Customer Loyalty

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Customer Loyalty tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Customer Loyalty Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Customer Loyalty

Top 5 Customer Loyalty technologies in 2023

Over 82,419 companies are using Customer Loyalty tools. Yotpo with 29.04% market share (23,937 customers), with 23.77% market share (19,594 customers), Bazaarvoice with 11.26% market share (9,280 customers),

Customer Loyalty Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Customer Loyalty category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (29,609 companies), 20 - 49 employees (14,820 companies), 10 - 19 employees (5,992 companies).

Customer Loyalty Customers by Geography

Companies using Customer Loyalty technology software are majorly from the United States with 44,884 (75.40%), United Kingdom with 4,892 (8.22%), Canada with 2,920 (4.91%) customers respectively.

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Customer Loyalty Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Customer Loyalty for Retail and CPG (19,169), Professional Services (9,158), Technology (4,262).

Market Share for Top Customer Loyalty Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Customer Loyalty technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer count and market share data is calculated based on the organizations identified and tracked in the 6sense database. Market share(%)
1 Yotpo 23937 29.04
2 19594 23.77
3 Bazaarvoice 9280 11.26
4 Como 4870 5.91
5 Medallia 4214 5.11
6 Qzzr 4130 5.01
7 PowerReviews 3412 4.14
8 Higher Logic 3130 3.80
9 NiceJob 1952 2.37
10 Get Satisfaction 1080 1.31
11 ReferralCandy 990 1.20
12 VoucherCart 820 0.99
13 Ambassador 516 0.63
14 Contentsquare 471 0.57
15 Antavo 420 0.51
16 Academy LMS 356 0.43
17 Retently 351 0.43
18 TapMango 317 0.38
19 Perkville 244 0.30
20 LevelUp 232 0.28
21 UXPressia 175 0.21
22 Belly 118 0.14
23 Bunchball Nitro 109 0.13
24 Referral SaaSquatch 104 0.13
25 CustomerSure 89 0.11
26 Starred 89 0.11
27 Gleantap 87 0.11
28 RepeatRewards 87 0.11
29 Voucherify 84 0.10
30 InviteBox 84 0.10
31 Bi Worldwide 84 0.10
32 Badgeville 75 0.09
33 Kangaroo 68 0.08
34 Picnic 64 0.08
35 bLoyal 61 0.07
36 Comarch Loyalty Management 61 0.07
37 ProcedureFlow 60 0.07
38 iTouchVision Consumer Goods 59 0.07
39 Loyalzoo 55 0.07
40 PassMarket 54 0.07
41 Open Loyalty 54 0.07
42 SailPlay Loyalty 50 0.06
43 Loopy Loyalty 42 0.05
44 Kontest 41 0.05
45 Bungee 32 0.04
46 SignalMind 28 0.03
47 RewardStream 27 0.03
48 26 0.03
49 Preferred Patron Loyalty 23 0.03
50 Currency Alliance 20 0.02
51 Queue 16 0.02
52 Goody 15 0.02
53 Pobuca Loyalty 13 0.02
54 The Loyalty Box 12 0.01
55 Salesmachine 9 0.01
56 Salesforce Loyalty Management 8 0.01
57 Datagame 7 0.01
58 viCloning 6 0.01
59 Oappso Loyalty 4 0.00
60 ABM Loyalty 3 0.00
Technology Market share
Yotpo 29.04 (%) 23.77 (%)
Bazaarvoice 11.26 (%)
Como 5.91 (%)
Medallia 5.11 (%)
Qzzr 5.01 (%)
PowerReviews 4.14 (%)
Higher Logic 3.80 (%)
NiceJob 2.37 (%)
Get Satisfaction 1.31 (%)
ReferralCandy 1.20 (%)
VoucherCart 0.99 (%)
Ambassador 0.63 (%)
Contentsquare 0.57 (%)
Antavo 0.51 (%)
Academy LMS 0.43 (%)
Retently 0.43 (%)
TapMango 0.38 (%)
Perkville 0.30 (%)
LevelUp 0.28 (%)
UXPressia 0.21 (%)
Belly 0.14 (%)
Bunchball Nitro 0.13 (%)
Referral SaaSquatch 0.13 (%)
CustomerSure 0.11 (%)
Starred 0.11 (%)
Gleantap 0.11 (%)
RepeatRewards 0.11 (%)
Voucherify 0.10 (%)
InviteBox 0.10 (%)
Bi Worldwide 0.10 (%)
Badgeville 0.09 (%)
Kangaroo 0.08 (%)
Picnic 0.08 (%)
bLoyal 0.07 (%)
Comarch Loyalty Management 0.07 (%)
ProcedureFlow 0.07 (%)
iTouchVision Consumer Goods 0.07 (%)
Loyalzoo 0.07 (%)
PassMarket 0.07 (%)
Open Loyalty 0.07 (%)
SailPlay Loyalty 0.06 (%)
Loopy Loyalty 0.05 (%)
Kontest 0.05 (%)
Bungee 0.04 (%)
SignalMind 0.03 (%)
RewardStream 0.03 (%) 0.03 (%)
Preferred Patron Loyalty 0.03 (%)
Currency Alliance 0.02 (%)
Queue 0.02 (%)
Goody 0.02 (%)
Pobuca Loyalty 0.02 (%)
The Loyalty Box 0.01 (%)
Salesmachine 0.01 (%)
Salesforce Loyalty Management 0.01 (%)
Datagame 0.01 (%)
viCloning 0.01 (%)
Oappso Loyalty 0.00 (%)
ABM Loyalty 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Customer Loyalty software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Customer Loyalty software are Yotpo,, Bazaarvoice. Here, you can view a full list of Customer Loyalty tools in the market.

How many companies use Customer Loyalty software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 64,752 companies are currently using one or more Customer Loyalty software. Out of these, there are 44,884 companies using Customer Loyalty tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Customer Loyalty software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Customer Loyalty space are Yotpo with 29.04 % of market share, and with 23.77 % of market share and Bazaarvoice with 11.26 % of market share . Check for other Customer Loyalty technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Customer Loyalty softwares?

The top industries that use Customer Loyalty software are Retail and CPG (19,169) , Professional Services (9,158) , Technology (4,262) .

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