) , Retail and CPG (29,316) .

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