Knowledge Management

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Knowledge Management tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Knowledge Management Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Knowledge Management

Top 5 Knowledge Management technologies in 2023

Over 1,239,551 companies are using Knowledge Management tools. Wix with 63.44% market share (786,432 customers), Zendesk with 15.17% market share (188,083 customers), Quip with 4.59% market share (56,884 customers),

Knowledge Management Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Knowledge Management category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (484,211 companies), 20 - 49 employees (205,233 companies), 10 - 19 employees (87,914 companies).

Knowledge Management Customers by Geography

Companies using Knowledge Management technology software are majorly from the United States with 531,207 (65.75%), United Kingdom with 80,239 (9.93%), Canada with 34,906 (4.32%) customers respectively.

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Knowledge Management Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Knowledge Management for Professional Services (249,747), Technology (103,608), Retail and CPG (82,899).

Market Share for Top Knowledge Management Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Knowledge Management technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Wix 786432 63.44
2 Zendesk 188083 15.17
3 Quip 56884 4.59
4 Atlassian Confluence 43541 3.51
5 Freshworks 32176 2.60
6 Bitrix24 19953 1.61
7 TalentLMS 14117 1.14
8 Salesforce Service Cloud 13942 1.12
9 11448 0.92
10 LiveAgent 9282 0.75
11 Yammer 6136 0.50
12 Zoho Desk 5071 0.41
13 Re:amaze 4502 0.36
14 UserVoice 4407 0.36
15 IdeaScale 3873 0.31
16 MangoApps 3625 0.29
17 Litmos LMS 3460 0.28
18 Wix Answers 3315 0.27
19 SkyPrep 3234 0.26
20 Gitbook 3178 0.26
21 Jive 1830 0.15
22 ProProfs Knowledge Base 1512 0.12
23 Elium 1363 0.11
24 Helpjuice 1274 0.10
25 Flowlu 1102 0.09
26 Tridion 1042 0.08
27 Clinked 953 0.08
28 HappyFox 891 0.07
29 Igloo Software 682 0.06
30 Inbenta 533 0.04
31 Answerbase 439 0.04
32 Twine 439 0.04
33 Talisma 429 0.03
34 Thought Industries 403 0.03
35 Planio 402 0.03
36 MyHub Intranet 399 0.03
37 soLearn 395 0.03
38 IntelligenceBank Knowledge Management 364 0.03
39 Nuxeo 341 0.03
40 AnswerHub 339 0.03
41 RFPIO 307 0.02
42 Ftopia 302 0.02
43 MindTouch 300 0.02
44 Plek 296 0.02
45 Slab 295 0.02
46 Cherwell Service Management 286 0.02
47 Document360 284 0.02
48 Way We Do 279 0.02
49 XWiki 269 0.02
50 Qhub 261 0.02
51 iorad 235 0.02
52 Zingtree 225 0.02
53 Hippo Video 223 0.02
54 Vivantio Pro 217 0.02
55 Obindo 199 0.02
56 Unily 196 0.02
57 KronoDesk 182 0.01
58 Zoho Wiki 162 0.01
59 KnowledgeOwl 150 0.01
60 SABIO 148 0.01
61 Bloomfire 147 0.01
62 UseResponse 142 0.01
63 VidGrid 140 0.01
64 Zoho Connect 122 0.01
65 Favro 100 0.01
66 Attivio 98 0.01
67 Stack Overflow for Teams 91 0.01
68 iMeet Central 86 0.01
69 Happeo 83 0.01
70 Helprace 82 0.01
71 SmarterU LMS 81 0.01
72 Poka 80 0.01
73 Spoke 80 0.01
74 EduBrite 79 0.01
75 Yonyx 72 0.01
76 Alloy Navigator 72 0.01
77 Communifire 70 0.01
78 eXo Platform 68 0.01
79 Elucidat 64 0.01
80 62 0.01
81 Planbox Innovate 60 0.00
82 ProcedureFlow 59 0.00
83 ScreenSteps 55 0.00
84 Onna 52 0.00
85 Panviva 51 0.00
86 Tallium Network 50 0.00
87 Flock - 50 0.00
88 Shelf 46 0.00
89 Archbee 42 0.00
90 TOPYX 39 0.00
91 KMS Lighthouse 39 0.00
92 Keeeb 38 0.00
93 Inmagic Presto 38 0.00
94 USU Knowledge Management Software 37 0.00
95 ClickHelp 33 0.00
96 SocialChorus 32 0.00
97 ComAround Knowledge 29 0.00
98 VisionFlow 28 0.00
99 KBase for Outlook 27 0.00
100 EdCast 25 0.00
101 Smartlogic Semaphore 24 0.00
102 Skillmeter 21 0.00
103 Actionspace 21 0.00
104 Universal Knowledge 19 0.00
105 Precurio 17 0.00
106 Liberty 16 0.00
107 Intranet DASHBOARD 16 0.00
108 Foresight Intelligence Center 14 0.00
109 Enable LMS 11 0.00
110 Calls9 Knowledge Plus 11 0.00
111 C2 ATOM 11 0.00
112 Dezide 11 0.00
113 Crowdbase 10 0.00
114 Salesbricks 10 0.00
115 BoostHQ 9 0.00
116 Acknow 8 0.00
117 Honey 7 0.00
118 LumoFlow 7 0.00
119 KANA Express 6 0.00
120 KeyStone OnDemand 6 0.00
121 careerpassport 5 0.00
122 Qontext 5 0.00
123 HelpMaster 4 0.00
124 Methodologee 4 0.00
125 OpenText Decisiv 3 0.00
126 Geenio 3 0.00
127 ShowHows 3 0.00
128 Objectiveli 3 0.00
129 NanoNotion 2 0.00
130 eStudio 2 0.00
131 Lessons Learned Database 2 0.00
132 InfoCDB 2 0.00
133 IntelliEnterprise 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Wix 63.44 (%)
Zendesk 15.17 (%)
Quip 4.59 (%)
Atlassian Confluence 3.51 (%)
Freshworks 2.60 (%)
Bitrix24 1.61 (%)
TalentLMS 1.14 (%)
Salesforce Service Cloud 1.12 (%) 0.92 (%)
LiveAgent 0.75 (%)
Yammer 0.50 (%)
Zoho Desk 0.41 (%)
Re:amaze 0.36 (%)
UserVoice 0.36 (%)
IdeaScale 0.31 (%)
MangoApps 0.29 (%)
Litmos LMS 0.28 (%)
Wix Answers 0.27 (%)
SkyPrep 0.26 (%)
Gitbook 0.26 (%)
Jive 0.15 (%)
ProProfs Knowledge Base 0.12 (%)
Elium 0.11 (%)
Helpjuice 0.10 (%)
Flowlu 0.09 (%)
Tridion 0.08 (%)
Clinked 0.08 (%)
HappyFox 0.07 (%)
Igloo Software 0.06 (%)
Inbenta 0.04 (%)
Answerbase 0.04 (%)
Twine 0.04 (%)
Talisma 0.03 (%)
Thought Industries 0.03 (%)
Planio 0.03 (%)
MyHub Intranet 0.03 (%)
soLearn 0.03 (%)
IntelligenceBank Knowledge Management 0.03 (%)
Nuxeo 0.03 (%)
AnswerHub 0.03 (%)
RFPIO 0.02 (%)
Ftopia 0.02 (%)
MindTouch 0.02 (%)
Plek 0.02 (%)
Slab 0.02 (%)
Cherwell Service Management 0.02 (%)
Document360 0.02 (%)
Way We Do 0.02 (%)
XWiki 0.02 (%)
Qhub 0.02 (%)
iorad 0.02 (%)
Zingtree 0.02 (%)
Hippo Video 0.02 (%)
Vivantio Pro 0.02 (%)
Obindo 0.02 (%)
Unily 0.02 (%)
KronoDesk 0.01 (%)
Zoho Wiki 0.01 (%)
KnowledgeOwl 0.01 (%)
SABIO 0.01 (%)
Bloomfire 0.01 (%)
UseResponse 0.01 (%)
VidGrid 0.01 (%)
Zoho Connect 0.01 (%)
Favro 0.01 (%)
Attivio 0.01 (%)
Stack Overflow for Teams 0.01 (%)
iMeet Central 0.01 (%)
Happeo 0.01 (%)
Helprace 0.01 (%)
SmarterU LMS 0.01 (%)
Poka 0.01 (%)
Spoke 0.01 (%)
EduBrite 0.01 (%)
Yonyx 0.01 (%)
Alloy Navigator 0.01 (%)
Communifire 0.01 (%)
eXo Platform 0.01 (%)
Elucidat 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Planbox Innovate 0.00 (%)
ProcedureFlow 0.00 (%)
ScreenSteps 0.00 (%)
Onna 0.00 (%)
Panviva 0.00 (%)
Tallium Network 0.00 (%)
Flock - 0.00 (%)
Shelf 0.00 (%)
Archbee 0.00 (%)
TOPYX 0.00 (%)
KMS Lighthouse 0.00 (%)
Keeeb 0.00 (%)
Inmagic Presto 0.00 (%)
USU Knowledge Management Software 0.00 (%)
ClickHelp 0.00 (%)
SocialChorus 0.00 (%)
ComAround Knowledge 0.00 (%)
VisionFlow 0.00 (%)
KBase for Outlook 0.00 (%)
EdCast 0.00 (%)
Smartlogic Semaphore 0.00 (%)
Skillmeter 0.00 (%)
Actionspace 0.00 (%)
Universal Knowledge 0.00 (%)
Precurio 0.00 (%)
Liberty 0.00 (%)
Intranet DASHBOARD 0.00 (%)
Foresight Intelligence Center 0.00 (%)
Enable LMS 0.00 (%)
Calls9 Knowledge Plus 0.00 (%)
C2 ATOM 0.00 (%)
Dezide 0.00 (%)
Crowdbase 0.00 (%)
Salesbricks 0.00 (%)
BoostHQ 0.00 (%)
Acknow 0.00 (%)
Honey 0.00 (%)
LumoFlow 0.00 (%)
KANA Express 0.00 (%)
KeyStone OnDemand 0.00 (%)
careerpassport 0.00 (%)
Qontext 0.00 (%)
HelpMaster 0.00 (%)
Methodologee 0.00 (%)
OpenText Decisiv 0.00 (%)
Geenio 0.00 (%)
ShowHows 0.00 (%)
Objectiveli 0.00 (%)
NanoNotion 0.00 (%)
eStudio 0.00 (%)
Lessons Learned Database 0.00 (%)
InfoCDB 0.00 (%)
IntelliEnterprise 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Knowledge Management software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Knowledge Management software are Wix, Zendesk, Quip. Here, you can view a full list of Knowledge Management tools in the market.

How many companies use Knowledge Management software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 976,921 companies are currently using one or more Knowledge Management software. Out of these, there are 531,207 companies using Knowledge Management tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Knowledge Management software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Knowledge Management space are Wix with 63.44 % of market share, and Zendesk with 15.17 % of market share and Quip with 4.59 % of market share . Check for other Knowledge Management technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Knowledge Management softwares?

The top industries that use Knowledge Management software are Professional Services (249,747) , Technology (103,608) , Retail and CPG (82,899) .

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