File Sharing

Gain market share and customer base information about the top File Sharing tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of File Sharing Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Technologies Tracked
Companies Tracked
Categories related to File Sharing

Top 5 File Sharing technologies in 2023

Over 4,901,175 companies are using File Sharing tools. G Suite with 67.33% market share (3,300,206 customers), Slack with 8.60% market share (421,412 customers), Google Drive with 7.13% market share (349,398 customers),

File Sharing Customers by Employee Size

The majority of File Sharing category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (1,904,893 companies), 20 - 49 employees (937,904 companies), 10 - 19 employees (416,490 companies).

File Sharing Customers by Geography

Companies using File Sharing technology software are majorly from the United States with 2,190,825 (64.97%), United Kingdom with 281,325 (8.34%), India with 173,963 (5.16%) customers respectively.

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File Sharing Customers by Industry

Top industries that use File Sharing for Professional Services (1,025,650), Technology (378,709), Retail and CPG (293,493).

Market Share for Top File Sharing Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular File Sharing technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 G Suite 3300206 67.33
2 Slack 421412 8.60
3 Google Drive 349398 7.13
4 Microsoft Office 365 342957 7.00
5 Dropbox 124414 2.54
6 Cloudinary 83414 1.70
7 Citrix ShareFile 40129 0.82
8 ShareFile 36415 0.74
9 PixaBay 30403 0.62
10 WeTransfer 22539 0.46
11 Scribd 21863 0.45
12 OneDrive 21370 0.44
13 Box 20922 0.43
14 Microsoft OneDrive 19111 0.39
15 Adobe Document Cloud 16616 0.34
16 Egnyte 11024 0.22
17 Microsoft OneNote 4678 0.10
18 MangoApps 3625 0.07
19 OpenText Hightail 3040 0.06
20 SlideShare 2259 0.05
21 Front 1915 0.04
22 The Jupyter Notebook 1910 0.04
23 Transloadit 1586 0.03
24 HipChat 1422 0.03
25 Elium 1364 0.03
26 Beekeeper 1265 0.03
27 Apple iCloud 1012 0.02
28 Clinked 953 0.02
29 Microsoft OneDrive for Business 859 0.02
30 Firmex Virtual Data Room 837 0.02
31 M-Files 800 0.02
32 Lucidpress 758 0.02
33 Intralinks VIA 751 0.02
34 Igloo Software 682 0.01
35 MOVEit 649 0.01
36 OwnCloud 630 0.01
37 Bynder 547 0.01
38 WinZip 459 0.01
39 MyHub Intranet 399 0.01
40 Filestack 384 0.01
41 Uploadcare 379 0.01
42 eFileCabinet 371 0.01
43 CloudApp 370 0.01
44 Zoho Docs 315 0.01
45 Ftopia 300 0.01
46 dotloop 292 0.01
47 pCloud 291 0.01
48 FTAPI 286 0.01
49 ShareVault 203 0.00
50 Azure Files 198 0.00
51 Accellion 184 0.00
52 IBM Aspera 170 0.00
53 Noodle 144 0.00
54 GoAnywhere MFT 142 0.00
55 VidGrid 140 0.00
56 Glip 124 0.00
57 Onehub 123 0.00
58 Magentrix Communities 123 0.00
59 Folloze 122 0.00
60 Wimi 117 0.00
61 eFax Corporate 111 0.00
62 Wire 103 0.00
63 Droplr 101 0.00
64 Syncplicity 90 0.00
65 OurRecords 84 0.00
66 Glasscubes 77 0.00
67 BlackBerry Workspaces 74 0.00
68 Workshare 72 0.00
69 Huddle 71 0.00
70 CapLinked 63 0.00
71 Dokmee 55 0.00
72 BrickFTP 55 0.00
73 Brainloop Secure Dataroom 54 0.00
74 MyPC Backup 52 0.00
75 Cleo Integration Cloud 51 0.00
76 FileInvite 51 0.00
77 Flock - 50 0.00
78 Soonr Workplace 49 0.00
79 DeliverySlip 46 0.00
80 Tresorit 42 0.00
81 Binfer 36 0.00
82 Directorpoint 35 0.00
83 WatchDox 35 0.00
84 Samepage 35 0.00
85 Nomadesk 29 0.00
86 ZipCloud 25 0.00
87 globaledit 21 0.00
88 Citrix Content Collaboration 19 0.00
89 Crate 19 0.00
90 17 0.00
91 Hall 17 0.00
92 Forwardai 13 0.00
93 Creativity 365 12 0.00
94 Backup Genie 10 0.00
95 DropSend 10 0.00
96 Zoho Cliq 9 0.00
97 TDSmaker 9 0.00
98 Stellar Library 9 0.00
99 bSource 8 0.00
100 Team on the Run 8 0.00
101 Sellsy Teamwork 8 0.00
102 NetApp Common Internet File System 7 0.00
103 iWeb FTP 7 0.00
104 Bolste 7 0.00
105 vBoxxCloud 6 0.00
106 Volerro 6 0.00
107 Micro Focus Filr 5 0.00
108 SendThisFile 5 0.00
109 PrizmDoc Viewer 5 0.00
110 BlueFiles 4 0.00
111 HighQ Dataroom 3 0.00
112 Cortado Corporate Server 3 0.00
113 CD Messenger 3 0.00
114 VeryConnect 2 0.00
115 InfoCDB 2 0.00
116 CloudPointe 2 0.00
117 JustCloud 2 0.00
Technology Market share
G Suite 67.33 (%)
Slack 8.60 (%)
Google Drive 7.13 (%)
Microsoft Office 365 7.00 (%)
Dropbox 2.54 (%)
Cloudinary 1.70 (%)
Citrix ShareFile 0.82 (%)
ShareFile 0.74 (%)
PixaBay 0.62 (%)
WeTransfer 0.46 (%)
Scribd 0.45 (%)
OneDrive 0.44 (%)
Box 0.43 (%)
Microsoft OneDrive 0.39 (%)
Adobe Document Cloud 0.34 (%)
Egnyte 0.22 (%)
Microsoft OneNote 0.10 (%)
MangoApps 0.07 (%)
OpenText Hightail 0.06 (%)
SlideShare 0.05 (%)
Front 0.04 (%)
The Jupyter Notebook 0.04 (%)
Transloadit 0.03 (%)
HipChat 0.03 (%)
Elium 0.03 (%)
Beekeeper 0.03 (%)
Apple iCloud 0.02 (%)
Clinked 0.02 (%)
Microsoft OneDrive for Business 0.02 (%)
Firmex Virtual Data Room 0.02 (%)
M-Files 0.02 (%)
Lucidpress 0.02 (%)
Intralinks VIA 0.02 (%)
Igloo Software 0.01 (%)
MOVEit 0.01 (%)
OwnCloud 0.01 (%)
Bynder 0.01 (%)
WinZip 0.01 (%)
MyHub Intranet 0.01 (%)
Filestack 0.01 (%)
Uploadcare 0.01 (%)
eFileCabinet 0.01 (%)
CloudApp 0.01 (%)
Zoho Docs 0.01 (%)
Ftopia 0.01 (%)
dotloop 0.01 (%)
pCloud 0.01 (%)
FTAPI 0.01 (%)
ShareVault 0.00 (%)
Azure Files 0.00 (%)
Accellion 0.00 (%)
IBM Aspera 0.00 (%)
Noodle 0.00 (%)
GoAnywhere MFT 0.00 (%)
VidGrid 0.00 (%)
Glip 0.00 (%)
Onehub 0.00 (%)
Magentrix Communities 0.00 (%)
Folloze 0.00 (%)
Wimi 0.00 (%)
eFax Corporate 0.00 (%)
Wire 0.00 (%)
Droplr 0.00 (%)
Syncplicity 0.00 (%)
OurRecords 0.00 (%)
Glasscubes 0.00 (%)
BlackBerry Workspaces 0.00 (%)
Workshare 0.00 (%)
Huddle 0.00 (%)
CapLinked 0.00 (%)
Dokmee 0.00 (%)
BrickFTP 0.00 (%)
Brainloop Secure Dataroom 0.00 (%)
MyPC Backup 0.00 (%)
Cleo Integration Cloud 0.00 (%)
FileInvite 0.00 (%)
Flock - 0.00 (%)
Soonr Workplace 0.00 (%)
DeliverySlip 0.00 (%)
Tresorit 0.00 (%)
Binfer 0.00 (%)
Directorpoint 0.00 (%)
WatchDox 0.00 (%)
Samepage 0.00 (%)
Nomadesk 0.00 (%)
ZipCloud 0.00 (%)
globaledit 0.00 (%)
Citrix Content Collaboration 0.00 (%)
Crate 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Hall 0.00 (%)
Forwardai 0.00 (%)
Creativity 365 0.00 (%)
Backup Genie 0.00 (%)
DropSend 0.00 (%)
Zoho Cliq 0.00 (%)
TDSmaker 0.00 (%)
Stellar Library 0.00 (%)
bSource 0.00 (%)
Team on the Run 0.00 (%)
Sellsy Teamwork 0.00 (%)
NetApp Common Internet File System 0.00 (%)
iWeb FTP 0.00 (%)
Bolste 0.00 (%)
vBoxxCloud 0.00 (%)
Volerro 0.00 (%)
Micro Focus Filr 0.00 (%)
SendThisFile 0.00 (%)
PrizmDoc Viewer 0.00 (%)
BlueFiles 0.00 (%)
HighQ Dataroom 0.00 (%)
Cortado Corporate Server 0.00 (%)
CD Messenger 0.00 (%)
VeryConnect 0.00 (%)
InfoCDB 0.00 (%)
CloudPointe 0.00 (%)
JustCloud 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top File Sharing software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for File Sharing software are G Suite, Slack, Google Drive. Here, you can view a full list of File Sharing tools in the market.

How many companies use File Sharing software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 4,137,942 companies are currently using one or more File Sharing software. Out of these, there are 2,190,825 companies using File Sharing tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the File Sharing software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the File Sharing space are G Suite with 67.33 % of market share, and Slack with 8.60 % of market share and Google Drive with 7.13 % of market share . Check for other File Sharing technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use File Sharing softwares?

The top industries that use File Sharing software are Professional Services (1,025,650) , Technology (378,709) , Retail and CPG (293,493) .

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