
Gain market share and customer base information about the top Productivity tracked by 6sense. Check out our list of Productivity Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

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Categories related to Productivity

Top 5 Productivity technologies in 2023

Over 1,638,520 companies are using Productivity tools. Slack with 25.73% market share (421,542 customers), Microsoft Office 365 with 20.97% market share (343,525 customers), Microsoft Excel with 11.50% market share (188,395 customers),

Productivity Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Productivity category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (409,343 companies), 20 - 49 employees (394,729 companies), 100 - 249 employees (224,008 companies).

Productivity Customers by Geography

Companies using Productivity technology software are majorly from the United States with 837,559 (63.38%), United Kingdom with 139,699 (10.57%), Canada with 75,720 (5.73%) customers respectively.

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Productivity Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Productivity for Professional Services (355,667), Technology (230,519), Retail and CPG (90,206).

Market Share for Top Productivity Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Productivity technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Customer counts are calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform. Market share (%) Market share is calculated based on the data captured and tracked on the 6sense platform.
1 Slack 421542 25.73
2 Microsoft Office 365 343525 20.97
3 Microsoft Excel 188395 11.50
4 Google Docs 132803 8.11
5 JIRA Software 103842 6.34
6 Microsoft Word 99614 6.08
7 Quip 56883 3.47
8 Microsoft Powerpoint 49763 3.04
9 Atlassian Confluence 43826 2.67
10 Trello 31600 1.93
11 Inkscape 24565 1.50
12 Airtable 22545 1.38
13 Asana 21810 1.33
14 pocket 18384 1.12
15 SAPENTA 13906 0.85
16 Evernote 13037 0.80
17 Evernote Business 12066 0.74
18 11406 0.70
19 Canvas LMS 6614 0.40
20 MangoApps 3625 0.22
21 Teamup Calendar 2242 0.14
22 mite 2171 0.13
23 Front 1922 0.12
24 Elium 1362 0.08
25 Wordle 1014 0.06
26 Diligent Boards 640 0.04
27 Azeus Convene 548 0.03
28 Atmail 491 0.03
29 Webydo 472 0.03
30 I Done This 428 0.03
31 MyHub Intranet 398 0.02
32 AnswerHub 340 0.02
33 Promapp 322 0.02
34 Zoho Docs 316 0.02
35 Coffitivity 314 0.02
36 Ftopia 300 0.02
37 ActiveCollab 269 0.02
38 Loomio 222 0.01
39 Mentimeter 209 0.01
40 Unily 196 0.01
41 Zoho Show 190 0.01
42 PieSync 182 0.01
43 SpiraTeam 150 0.01
44 Bloomfire 150 0.01
45 Glip 124 0.01
46 Zoho Connect 122 0.01
47 Todoist 120 0.01
48 Wimi 117 0.01
49 Wunderlist 114 0.01
50 Workboard 111 0.01
51 ProtoShare 107 0.01
52 Favro 101 0.01
53 Wire 101 0.01
54 HyperOffice 99 0.01
55 Highfive 99 0.01
56 Jostle 95 0.01
57 Socialtext 95 0.01
58 OnSemble Intranet Portal 94 0.01
59 Annotary 92 0.01
60 BetterWorks 90 0.01
61 90 0.01
62 Streamtime 89 0.01
63 Paymo 81 0.00
64 Teamweek 76 0.00
65 ActivTrak 75 0.00
66 Hygger 74 0.00
67 Sitrion ONE 72 0.00
68 Huddle 71 0.00
69 ProofHub 67 0.00
70 Hohli 63 0.00
71 Planbox Innovate 60 0.00
72 ProcedureFlow 60 0.00
73 MindManager 57 0.00
74 RationalPlan 55 0.00
75 Sapience 54 0.00
76 FileInvite 51 0.00
77 Flock - 50 0.00
78 Soonr Workplace 49 0.00
79 EndNote 49 0.00
80 MeetingKing 47 0.00
81 StatPlanet 43 0.00
82 Teramind 39 0.00
83 Lovely Charts 39 0.00
84 Productive 36 0.00
85 Comindwork 36 0.00
86 Directorpoint 35 0.00
87 Now Assistant 35 0.00
88 Samepage 35 0.00
89 Vitalist 34 0.00
90 Springpad 33 0.00
91 SocialChorus 31 0.00
92 Workgroups DaVinci 31 0.00
93 Webinato 30 0.00
94 PROS Smart CPQ 30 0.00
95 Cloud Coach 30 0.00
96 DeskAway 29 0.00
97 VisionFlow 28 0.00
98 Broadsoft Team-One 27 0.00
99 Projecturf 24 0.00
100 Actionspace 21 0.00
101 SYNCHRO Notes and Crew (formerly NoteVault) 21 0.00
102 Precurio 17 0.00
103 16 0.00
104 Azendoo 16 0.00
105 TimeCamp 16 0.00
106 Intranet DASHBOARD 16 0.00
107 OmniFocus 14 0.00
108 Pentalogic WorldTime 14 0.00
109 13 0.00
110 Function Point 12 0.00
111 12 0.00
112 Creativity 365 12 0.00
113 InterWeave integration with Quickbooks 11 0.00
114 InterWeave SugarCRM integration with Quickbooks 11 0.00
115 Boomr 11 0.00
116 oneDrum 10 0.00
117 Zoho Cliq 9 0.00
118 Bolste 8 0.00
119 Geekbot 7 0.00
120 GlobiMail for Podio 6 0.00
121 Allocable 6 0.00
122 9TEAMS 6 0.00
123 WorkPuls 5 0.00
124 Twords 4 0.00
125 Taskfeed 4 0.00
126 Methodologee 4 0.00
127 CD Messenger 3 0.00
128 OmniContext Personal Analytics 3 0.00
129 Tipbit 3 0.00
130 Getquantify 3 0.00
131 Objectiveli 3 0.00
132 Xehon 2 0.00
133 Trackolade 2 0.00
134 Appranet 2 0.00
135 Manage It 2 0.00
Technology Market share
Slack 25.73 (%)
Microsoft Office 365 20.97 (%)
Microsoft Excel 11.50 (%)
Google Docs 8.11 (%)
JIRA Software 6.34 (%)
Microsoft Word 6.08 (%)
Quip 3.47 (%)
Microsoft Powerpoint 3.04 (%)
Atlassian Confluence 2.67 (%)
Trello 1.93 (%)
Inkscape 1.50 (%)
Airtable 1.38 (%)
Asana 1.33 (%)
pocket 1.12 (%)
SAPENTA 0.85 (%)
Evernote 0.80 (%)
Evernote Business 0.74 (%) 0.70 (%)
Canvas LMS 0.40 (%)
MangoApps 0.22 (%)
Teamup Calendar 0.14 (%)
mite 0.13 (%)
Front 0.12 (%)
Elium 0.08 (%)
Wordle 0.06 (%)
Diligent Boards 0.04 (%)
Azeus Convene 0.03 (%)
Atmail 0.03 (%)
Webydo 0.03 (%)
I Done This 0.03 (%)
MyHub Intranet 0.02 (%)
AnswerHub 0.02 (%)
Promapp 0.02 (%)
Zoho Docs 0.02 (%)
Coffitivity 0.02 (%)
Ftopia 0.02 (%)
ActiveCollab 0.02 (%)
Loomio 0.01 (%)
Mentimeter 0.01 (%)
Unily 0.01 (%)
Zoho Show 0.01 (%)
PieSync 0.01 (%)
SpiraTeam 0.01 (%)
Bloomfire 0.01 (%)
Glip 0.01 (%)
Zoho Connect 0.01 (%)
Todoist 0.01 (%)
Wimi 0.01 (%)
Wunderlist 0.01 (%)
Workboard 0.01 (%)
ProtoShare 0.01 (%)
Favro 0.01 (%)
Wire 0.01 (%)
HyperOffice 0.01 (%)
Highfive 0.01 (%)
Jostle 0.01 (%)
Socialtext 0.01 (%)
OnSemble Intranet Portal 0.01 (%)
Annotary 0.01 (%)
BetterWorks 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Streamtime 0.01 (%)
Paymo 0.00 (%)
Teamweek 0.00 (%)
ActivTrak 0.00 (%)
Hygger 0.00 (%)
Sitrion ONE 0.00 (%)
Huddle 0.00 (%)
ProofHub 0.00 (%)
Hohli 0.00 (%)
Planbox Innovate 0.00 (%)
ProcedureFlow 0.00 (%)
MindManager 0.00 (%)
RationalPlan 0.00 (%)
Sapience 0.00 (%)
FileInvite 0.00 (%)
Flock - 0.00 (%)
Soonr Workplace 0.00 (%)
EndNote 0.00 (%)
MeetingKing 0.00 (%)
StatPlanet 0.00 (%)
Teramind 0.00 (%)
Lovely Charts 0.00 (%)
Productive 0.00 (%)
Comindwork 0.00 (%)
Directorpoint 0.00 (%)
Now Assistant 0.00 (%)
Samepage 0.00 (%)
Vitalist 0.00 (%)
Springpad 0.00 (%)
SocialChorus 0.00 (%)
Workgroups DaVinci 0.00 (%)
Webinato 0.00 (%)
PROS Smart CPQ 0.00 (%)
Cloud Coach 0.00 (%)
DeskAway 0.00 (%)
VisionFlow 0.00 (%)
Broadsoft Team-One 0.00 (%)
Projecturf 0.00 (%)
Actionspace 0.00 (%)
SYNCHRO Notes and Crew (formerly NoteVault) 0.00 (%)
Precurio 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Azendoo 0.00 (%)
TimeCamp 0.00 (%)
Intranet DASHBOARD 0.00 (%)
OmniFocus 0.00 (%)
Pentalogic WorldTime 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Function Point 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Creativity 365 0.00 (%)
InterWeave integration with Quickbooks 0.00 (%)
InterWeave SugarCRM integration with Quickbooks 0.00 (%)
Boomr 0.00 (%)
oneDrum 0.00 (%)
Zoho Cliq 0.00 (%)
Bolste 0.00 (%)
Geekbot 0.00 (%)
GlobiMail for Podio 0.00 (%)
Allocable 0.00 (%)
9TEAMS 0.00 (%)
WorkPuls 0.00 (%)
Twords 0.00 (%)
Taskfeed 0.00 (%)
Methodologee 0.00 (%)
CD Messenger 0.00 (%)
OmniContext Personal Analytics 0.00 (%)
Tipbit 0.00 (%)
Getquantify 0.00 (%)
Objectiveli 0.00 (%)
Xehon 0.00 (%)
Trackolade 0.00 (%)
Appranet 0.00 (%)
Manage It 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Productivity software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Productivity software are Slack, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Excel. Here, you can view a full list of Productivity tools in the market.

How many companies use Productivity software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 1,627,890 companies are currently using one or more Productivity software. Out of these, there are 837,559 companies using Productivity tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Productivity software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Productivity space are Slack with 25.73 % of market share, and Microsoft Office 365 with 20.97 % of market share and Microsoft Excel with 11.50 % of market share . Check for other Productivity technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Productivity softwares?

The top industries that use Productivity software are Professional Services (355,667) , Technology (230,519) , Retail and CPG (90,206) .

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